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Thursday, 28 February 2013

Special Beth Din Would Now Be "Delayed"


By Simon Rocker and Marcus Dysch, February 28, 2013

Rabbi Chaim Halpern and three other Orthodox men in north-west London who were arrested last week have been bailed by police to return later this month.

Rabbi Halpern, who heads the Divrei Chaim Synagogue in Golders Green, was questioned in connection with investigations into alleged sexual assault and perverting the course of justice.

The other three were questioned on suspicion of perverting the course of justice over his arrest.

The four men were released before Shabbat after being arrested early last Wednesday morning.

Rabbi Halpern’s solicitor said that he “categorically denies any allegation of wrongdoing”.

One of the men, Gary Ost, has temporarily stepped down from his role as chief executive of community security group Shomrim while the investigations continue.

Mr Ost said he “vehemently denied” the allegations against him and had fully co-operated with police.

“While these allegations are being investigated and until my name is completely cleared, I reluctantly feel it would be inappropriate for me to remain in my role at this time,” he said
Meanwhile, a Union of Orthodox Hebrew Congregations source said that a special Beth Din, set up to investigate complaints about Rabbi Halpern’s marriage counselling sessions for women, would now be “delayed” following the arrests.

Its three rabbinic judges from abroad had been due to return to the UK next week to resume their hearing

CEO of Shomrim North West London Steps Down


Monday, 25 February 2013

Adrian Usher special plea for victims of abuse

Barnet Borough Commander Adrian Usher made a special plea for victims of abuse in the community to come forward, saying: 
"My message is simple: 

Come forward and we will listen to you, 
support you and believe you."

Victims of sexual assault or sexual abuse are asked to contact the Sapphire Unit Incident Room at Barnet Police Station on 

0208 733 5062 

or Crimestoppers anonymously on 

0800 555 111.

It's working "I am Dragging everyone together with Me !!

Saturday, 23 February 2013

אסירי לונדון שוחררו לבתיהם לפני שבת

למרות שמעצרם היה אמור להימשך עד ליל 'שבת זכור' - שוחררו חיים הלפרין ושלושת אסירי לונדון מעט לפני שבת לבתיהם

ברגע האחרון, לאחר מאמצים רבים של העסקנים המקומיים, מעט לפני כניסת שבת, שוחררו ארבעת עצורי לונדון לבתיהם.

כזכור, ביום חמישי האריך בית המשפט המקומי ב-36 שעות את מעצרם של חיים הלפרין,  שנחשד בפגיעה בנשים שהגיעו אליו לייעוץ בענייני שלום-בית. שלושת העצורים האחרים חשודים בשיבוש הליכי משפט

העצורים התחייבו להתייצב לחקירה בעוד 14 יום, או בכל מועד אחר שיידרשו

Chaim Halpern released on police bail pending further inquiries

Chaim Halpern and three other Orthodox men who were arrested in Barnet on Wednesday morning were released by police on Friday.

They have been bailed to return in March pending further inquiries.

Chaim Halpern, of the Divrei Chaim Synagogue in Golders Green, was arrested in connection with investigations into alleged sexual assault and perverting the course of justice. The other three were questioned on suspicion of perverting the course of justice in connection with his arrest.

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Chief Superintendent Adrian Usher Reassurance to the Community

שבת זכור בכלא


'שבת זכור' בכלא: מעצרם של הלפרין ואסירי לונדון הוארך ב-36 שעות

בית המשפט הכריע: ארבעת אסירי פרשת לונדון - הלפרין ושלושת החשודים בחיפוי על מעשיו - יישארו במעצר 36 שעות נוספות • העצירים יאלצו לבלות את 'שבת זכור' בין כותלי בית המעצר • אברכים נוספים נחקרו בחשד למעורבות • ערוצי התקשורת הגדולים בבריטניה פתחו בסיקור הפרשה

יואל קוריץ, בחדרי חרדים 20:21 21/02/2013

הלם בקהילה החרדית בלונדון: בית המשפט המחוזי בשכונת הנדן האריך היום (ה) את מעצרם של ארבעת העצורים המעורבים ב'פרשת הלפרין', שנעצרו לפני יותר מ-24 שעות.

