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Sunday, 1 December 2013

Response to Osher Badiel from a Former talmid

Dear R. Baddiel,

As a former talmid of yours, I was extremely disappointed to read your recent letter to Rav Winegarten. It appears that you have failed to appreciate the seriousness with which the local rabbonim take their moral responsibility to the kehilloh. It is most unfortunate that you do not realise that from the perspective of one who has been convinced that Chaim Halpern is indeed guilty of exploiting vulnerable individuals for his own gratification, the very tame means that have been adopted to warn people away from him are certainly justified.

Indeed, one would have to possess a warped moral compass to suggest that, if the allegations against him are true, then his continued presence in Golders Green is anything but a dagger in the back of the entire kehilloh,and that anyone working to allow him to continue functioning in his current role is not himself a “chover le’ish mashchis”.

The only valid question you raise is whether there is good reason to believe that Halpern did in fact engage in the behaviour he is accused of. After all, if he did, then the blame for the “machlokes” that has ensued is entirely his –the moral obligation of one who learns that another is exploiting vulnerable individuals is not alleviated because the exploiter decides he will not “go down without a fight”.

As one who has unfortunately been exposed to some of the evidence (including multiple reliable testimonies) against him, I can affirm that this is indeed the case beyond doubt. It is clear from your vigorous defence of Halpern that you are not even aware of the things he has admitted to (and has been recorded doing so) –such as his fictitious “therapy” involving arm-wrestling married women (and never men, of course), or of the photos of women in various states of undress that were discovered in the ‘sent items’ section of his email account.

The fact that you have styled yourself as such an avid defender of Halpern without engaging in even the most perfunctory research into his behaviour makes it clear that your motives are the polar opposite of tzedek, emes and sholom.

It is astounding that you adopt the position that his guilt or otherwise in the eyes of halocho should be decided by the police. You seem to misunderstand the very basis of this unfortunate episode. Under English law, there is no prohibition whatsoever for a powerful man in a position of influence to convince vulnerable women that it will be “beneficial” for him to have his way with them. The lack of legal censure makes this no less abhorrent in the eyes of either morality or halocho.

Furthermore, most of his victims are from Stamford Hill, where cooperation with the authorities on issues of abuse (and all the more so where the perpetrator is a prominent rov) would earn them the wrath of many of their neighbours.

Others who have spoken out against Halpern in the past have been the victims of tire-slashing and a barrage of threatening phone calls. To ensure that my family is not on the receiving end of similar behaviour, I have chosen not to disclose my identity to you in this letter.

Former talmid


  1. Dear former talmid
    Any letter to be taken seriously MUST have a signature, Any unsigned letter is nothing more than a PASHKEVIL AND IT'S TOTALLY IRRELEVANT

    1. Quite rich Mr. errrr anonymous!

    2. Osoin indeed! A public blog is not the same as a personal letter addressed to an individual.

    3. The 'personal letter' in this instance was just a long public blog. Former Talmid probably tried to comment on the OYB Letter blog, but it was too long and Google won't upload anything over 4000 characters. So he posted it as a new blog. At least by describing himself as a former talmid, he narrows his identity to approx 2000 people.

  2. Shame on you Mr Bediel, please do not bring mr sprung ever again to our shul to raise funds for pardes house

    1. Remind me again, just how much you and your shul donated to Pardes House.

      Mr Sprung is chairman of the governors of the longest established haredi school in NW London. He has changed the school and improved it beyond recognition. At great personal cost of his time and large amounts of money that he personally donates to the school.

      Apart from the numerous hours he dedicates to the running of the school, the financial shortfall forces him to spend numerous hours of every day of every week of every month, year after year, knocking on doors and begging for money. I'm sure that there are times when he is well received and leaves with a helpful donation in hand.

      I am certain that there are times when he is physically and emotionally humiliated and degraded.

      He does all this so that parents can get a good kodesh/chol balanced education for their children. Many of whom spend thousands on holidays, cars, fine dining etc., but "haven't got any money" when it comes to paying school fees.

