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Saturday, 10 January 2015
Our friend Charlie is being Mesader Kedushin at a Chasuna this week in GG
Yitzchok Kaufman has
decided to have Chaim Halpern be mesader kiddushin at his daughter's upcoming
wedding. By doing so, he is playing a critical role in rehabilitating a man who
has destroyed the moral fabric of Golders Green and brought about the greatest
Chillul Hashem and Bizoyon Harabonus our city has experienced in recent
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Nice one Yitzchok - did the fact that Kinloss turned you down (they didn't want a repeat of the mess last time) not make you realise what an idiot you're being?
DeleteAnonymous - please explain.
DeleteIts supposed to be a happy event and you have to make filthy comments stop causing arguments the whole time YOU are the reason why moshiach has not come stop pretending your jewish you are no more then a goy from the street leave him alone how would you like if you made a wedding and you were on here. Or maybe you don't make weddings so your mind is beyond that stage.
DeleteThere are still people daveing in DC?
ReplyDeleteWill the last one out please turn off the lights.
Is Charlie going to give one of his famous kalloh shmuessen again? He hasn't had many of those over the last couple of years - must have been hard for him to hold it in.
ReplyDeletethis is no joking matter. Chaim halpern's pre-chasuna meetings late at night with kallahs are highly inappropriate. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the kallah is there at this very moment. It's completely wrong and shouldn't be allowed
DeleteIf a parent puts his child into the den of a lion and the child gets eaten, who is to blame? The answer is Yitzchok Kaufman.
DeleteJust shut up you stupid people
DeleteThis is Y. Kaufmann who with Charlies help ruined many families lifes. As a thanks he takes him to be mesader kiddushin. maybe he will ruin his own daughters marriage too.
ReplyDeletebut he has the money and money speaks.
are you just jealous that you have no money
DeleteI hope no local rabbonim attend.
ReplyDeleteIt's such a shame that Yitzchok has gone to extent of alienating his own family just so he can carry on worshipping his getchke. All that money and so little sense.
ReplyDeleteWell Rub Chaim will enjoy the forshpiel, I can tell you that for nothing.
ReplyDeleteMazel tov. The mishpochos should have a lot of nachas, the couple should go on to build a bayis neeman beyisroel and be zoiche to re-join the rest of the kehillo rather than following a banned offshoot of yidishkeit.
ReplyDeleteAnyone at that chuppa should be ashamed of themselves. Disgusting.
ReplyDeleteShimon You are just a nasty piece of work.
DeleteMazel Tov, it was a lovely Chupa.
ReplyDeleteLovely except for the fact that they world have been better off being married by a galech.
ReplyDeleteHoly brothers, get over it.
ReplyDeleteThis story is in the past.
He has every right to re start his life.
don't we all make mistakes.
Anonymous - you really don't get it. When a choshuver rov is discovered to be an abuser and he noch refuses to admit guilt, then no, his only right is to leave town. That's why no other rabbonim will sit with him, and he's right now stuck on the top table with the family.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous - my mistakes don't involve molesting vulnerable women while pretending to be a choshuver rov and then terrorising those who tried to stand up for my victims. Idiot.
ReplyDeleteWho decided that your mistakes are smaller than his???
ReplyDeleteus human beings are very quick to decide and judge people.
Anonymous - I will not waste with someone as dumb as you to keep defending a horrible man
ReplyDeletelisten up all you people screaming!
ReplyDeleteyou all are just flesh and blood,
you are in this world to correct yourselves.
stop being gods messanger.
Your speaking of loshan hora can be worse in God's eyes if someone else raped someone.
so stop shouting and getting excited, just concentrate on your life challenges.
listen up all you people screaming!
ReplyDeleteyou all are just flesh and blood,
you are in this world to correct yourselves.
stop being gods messanger.
Your speaking of loshan hora can be worse in God's eyes if someone else raped someone.
so stop shouting and getting excited, just concentrate on your life challenges.
Mr Anonymous. its people like you that should be investigated by the CPS for assisting an offender. You are a disgrace.
ReplyDeleteMaybe you are upset that your wife wasn't "chosen" by Chaim to abuse, assault and terrorize. Do you have any idea what its like to have been abused? You say give the man a second chance... according to our Torah one has to do Teshuva before one gets a 2nd chance. So do us all a favor, go back to the #brothel71 and go arm wrestle with Chaim.