מדובר ב'חיים הלפרין, מרבני העיר, אחיו ,אחד מראשי ארגון 'השומרים' בגולדרס גרין, ואחד מעסקני גולדרס גרין המוכר גם ככותב בעיתון החרדי המקומי.

במשטרה הבריטית מנהלים את החקירה בדיסקרטיות, ומסרבים לשתף את כלי התקשורת במידע מתוכה ולחילופין לערב את העסקנים המקורבים לעצורים.

ל'בחדרי חרדים' נודע כי במהלך היממה האחרונה נערך שימוע לחלק מהעצורים, והיה נדמה כי חלקם ישוחררו. אך מאוחר יותר, הובאו חלקם בפני השופט - כדי שהמשטרה תוכל להחזיקם באופן חוקי במעצר ולהמשיך בחקירה.

בית המשפט האריך את מעצרם של החשודים ב-36 שעות, כך שהרבנים ושאר העצורים ייאלצו להישאר מאחורי סורג ובריח גם בשבת הקרובה - 'שבת זכור', הנחשבת לשבת שבה מתכנסים חברי הקהילה כולה לקראת חג הפורים.

עוד נודע, כי בימים האחרונים נחקרו מספר אברכים נוספים, שהמשטרה חשדה כי היו מעורבים בפרשה. אך עד כה לא בוצעו מעצרים נוספים. היום לראשונה החלו כלי התקשורת הגדולים במדינה בסיקור הפרשה לאחר שהבינו כי היא מסתעפת. הערב ישדר אחד הערוצים כתבה נרחבת בנושא, ועל פי ההערכה הלפרין יהיה במרכזה.

"זה הלם גדול", אומר תושב שכונת גולדרס גרין בעיר, "נדמה שהמשטרה החליטה לעשות סדר סופי".

הלפרין,  נחשד בפגיעה בנשים שהגיעו אליו לייעוץ בענייני שלום-בית. שלושת העצורים האחרים חשודים בכך שגרמו להשתקת הפרשה - למרות שידעו ממנה, ובנוסף בשיבוש הליכי משפט.

Police to continue questioning Rabbi Halpern

By Simon Rocker, February 21, 2013
Police have been granted another 36 hours to question Rabbi Chaim Halpern and three other Orthodox men who were arrested on Wednesday morning.
Rabbi Halpern was arrested in connection with investigations into alleged sexual assault and perverting the course of justice.
The other three men are being questioned on suspicion of perverting the course of justice in connection with his arrest.
Rabbi Halpern’s solicitor said: “He categorically denies any allegations of any criminal wrongdoing.”

BBC - Rabbi Chaim Halpern Arrested


21 February 2013 Last updated at 13:19 
Rabbi Chaim Halpern arrested in sexual abuse probe
Four men have been arrested by police investigating sexual abuse allegations among the Orthodox Jewish community in north London.
Home affairs correspondent Danny Shaw said the BBC understood Rabbi Chaim Halpern, 54, had been arrested on suspicion of sexual assault.
The rabbi, who runs a synagogue in Golders Green, is also being questioned on suspicion of perverting justice.
The BBC has learned Rabbi Halpern was one of four men arrested on Wednesday.
Three men, aged 25, 62 and 64, are also being questioned on suspicion of perverting the course of justice.
In December, in response to claims that he had acted inappropriately towards women, Rabbi Halpern issued a statement denying any wrongdoing.
He said: "I proclaim I am innocent of all allegations."

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Senior UK rabbi arrested after sex-crime investigation


Accusations against CH have divided London’s Haredi community since coming to light in the fall

By MIRIAM SHAVIV February 20, 2013, 3:30 pm

LONDON — A man believed to be CH, a London rabbi, was arrested Wednesday morning in connection with investigations into sexual assault and perverting the course of justice.

The London Metropolitan Police will not name him, but the man appears to be Halpern, a former religious judge for the Union of Orthodox Hebrew Congregations, who has been at the center of a sexual abuse scandal that has roiled London’s Haredi community since October.

Three more men were also arrested Wednesday morning on suspicion of perverting the course of justice in the case. They are all in custody at a north London police station and may be held for up to 48 hours without charge.

One is believed to be a brother of Halpern.