      For whatever personal reasons he chooses to daven where he does. If you wish to boycott him personally, that's up to you. But what has the school got to do with any of this?

      BTW. If you are boycotting anything to do with mr sprung, I suggest you empty out your larder and throw most of it away. As he is also one of Europe's largest distributors of kosher groceries.

  3. Oyb...your letter is total hypocrisy. Whilst you taught at hasmonean, you were top of the list of ones who incited hatred against those who were more zionistic than yourself. You denigrated other eminent rabonnim and tried to convince pupils that the majority held view around them was baseless. This caused loshon horo and sinass chinom on many occasions for which you are responsible. And should we mention the outrageous extension that you have put up in GG. I assume that you similarly entrusted the legal channels to opine on its legality.

    Do us all a favour and keep your bigotted views under your outsized cuppel

  4. We realise that Mr Baddiel is not a very stable person, but if he feels as he does, why does he come to BLBH every day for Shachris. No-one wants to seem him please find somehwere else to daven.

  5. Some of the names mentioned in these columns regarding this matter like OYB are originally from SH and have learned in Gateshead.
    So far R Chaim may not have traded insults with the other rabbonim but on the other hand has never denied what he has done. He only states that he has heterim.
    So it is a matter of halocho not of mezius. If one considers him wrong in halacha, that what he did is not allowed and he does not retract and intends to carry on then other rabbonim have every right to do their best stop him and make him close down.
    OYB is totally wrong in saying that one should leave it to the rabbonim and not mix in.

  6. I think the anonymous writer is totally mistaken in his assertion that English law sanctions powerful men convincing women to have sexual contact with them. If investigations had yielded such testimony it would have been a fast route to prosecution. Baddiel was open in his comments and signed his name, the Halpern detractors have not been. Frankly, the rabbis who signed proclamations against Rabbi Halpern have not told the public if they shared their wealth of evidence with the CPS and police. I am inclined to assume they did and it turned out to be largely hearsay, and minor inappropriate behaviour. The courts will not try a rabbi for arm-wrestling with a woman through a towel.

    1. Hello????????????????2 December 2013 at 18:48

      To Sneaze Avenue - Don't you get it? It's totally irrelevant what evidence the police did or did not hear. It's legal to touch and photograph any woman with their consent but it's obviously not acceptable for a Rov.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. well said the above all have Narcissistic personalities whereas R Shimon Weingarten and the others are normal and lack the abnormal faculties to fight this shit

    4. Mo, I'm not defending CH at all, but to say that the attacking has been one sided is completely wrong.
      The Rabbonim like RSW forRGH mean things lshem Shomayim but there are clearly many others who don't and will try anything to threaten CH.
      The proof of this is the arresting of RDH, AS and GO. RDH is universally acknowledged as a Tzaddik who has kept completely out of this, AS was conspicuous by his refusal to give any opinion and GO not only was not involved, he was close to RSW.
      Despite this, some bastard thought it would help the anti CH campaign to allow the false allegations to go to the Police and for these three innocent men to be arrested and imprisoned.

      There are clearly lowlifes who will stop at nothing in their zeal to bring down CH no matter what lies they have to say to do so, and no matter who gets hurt through their actions.

      This is far worse than close family of CH 'flipping out' and verbally attacking those they believe are unfairly attacking their family.

    5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    6. - You are incorrect, as long as there was full consent at the time Chaim Halpern did whatever he did, and there were no 'false pretences'- and we have no reason to believe there were, nothing he did was illegal. That doesn't mean it wasn't exploitative or indeed, ossur.

      Baddiel can sign his name to his daft conspiracy theories for the simple reason that he has nothing to be scared of, because the people who have been moser nefesh to stop Halpern preying on the vulnerable, such as RSW, are decent, ehrlich and civilized.

