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Saturday, 21 December 2013

Lord Greville Janner's home searched as part of child sex investigations, say police


Officers from Leicestershire Police spent two days searching Lord Greville Janner's £600,000 apartment in North London

Labour Lord Greville Janner's home 'raided as part of child sex allegations'
Labour Lord Greville Janner  Photo: HEATHCLIFF O'MALLEY
Police have searched the London home of Labour Lord Greville Janner as part of an investigation into historic child sex allegations, it was revealed.
Officers from Leicestershire Police spent two days searching his £600,000 apartment in North London, on Monday and Tuesday.
The 85-year-old former barrister was named Baron Janner of Braunstone, Leicester, in 1997.R 
The force refused to give details of whether anything was seized but confirmed it was part of an ongoing probe.
A police spokesman said: "Leicestershire Police can confirm its officers executed a search warrant of a property in Barnet, London as part of an ongoing criminal inquiry.
"No arrests have been made at this stage."
It is understood police attended the flat as part of a historic child sex investigation dating back many years.
Builders working on a renovation next door to the Janner's home saw a number of police cars and officers at the address on Monday and Tuesday.
One said: "There were loads of police cars here on Monday and Tuesday. They were coming and going all day.
"I don't know what happened, but they've been back quite often ever since.They were here on Tuesday and came back on Wednesday."
The huge white-fronted property in West Hampstead contains six luxury flats. Janner was at home on Thursday afternoon but refused to come to the door.
A young man, who identified himself as 'Jameson', claimed he was the peer's personal spiritual healer. He said: "The Lord won't come to the door.
"He is exhausted with all the stress of dealing with the police. He's old and needs his rest. I don't want to say any more."
It is not the first time Janner - a life peer in the House of Lords - has sparked controversy.
In 2006 Lord Janner was struck by fellow Lord Bramall, a former head of the Armed Forces, during a furious row over the Lebanon conflict.
Janner, a prominent speaker on Jewish rights who was President of the Board of British Jews, has been hailed for his efforts to see Holocaust victims receive compensation.
In 1955, he married Myra Sheink, born and bred in Australia, who passed away in 1996. He has three children and many grandchildren.
On his official website, Janner says his hobbies include "autograph collections, glass and other antiquities, swimming, speaking his nine languages and his family."
It also says he is a member of the Magic Circle and the International Brotherhood of Magicians.


  1. trustee of a charity?23 December 2013 at 09:36

    Is janner not a trustee of the CST?

    1. More likely The Holocaust Educational Trust.

  2. דברי האדמו"ר וויזניץ מאנסי נגד....

    אמש הגיעו ראשי ומנהלי אגודת ישראל בארה”ב ​לחוות את דעת מרן האדמו”ר שליט”א כמידי חודש בחודשו במעונו בשיכון וויזניץ במאנסי נ.י. USA .

    לאחר התייעצות ארוכה בנושאי הגיוס ובעוד נושאים העומדים על הפרק חיווה מרן האדמו”ר מוויזניץ מאנסי שליט”א את דעתו "שלא צריך כלל" וכלל נסיעה לארה”ב או לשום מקום בחו”ל וכל הנסיעה לא תועיל כלום!!!!!!!

    ואם רוצים יכולים לארגן שמרנן האדמורי”ם והרבנים מארה”ב שליט”א יארגנו הפגנה באחדות עם כולם כולל הליטאים וכולי וכולי וכך אפשר לפעול כמו ואפילו יותר מאשר ההפגנה המדוברת כעת והאדמורי”ם מארה”ק יפגינו שם ביחד עם כל היהודים מכל הגוונים בארה”ק.

    בסיום דבריו התבטא האדמו”ר שליט”א שכל הסיבה שאינם רוצים שההעצרת תהיה בארה”ק הוא משום פוליטיק גרידא, בכלל לא לשם שמים, ואינם רוצים באחדות ” הם מחריבי הדור” זעק האדמו”ר שליט"א.

    ללא אחדות לא נראה שום ישועה באופק החופשיים רואים שהחרדים אינם מאוחדים אז הם יודעים שאפשר לשחק איתם. לסיום דבריו אמר האדמו”ר שליט”א שיפעלו שההעצרת תהיה בארה”ק ובחו”ל יארגנו עצרת לאנשי חו”ל .