According to the London Metropolitan Police, all the arrests were made at addresses in the borough of Barnet, which includes the Orthodox suburb of Golders Green, where Halpern is a resident. The main suspect is 54; the others are 64, 62 and 25.
Last month, a religious court convened by the UOHC began deliberating on the case of Halpern, who has been accused of inappropriate sexual conduct with approximately 30 women who came to him for counseling and religious guidance. The judges were due to reconvene in early March.

Halpern is a member of one of London’s most prominent Haredi families, and attempts to force him out of his public positions have deeply divided the community. Although he resigned as a religious judge and rabbinic adviser to several London institutions in November, he continued to serve as rabbi of his own synagogue. In December, five senior London rabbis issued a public statement declaring him “not fit and proper to act in any rabbinic capacity.”

After months of public silence, Halpern recently went on the offensive, earlier this month securing a high court order for Google to identify the IP address of the owner of Ifyoutickleus, a blog that has covered the case closely, as well as the IP addresses of more than 20 commentators on the site. His lawyers claimed the comments were defamatory.

The London Metropolitan Police’s Barnet Borough Commander, Adrian Usher, said: “In Barnet, we are currently working with members of all our communities to ensure the voices of victims of abuse are heard. My message to those victims is simple: Come forward and we will listen to, support and believe you.”

דרמה בגולדרס גרין • המשטרה עצרה את הרב הלפרין, אחיו ושני עסקנים

דרמה בגולדרס גרין • המשטרה עצרה את הרב הלפרין, אחיו ושני עסקנים

פרשת הלפרין בלונדון מסתבכת • הבוקר - לראשונה מאז נחשפה הפרשה המביכה לפני חצי שנה - עצרה משטרת לונדון את הרב, אחיו ושני עסקנים מקומיים - בהם בכיר ב'שומרים' - החשודים בשיבוש הליכי משפט • חבר הקהילה: "מעמד מביך" • ומדוע רק כעת התערבה המשטרה בפרשה?

יואל קוריץ, בחדרי חרדים 11:35 20/02/2013

חזית בית הרב הלפרין הבוקר
פרשת הלפרין בלונדון מסתבכת: הבוקר (ד') - לראשונה מאז נחשף הציבור אל פרטי הפרשה המביכה לפני חצי שנה - הגיעו שוטרי המשטרה המקומית של לונדון אל ביתו של הרב בשכונת גולדרס גרין, ערכו חיפושים בביתו, ולאחר מכן עצרו אותו, את אחיו, ושני עסקנים מקומיים, החשודים כי שיבשו הליכי משפט, כאשר שילמו לנשים כסף על מנת שלא יתלוננו נגד הרב בפרשה.

העצורים הובאו לתחנת המשטרה בצפון לונדון הסמוכה לשכונת גולדרס גרין. אחד העסקנים שנעצרו הוא חבר בכיר בארגון השומרים המקומי.

על פי עדויות תושבים בשכונה, חוקרי המשטרה הגיעו אל ביתו של הרב הלפרין -הנחשד בביצוע מעשים מגונים בנשים שהגיעו אליו לייעוץ בענייני שלום בית - בשעה 6 בבוקר. אחד מבני קהילתו  - סיפר ל'בחדרי חרדים', כי השוטרים ביצעו חיפושים במסמכים ובמחשבים שבבית הרב. "מביך. זה מעמד לא נעים עבור רב במעמד כה גדול בקהילה החרדית".

ההערכה היא, כי המשטרה החלה חוקרת כעת בפרשה המסעירה את הקהילה היהודית באנגליה מזה חצי שנה, לאחר שהרב הלפרין פנה לערכאות והתלונן כי מפעילי אתרי אינטרנט ובלוגים מקומיים הכותבים על הפרשה מאפשרים לגולשים להשמיץ אותו, ודרש לחשוף את הכותבים נגדו, כדי להגיש תביעות דיבה.

ככל הנראה, בתגובה לצעד זה, הוגשו תלונות למשטרה. גורם באחת מהקהילות החרדיות הסביר: "עד כה נמנעו לערב את רשויות החוק בפרשה. אבל כשהצעד הראשון נעשה מצדו של הרב - אף אחד כבר לא יכול לבוא בטענות".

בתוך כך, בית הדין המיוחד, שהורכב כדי לדון בטענות שהועלו נגד הרב הלפרין, צפוי להתכנס בעוד שבועיים בפעם השנייה, כדי להמשיך ולגבות עדויות. התקווה של כל הגורמים המעורבים בפרשה היא, שעד חג הפסח תתקבל ההכרעה הסופית.