      On the other hand, every single person who had put his head above the parapet to condemn Halpern has been on the receiving end of threats and harassment. Just to list a few of them: Rabbis Winegarten (who was threatened with violence several time), Knopfler, Gelley (whose wife was harassed by Chaim's son Duvidel via phone in the middle of the night), Kimche (who was threatened with legal action for warning his kehillah away from Halpern), Hager (who received a barrage of threatening phone calls) Tugendhaft (who had abuse hurled at him by Moshe Halpern and his father in law MC Brandsdorfer) etc. etc. a nauseum; while Halpern's minions (including the truly frightening thug Treitel Brandsdorfer, son of MC) and others such as XXX XXXX (who threatened RSW), walk around with nothing to fear.

    7. Lots of those involved in the harassment, from XXXX XXXX to Padwa's grandson In law Feldman are not Halpern family members at all. And MH has no doubts whatsoever as to what his brother has been getting up to (I can't post details here, but do some digging). Expanding the list of 'lowlives' beyond a random Private Investigator who thought he could make a quick buck is entirely unwarranted.

    8. By email................

      To the owner of the blog,

      I am writing to you as a personal note not for any publication and not to take sides at all.

      It has been brought to my attention that my fathers name appears in two comments on letters by O Baddiel.

      The comments were left by:

      Mo2 December 2013 18:53

      Mo3 December 2013 20:15

      Both comments mention my father by name in a libellous and unwarranted manner. My father has NEVER been involved in harassment against any of the people mentioned or against any one in this case.

      Frankly I do not live in London and have no interest whatsoever in what side does what, or says what. My father however is on very good terms with Rav Shimon Weingarten and remains so contrary to what the anonymous blogger writes.

      I am trusting you will remove these comments and assure it does not happen again, perhaps even blocking the user from writing such things. Being the website creation businesses I can assure you that it is a press of the button to reveal names and IP addresses. Whilst I am aware it takes a court order to force a company to so, it is a very simple procedure to do this.
      I do not wish to go down this route and do not want to be involved, however I must insist you take immediate removal action.

      Please understand I am writing this as an official notice to cease and desist all defamation of my father. Please be aware that you place yourself in a situation that puts you liable to monetary damages and equitable relief.

      To confirm - I have no intention to accuse you of anything but wish to state in the strongest manner your allowance for his name to be published will not be tolerated. Your wish to write and publish what you want however repulsive and questionable is your free will till it crosses the line to libellous.

      Thank you for your understanding

  7. Chaim Halpern knows the truth and Hashem knows the truth. That is what matters.

  8. Now the Bais Din will return headed by our own Rabbi Johnny Hool and Rabbi Nussbaum. Check-out their facebook page @ Johnny Hool!

  9. Osher the Roshoh was his nickname at school...a pompous, opinionated self-righteous git.
    He would try to brainwash the kids as opposed to educating them
    He obviously hasn't changed, except that now he seeks to excuse criminals and perverts.
    That's it Osher......blame the victim not the abuser.
    With all your pompous piety and supposed yiras shomayim, you will be judged by the tears of the victims. Shame on you.

  10. How many people still daven in DC? A lot?

  11. Name and shame them!

  12. Whatever happened to cherem d'Rabbeinu Gershom? Who originally released what appears to be a private letter and permitted it to be publicised.

  13. "Former talmid"
    If you had any guts then instead of posting your letter anonymously,you would have signed it and sent it to Rabbi Baddiel.This way you would not have exposed yourself to attacks or harassment.
    Nobody believes your accusations.
    To slander a good man and hide behind a pseudonym is despicable.

    1. Matthew. You are of course right. Anonymous blogs are worthless and such blogs attacking another individual are despicable.
      However, this particular case is different. It appears that Rabbi Baddiel sent a private letter to Rabbi Weingarten. Under normal circumstances Rabbi Weingarten could have chosen whether to reply or not and that would probably been an end of the matter.
      Here one of the two decided to expose Rabbi Baddiel's letter and automatically released it to the public domain and by inference to public comment. "Former talmid" took advantage of this "gift" and for the reasons he states hid under the shelter of anonymity.
      Not disputed is that the "terror" tactics carried out by the pro R'Chaims on whoever they could is common knowledge. They even terrorised HaRav Padwa to retract a public declaration he had made less than 24 hours before thereby discrediting and humiliating him for all time (The third retraction just made a bad situation worse). Whether or not he should have issued the original one is an entirely different discussion.
      I myself support Reb Chaim but have to concede that the conduct of the antis was far better than the pros. Indeed several people went against Reb Chaim because they observed the conduct of his supporters including close relatives.