If you think hes innocent, why hasnt he come out fighting.......
Maybe he did maybe he didn't,
Deleteas I said, you are here in this world to work on, only your challenges,
I promise you one thing,
if you were a true happy person you would not be speaking the way you are, it's the people that are unhappy that enjoy seeing the downfall of anot her human being.
veruchumov hashem ul kol musov,
thst includes absolutely every creation of the almighty.
Anonymous - the things you're saying could be said about any criminal no matter how bad. "We can't know, we can't judge, we shouldn't do anything". In some kehillos they say that about child rapists with awful consequences. Obviously Charlie only molested adult women (although he groomed teenagers who were below 16) but we still have a right to not live in a community where sociopathic perverts are treated with kovod.
ReplyDeleteAs I said maybe it's true maybe it's untrue,
ReplyDeleteThis Human being has been burried alive, I would not wish this on anyone,
no one has heard of any stories since the humiliation this man has had.
It sounds like that you really want this man to suffer for the rest of his life,
please leave the rest to the holy master of this world.
This man is a complete contradiction to yiddishkeit. His Gan-Eden is waiting for him all the lovely ladies he wishes for. He is anything but a gadol. the shechina has no connection to these type of people.
ReplyDeleteYou frumers seem to know it all,
ReplyDeletejust get a life the lot of you, and stop policeing everyne. This one will go to hell and this one should rot bla bla bla
You jealous piece of crap. Its because of the frummers yiddishkeit exists today. The truth hurts. You will sit in his lap. Dont poke fun at the people you owe so much to. Just because you can't be bothered to be Ehrlich and prefer wasting your life away on Facebook because of your deprived childhood Dont stick up for a pervert to justify your sick ways.
DeleteWell, my point proven!!!
Deletefrummers all about themselves, thinking everyone is lower than them.
Frumers is oposite to yidishkiet.
"NewsLine" חשיפה בלעדית: הרה"צ רבי אלחנן האלפערין שליט"א גאב"ד ראדימישלא לונדון יוטס הערב להמשיך טיפול רפואי בארץ, נא להתפלל לרפואת רבי אלחנן בן מינדל לרפו"ש
ReplyDeleteYou are simply regurgitating stuff that has been chewed up and discarded years ago.
ReplyDeleteOur esteemed moron disaster has not defrocked the alleged culprit, nor revoked his standing as a fully authorised to practise rabbi. As such, any union member is free - should he so desire - to have said alleged culprit officiating at his child's bris, bar mitzva, wedding or funeral.
Furthermore, there is no halachic requirement that the מסדר קידושין, be of high moral fibre, all he needs is to have a good understanding of the halochos of kiddushin.
Any person who finds it abhorrent, is free to not attend a chuppa under the auspices of such a person, much as the alleged culprit and other union rabbis have refused a brocho, eidus, and even reading the kesubah, under a chuppa at which Dayan Ehrentreu, Dayan Gelly, Rb Kimche, etc., officiated. (All in the name of yiddishkeit).
Am I missing something?
ReplyDeleteExcerpt from police news-wire
... "Officers from Barnet's sexual offences, exploitation and child abuse command, who investigated the allegations, "confirm that all allegations have been fully investigated."...
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ReplyDeleteI just saw the parsha sheet called "Oneg shabbos" with all the pictures of the rabbis in it for Parashas Yisro. There's an article by the Director of Kashrut Certification of the London Beis Din and he is a chassid called Rabbi Akiva Padwa. So if even LBD is employing chassidim then is there any hechsher that can be trusted in the UK?
ReplyDeleteYeah Ralph, all chassidim must be not trustworthy. Idiot!
ReplyDeleteForgive and move on. Kaufman will be rewarded in shamayim for giving RC another chance... everyone regrets what happened especially RC... I believe he had done tshuva.
ReplyDeletemida kenegged mida.
We want forgiveness from Hashem. We need to forgive others who have made mistakes and done tshuva.
My vote is with KaufMan.
Idiot. Has Charlie Menuvel apologiser to his victims? Has he been moideh on his chatoim? No - he is still being the same arrogant akshen he always was. The only thing to regret is that his presence still defiles GG.