'בחדרי חרדים' ימשיך ויעקוב.

Arrest in Barnet over suspected sex assault

By Simon Rocker, February 20, 2013
Police arrested four men today in Barnet in connection with investigations into sexual assault and perverting the course of justice.
A 54-year-old is in custody at a north London police station on suspicion of sexual assault and perverting the course of justice.
Three other men, aged 62, 64 and 25 were also arrested on suspicion of perverting the course of justice over the arrest of the first man.
Police said they could not give further details but inquiries continue.

Jewish community sources said that one of the addresses visited by police was in Bridge Lane, Golders Green.

Police are now questioning CH !!

Newsflash !!

There are unconfirmed reports that the police are now at CH's house, and are questioning him regarding the allegations.

Some are saying that they took him 7:00 am in the morning in handcuffs 

Could any one confirm this?

Does any one have any photos.

Monday, 18 February 2013

Tickle Tackled


As you all know

If You Tickle Us

site has been the subject of legal action. We have no intention of boring you with the details but a few things must be said.

There is a court order for Google Inc to disclose the IP address of the owner of this blog as well as of certain 'named' commenters which are based in the EU. The pseudonyms of the affected comments are listed below and those concerned should urgently seek legal advice.

"The official FISHEL"
"Betrayed Former Supporter"
"Playing with fire"
"Ger - (woman with brain)"
"Be a Mentch!"
"DSM IV 302.89"
"Kazuhide Uekusa"
"Stamford Hill'er"
"Ben Tzion"
"Laurence Davis"
"The Curtain Falls"
"r"l strikes again"
"now I understand"

In addition there are the following "Anonymous"  posts which are also subject to the Order:

18/11/12 19:07
20/11/12 07:35
20/11/12 08:55
21/11/12 01:28
22/11/12 00:00
25/11/12 18:51
27/11/12 12:10

Those affected can write to for some assistance.

A number of those affected by the order have already obtained legal advice and as a result of that advice all comments have been removed from the posts dealing with the Halpern saga, to protect those that have commented. While only a fraction of the comments could potentially be defamatory, the numbers are such that it would be too time consuming to sift through them and delete just those that could be problematic. Hopefully with time and crowd sourcing the questionable comments can be removed and the remaining comments restored.

Make no mistake however: this blog is not going away. This debate has always been primarily about the scandalous failure and hypocrisy of the UOHC's entire rabbinical and lay leadership from the very top down and for which no one has to date taken any responsibility. No libel law in the world will stop this blog from saying that. Comments on this and related matters will continue to be published though due to legal constraints there will be heavier editing which will result in comments taking longer to get through.

Finally we would like to thank the very many people who have offered support in every form, including financial, legal, technological, moral and spiritual. It is heartening to know that we have the backing of a sizeable community willing to stand up for the truth. We may appeal to you in the near future for contributions to a legal fighting fund and information will be posted accordingly.

This has never been a case of Golders Green against Stamford Hill, Chasidim against Litvaks, LBD against Kedassia or Modern Orthodox versus Ultra Orthodox. This is a campaign of decency against thuggery, justice against injustice and truth against obfuscation, deceit and outright lies. It may take long and it will be tough but the people behind this campaign will see it through to the end and will fight for what is just and right.

Our motto to this campaign is:
והדרך צלח ורכב על דבר אמת וענוה צדק ותורך נוראות ימינך - תהילים מה, ד

And in thy majesty prosper, ride on in the cause of truth and meekness and righteousness; and let thy right hand teach thee awesome things. (Psalms 45,4)

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Allegations of Child Sex Abuse Cover-up in Ultra Orthodox Jewish Communities

TV Rabbi May Apply to Ofcom

A Manchester rabbi who was secretly filmed by last week’s Channel 4 Dispatches on Charedi sex abuse is considering making an Ofcom complaint.
Lawyers acting for Osher Westheim, a former Manchester Beth Din dayan, accused Channel 4 of breaching parts of the broadcaster watchdog’s regulations, in relation to rejecting an offer from the rabbi to be openly interviewed.
Dayan Westheim said the programme was “disappointing” and included incorrect remarks.
The rabbi said he was separately involved in setting up a communal liaison team of rabbis and medical and psychology professionals to address abuse and work with local child safeguarding authorities.
This week the Manchester Beth Din also hosted a meeting of 20 communal rabbis with representatives of Salford’s Child Safeguarding Board, who provided guidance about the duty to report abuse. The Beth Din’s Rabbi Yehuda Brodie said it showed the issue of child abuse was “being taken very seriously” by the community.
Separately, a 63-year-old member of Salford’s strictly Orthodox community in Salford was arrested this week on suspicion of historic sexual abuse. He has been released on police bail pending inquiries until April 10. The allegations relate to a report of sexual abuse said to have happened 10 years ago.