    2. Osher released it himself. It was sent to people who left CHarlie's shul before it appeared on the internet. So Matthew is talking nonsense as usual.

    3. Mr Anonymous, we rarely see a straight speaking supporter in these parts..
      Maybe you can explain to us what the supporters are thinking. is he innocent and the whole thing is a fabrication or is a storm in a teapot or is it really just a wrestling match?? please explain I'm sure many others are as confused as me...

  14. latkes and sticky toffee pudding with sticky toffee sauce6 December 2013 at 02:34

    King Solomon ponders

    Two people could have released the letter!

    Osher B, who has a motive


    Reb S, who not only has no motive but has something to loose ie a fall out and further harrasment

    You don't have to be a king Solomon to work it out!!

  15. I actually think the pro-CH people were right on that point, despite the fact that I know CH was so busy touching up women that I'm surprised he had time for anything else (R. Shulem Freidman was shocked when he realised, after being shown CH's emails, that the reason the man was so busy every day on his phone in beis din was because he was busier sending messages to females than your average Hasmo-fifth former, so I suppose CH was pretty good at multi-tasking). Rav Padwa offered them a beis din, and when he unilaterally decided to back out of it, they were fully within their rights to demand a retraction.

    The only person to blame for Efroyim Padwa's humiliation is Efroyim Padwa - he acted like a clown throughout this whole story and if CH's supporters took advantage of this then all it really shows is that the former is as suitable for a position of leadership as could have been expected based on the selection process used when appointing him (i.e. not at all).

    Some of CH's supporters are only now beginning to realise that the entire idea of a beis din was simply a stalling tactic, as was obvious to most outsiders. They have actually been doubly duped. First by CH himself - the last thing in the world he wanted was a "fair trial", and secondly by the UOHC (Padwa, Frand and all the other "worthies" who used to adorn to the top of the UOHC luach), who needed to pretend they were doing something while the pressure was on but in reality couldn't care less about starting what they've finished and keeping to their word.

    That is the real story here. The fact that CH was caught with his pants down is trivial and obvious to pretty much anyone with more than half a brain cell. The entire circus that ensued is just a reflection of the traditional way of reacting to these sort of things (Oy vey! It can't be true, and even if it is, it must be covered up for the sake of his mishpocheh. It's probably a conspiracy by moderneh goyim out to get us heiligeh yidden, together with their evil shutfim, the parking wardens).

    What is more noteworthy is that Padwa's conception of his own interests (I don't think the wellbeing of the GG kehilloh or of the women Charlie was fiddling ever came into his mind) was so narrow that he couldn't see past his own nose. The only time he did anything at all was to stick it to the GD rabbis.

    The very fact that he consistently used his "fear" of Reb Chuna and his alleged wizardry as an excuse for his uselessness (which has always been so self-evident that it never needed an excuse before this episode) shows that he would have been better suited to acting in a Harry Potter-themed pantomime than running a twenty five thousand-strong kehilloh. But people usually get the leaders they deserve and I don't see any reason for that not to be true in this case.

  16. Mr Chocolate pudding6 December 2013 at 09:48

    I prefer chocolate pudding!

  17. Hey Chocolate Pudding,
    How was the meeting tonight at Tiferes Yisroel? Any tachlis came out? Some of your members look like lost sheep... nebach.

  18. chocolate CHocolate CHOCOLATE pudding with an ooooozy centre9 December 2013 at 08:02

    What meeting?

    I don't like sheep, I am very much a chocolate supporter!

    I love a good shmerling white milky chocolate with nuts sticking out!

    I also love a hot chocolate pudding with a soft ooooozy centre!

    In the mean time we should all listen to our respective Rabonim and not have anything to do with bad people.