Saturday, 16 February 2013

"Halpern" Condemns Sexual Abuse !!

Calgary Jews disavow sex offender, Rabbi’s Letter
Click link for full story.

In the wake of a sexual abuse scandal that has rocked Calgary, leaders of the Canadian city’s Jewish community have moved quickly to distance themselves from a local rabbi’s expression of support for a convicted Jewish psychiatrist with a notorious past.

At issue is a letter from Rabbi Yisroel Miller, the leader of House of Jacob Mikveh Israel, an Orthodox synagogue, which was read aloud during the sentencing hearing for Dr. Aubrey Levin. Levin, who had occupied a prominent position in the University of Calgary‘s psychiatry department, was convicted Jan. 31 of sexually assaulting male patients who had been referred to him for assessment and treatment by the province of Alberta’s criminal justice system.

At the hearing, Levin’s attorney characterized the assaults as “minor” and read aloud a letter submitted by Miller, the psychiatrist’s rabbi at House of Jacob Mikveh Israel. Miller wrote that Levin’s “humble manner and complete lack of arrogance endeared him to everyone,” and pleaded for leniency.

“The bad does not erase all the good,” Miller argued. “I know all the goodness within him still remains. A prison term would be a death sentence for him.”

Justice Donna Shelley was unmoved, sentencing Levin to five years in prison for “horrible violations of the trust that these the patients put in you as their psychiatrist.”
“As a psychiatrist, you knew their vulnerabilities . . . They were entitled to feel safe and supported during their appointments with you. Instead, you exploited them in a predatory and repetitious manner.”

The offender’s wife, Erica Levin, was not in court. She was under house arrest, having been charged with attempted jury tampering.

Her husband was released on bail Wednesday, pending the outcome of an appeal.
Levin’s membership in Calgary’s approximately 7,500-person Jewish community was not publicly acknowledged until the rabbi’s letter was read, according to Bev Sheckter, executive director of Jewish Family Service Calgary.

Calgary’s Jewish community was further shaken by the revelation of Levin’s highly controversial past in his native South Africa, where he lived before immigrating to Canada in 1995.

In South Africa, Levin had served as the chief psychiatrist in the apartheid-era military, receiving the nickname “Dr. Shock” for his use of electroconvulsive aversion therapy to “cure” gay soldiers. The psychiatrist, now 74, also reportedly held conscientious objectors against their will at a military hospital and subjected them to powerful drug treatments.
“It was a total shock,” said Nelson Halpern, co-president of House of Jacob Mikveh Israel. “Levin arrived in Calgary and joined our shul. We welcomed him as a new member and as a professional with a lovely family. We had no reason to suspect anything like this about him.”

Levin had reportedly suppressed discussion of his past once he entered Canada, allegedly threatening lawsuits against news outlets that discovered his story.

His past also included accusations before South Africa’s post-apartheid Truth and Reconciliation Commission that Levin was guilty of “gross human rights abuses,” including the chemical castration of gay men.

‘I would have been happy had no one ever known he was Jewish’

Levin was a member of the first Jewish family to join the South African National Party, which implemented and enforced apartheid for nearly five decades. He had a history of anti-gay statements and actions.

Halpern, the co-president of Calgary’s Orthodox synagogue, is one of several prominent community members to issue public statements emphasizing that Miller’s letter speaks only for the rabbi, and not for the community as a whole.
“Rabbi Miller expected his clergy letter of support for the offender to be read privately by the judge, not read aloud in court,” Halpern explained to The Times of Israel. “He has every right to be supportive of and show compassion for his congregant. However, he should have chosen other words.”

Halpern and Adam Singer, the president of the Calgary Jewish Federation, wrote letters printed in the Calgary Sun and Calgary Herald, respectively. In Singer’s, published Feb. 5, he wrote, “Miller was not speaking on behalf of the Jewish community of Calgary. Calgary Jewish Federation, the representative body of Calgary’s Jewish community, condemns sexual abuse, domestic violence and violations of human dignity. The victims of such crimes deserve to see justice done, and those found guilty in a court of law must face the consequences of their actions.”

“Federation speaks for the community, not Rabbi Miller,” said Sheckter, whose agency runs a program dealing with domestic violence and sexual abuse in the community. “The community would not have been upset if the rabbi had limited his comments to the rabbi-congregant relationship. What has upset us is that it included reference to the community as a whole. None of us would support a sexual predator who has been found guilty by law.”

“At Jewish Family Service, we try to protect the vulnerable, so to have this said about our community is very disconcerting,” Sheckter said.

Miller comes from a well-known and respected Boston rabbinic family and is the author of several books on Jewish thought.

In Pittsburgh, he led the Modern Orthodox Congregation Poale Zedeck and held a number of leadership roles in the greater Jewish community, including as an officer of the Jewish Family & Children’s Service. Halpern said he was not sure whether Miller, who arrived at House of Jacob Mikveh Israel in July 2009, was aware of the local community’s heightened sensitivity around the issue of sexual abuse following a pedophilia case there in the 1990s, when a youth adviser and kashrut supervisor named David Webber served six years in prison for sexual assault and possession of child pornography.

Despite the community‘s negative reaction, Miller has not issued a statement since the controversy began. He didn’t respond to a request for comment from The Times of Israel.

Halpern said that the board of House of Jacob Mikveh Israel is enacting new policies to prevent a repeat of the controversy.

Sheckter has reached out to the rabbi, whom she called “a very knowledgeable man who has been open in the past to conversations with JFSC about family violence.”

“It’s really an educational piece. I don’t want to blame him,” she said. “Maybe he doesn’t understand the ramifications that sexual abuse can have on people. I want to work together so that his won’t happen again.”

“He is a powerful man. People listen to him,” Sheckter said of Miller. “If people feel a rabbi is not sensitive to these things, then victims will not come forward to ask him for help.”

Friday, 15 February 2013

Crime and Punishment


On Tuesday, January 22, Justice John G. Ingram of New York’s State Supreme Court sentenced convicted child molester Nechemya Weberman to 103 years behind bars for 59 counts of sexual abuse against a little girl sent to him by her school, the UTA Satmar, for religious counseling. In passing sentence, the judge praised the young victim for her “courage and bravery in coming forward.”

After speaking to her briefly on the phone last week and having a long talk with her older brother, who lives here in Jerusalem, I must say I believe she heartily deserves this compliment. I now have an even deeper appreciation of the unique spirit and deep conviction that allowed this young person (let’s call her “Esther” – a fitting name for a heroine who risked everything to save others) to keep strong and go forward. Vilified, her veracity questioned at every turn, her family harassed and many in her insular community shamelessly lining up behind the convicted sex offender, Esther never faltered. “Was it worth it?” I asked her.

“Definitely. [When Weberman was convicted] people started opening their eyes, looking at what’s going on around them.

We have to teach children that if someone is bothering them, if they’re uncomfortable, they shouldn’t just accept it. We have to make parents really listen to their kids.”

What did she learn most from this whole experience? “That even if people don’t believe you, you should never lose faith in yourself and allow yourself to be intimidated. God knew I was telling the truth. And I knew He was on my side, not on his [Weberman’s] side.”

Still, even now, after the conviction and the whopping sentence, the Satmar community continues to make life difficult for Esther and her family. Her new husband, who ran a restaurant, had his kashrut certificate canceled. “He’s looking for a job,” she says. Her father, who for many years supported his family from the ad revenue of Williamsburg businesses by publishing a local Jewish yellow pages, suddenly has a new competitor, The Jewish Phonebook. The Satmar Rebbe, Rabbi Zalman Teitelbaum himself, went to the offices of the new company to affix the mezuza. Many see this as a vengeful attempt to drive Esther’s father out of business. Her brother is especially upset by this. “My father follows everything in that world to the letter in the purest, most sincere way. Why should they target him?” Anti-Zionist Teitelbaum, who showed up in Israel right before the election, reportedly to discourage haredim from voting, is allegedly at the top of the pyramid of abuse against Esther and her family. He’s taken part in Weberman defense fund-raisers and, according to some interpretations, even publicly labeled her Esther a whore. Weberman was Teitelbaum’s late father’s chauffeur. WHAT THOSE who continue to target her and her family never understood – and probably never will – is that Esther isn’t in this for revenge, or even for justice – both of which she richly deserves. It was never about her at all: “I just couldn’t let this happen to anybody else,” she told me in her sweet, girlish voice. “If I didn’t stand up, and it happened to another girl, I would be responsible.”

And then she told me something else; something so startling that at first I couldn’t believe my ears; something that made everything so clear: “I wasn’t the only girl in my family he [Weberman] abused.”

I asked her brother if I’d heard right. “Yes,” he confirmed. An older sister had gone to Weberman and she, too, had been molested. I admit, I was aghast. “But why didn’t she tell your parents, stop them from sending your younger sister to him?” I asked. In answer, he told me the following: “When I was eight or nine years old, I got into some trouble on the school bus. The rebbe told me I’d ‘get it’ the next day. I was absolutely terrified. When I was called to the principal’s office, I ran first to the pay phone and called my mother, begging her to call the principal right away. When they dragged me in, the principal sneered: ‘Crybaby! Do you think your parents can help you?’ He took out a rubber hose and beat me so badly I had welts all over my body.

That’s when I realized that when you’re in their system, nobody can help you. There’s no point in even telling your parents what’s happening to you, because they are helpless to stop it.” According to him, the only way out of this insular system is to do what he did: educate yourself (he read books in Barnes & Noble), learn to question and not be dependent on the community for your livelihood. “Because then, they own you.”

He urges all young people in the community to do the same. “They are making the children in Satmar schools say tehilim [psalms] for Weberman.

What kind of God are they teaching those children to pray to? A God that protects pedophiles?” In imposing the near-maximum sentence, Judge Ingram said: “The message should go out to all victims of sexual abuse that your cries will be heard and justice will be done.”

Apparently, not everyone is listening.

Gary Schlesinger, who runs a charity under Rabbi Aaron Teitelbaum, told The Wall Street Journal: “The sentence will discourage future victims... nobody wants to have that on their conscience.” Right. Victims of sexual abuse are now going to be afraid their abusers might sit in jail too long...

Others say the community will now try even harder to stop victims from testifying. But I say: bring it on! As the Weberman case shows, short of actually murdering the victims, they’ve tried just about everything else. So I beg to differ. I think it will have exactly the desired effect – allowing the fear of secular authorities to fill the vacuum where the fear of God should be, but obviously isn’t.

Some even claim anti-Semitism, or antiSatmarism, is behind what they call an “excessive” sentence. Even Levi Aron, who murdered little Leiby Kletzky in July 2011, only got 40 years to life.

I’d like to point out that it was Weberman’s choice not to plead guilty and accept a plea bargain. Moreover, you can only murder someone once and they can only die once. What Weberman did to that little girl he did day after day, year after year. He was in a position of authority and she was a child in his care. Every time he violated that trust was another crime. That adds up.

No, 103 years sounds like a good number to me. As Esther’s brother pointed out: “If my sister lives to be 120, that’s about the same number of years she’ll have to live with what he’s done to her.”

After I spoke to Esther’s brother, I wandered into Hamashbir, Jerusalem’s department store. And there I saw a religious mother watching her 15-year-old daughter trying on clothes. The girl was slim and lovely, her blond hair pulled back modestly into a ponytail, her complexion makeup free, her eyes bright, laughing and innocent as she looked at herself in the mirror; the kind of girl Esther could have been if Weberman had never come into her life.

“I remember how I would look in the mirror,” Esther told the court. “I saw a girl who didn’t want to live in her own skin, a girl whose innocence was shattered at age 12. A sad girl who wanted to live a normal life, but instead was being victimized by a 50-year-old man who forced her to perform sickening acts again and again. I would cry until the tears ran dry... But now I can see someone who finally stood up and spoke out for myself and for other silent victims.” At age 18, Esther married a man who has supported her throughout her ordeal. In her wedding portrait she stands tall and model thin, her beautiful young face shining with happiness, her elegant wedding gown very hassidic in its neck-to-toe modesty. Beside her stands her short groom, his head topped by a traditional shtreimel. He too is beaming.

She’s my heroine. I wish her and her husband every happiness, and I hope that the Jewish community will embrace, support and comfort them and their families and all who have the courage to defend true righteousness, in every way possible.

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Chabad's Sydney Branch Issues Statement On Child Sex Abuse After Police Reportedly Open Investigation

 "Yeshiva unequivocally condemns any form of abuse, including child sexual abuse. We welcome any police investigation to uncover any improprieties, especially regarding alleged crimes against children. As a large organisation with hundreds of staff and many thousands of people associating with us for more than half a century, we acknowledge the unfortunate possibility that things may have occurred in the past and we encourage victims to go to the Police."

Staement from Chabad's Sydney Yeshiva Centre:


“Sydney Yeshiva Centre, founded in 1956, has educated thousands of students over the years to be proud of their Jewish identity whilst becoming contributing and patriotic members of Australian society.

As part of a commitment to the highest standards of child well-being for the pupils in our care, our school Yeshiva College has comprehensive child protection policies in place.

There have been media reports about a police investigation into allegations of abuse decades ago by individuals who were associated with Yeshiva. Whilst the police have not contacted us about any investigation, if they do so we will fully cooperate.

Yeshiva unequivocally condemns any form of abuse, including child sexual abuse. We welcome any police investigation to uncover any improprieties, especially regarding alleged crimes against children. As a large organisation with hundreds of staff and many thousands of people associating with us for more than half a century, we acknowledge the unfortunate possibility that things may have occurred in the past and we encourage victims to go to the Police.

Australian rabbinical bodies, including the Sydney and Melbourne Beth Din (rabbinical courts), have ruled that incidents of child abuse should be reported to law enforcement authorities and Yeshiva stands firmly by those rulings. We are confident in the outstanding competence and professionalism of the Australian authorities to ensure the protection and welfare of citizens in our society.

Yeshiva stands ready to work together with the relevant law enforcement authorities and professional support services. We are available to offer assistance and support to any victim of abuse allegedly committed by any persons associated with the Yeshiva Centre. Requests for support can be emailed confidentially to”

Statement by the Australian Jewish victims advocacy group Tzedek, headed by Manny Waks:


“This is yet a further positive development – the Sydney Yeshiva Centre has made its position crystal clear; that it does not tolerate any forms of abuse, it encourages victims to go to the police, it commits to fully cooperating with the police, it offers victims and survivors an acknowledgement of what they may have experienced, and importantly, it offers them support and assistance in a practical and sensitive manner.

This is a highly encouraging development and I commend the Yeshiva Centre leadership for their proactive, effective and welcome statement. They have demonstrated a leadership role in this area.

Tzedek looks forward to working with the Sydney Yeshiva Centre and other stakeholders in order to obtain justice for past wrongs and to ensure the safety of our children.”

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Dealing with the Trauma

If you or your child has been abused, there are millions of things going through your head. Go to the police, or not? Does my child need therapy? Who's a good therapist? Can I ever trust another person with my child, even a therapist? I haven't been through the experience, but I'm observant enough to realize this.

I'm only going to mention something important to keep in mind. A child or even an adult who was abused is likely in trauma, and in order to heal, he/she needs to have someone validate his experience. If you are the parent, I cannot imagine the stresses you are under, but I implore you not to ignore your child's emotional experience. On the contrary; now is the time when your child needs your listening ear the most.

It's very hard to be a good listener to your child when you were traumatized yourself! Your need to minimize the pain is understandable: you're hurting as much as your child is, and you are desperate for some relief. You have the additional pain of knowing that you did not protect your child adequately, and you may be beating yourself up for that. While dealing with all that, you're supposed to calmly listen to your child's feelings about it?

Try. Your child's healing depends on you, the parent. Whether or not you can help your child feel understood, you should seek out an experienced therapist, who knows how to deal with these problems with a level-headed approach.

If you were abused yourself, you need to get someone who can let you express your pain without trying to minimize it. I know how hard it is to find such friends; a therapist may be necessary. Your friends may love you, but precisely because of that, they are unable to see that they are hurting you by denying your pain.

I hope you find healing, and soon. Trust that it will take time, and trust that it will eventually happen. You will be stronger, and be a comfort to others who go through the same horror.