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Friday, 31 May 2013

טרגדיה: בן 20 נמצא מת בישיבה - בבוקר חתונת אחיו הבכור


במקום חתונה - לוויה: משה שרף, תלמיד ישיבת טשרנוביל בב"ב, תושב אנטוורפן בן 20, נמצא מת במיטתו • האב התפרץ לחדר: "לא צריך להסתיר ממני" • הגר"ש וואזנר: לדחות החתונה I תמונות

טרגדיה בבני-ברק: משה שרף ז"ל, תלמיד ישיבת טשרנוביל, כבן 20, נמצא לפני הצהרים במיטתו, כשהוא ללא רוח חיים. 

המנוח ז"ל, תושב אנטוורפן שבבלגיה הלומד בישיבה הממוקמת ברחוב חבקוק, יצא אמש עם אביו אהרן לסידורים אחרונים, לקראת חתונת אחיו הבכור, שאמורה להתקיים הערב באולמי התמר בבני ברק. הוא שב לישיבה בשעה 2:00 - והלך לישון. 

בבוקר ניסה חברו לחדר להעירו, אולם ללא הצלחה - והמשיך לדרכו. סמוך לשעה 11:00 עלה המשגיח בישיבה אל החדר כדי להעירו. כשנכנס, הבחין כי משהו אינו כשורה - והזעיק את כוחות ההצלה. 

לאנשי כוחות ההצלה שהגיעו לזירה לא נותר אלא לקבוע את מותו. 

"האב אהרן שרף, חובש 'הצלה' באנטוורפן, הגיע אל הישיבה כדי לחפש את בנו, וראה את כוחות ההצלה במקום", מספר אחד הנוכחים. "הוא שאל: מה קרה? - כשאמרו לו שבנו אינו חש בטוב, הוא לא עצר בעצמו והתפרץ אל החדר. הוא אמר שהוא חובש ולא צריך להסתיר ממנו דבר". 

בני המשפחה, חסידי פשאווערסק, קבעו את מועד החתונה של בנם הבכור, לפני שהאדמו"ר מפשאוורעסק קבע את מועד חתונת בנו - להערב. "בסוף האדמור קבע את תאריך החתונה לאותו יום", מספר ידיד המשפחה. "בני המשפחה רצו לדחות את החתונה שלהם, אך האדמו"ר קבע שלא דוחים חתונות". 

זאבי טפר, חובש 'איחוד הצלה', סיפר: "מדובר במקרה מצער מאוד. הבחור הוא אח של חתן שאמור להתחתן הערב. כשהגעתי למקום, לצערי לא נותר אלא להמתין לרופא לקביעת מוות. הרקע נבדק. צוות זק"א הוזעק לטפל בגופתו. בני המשפחה שנמצאים כעת בארץ עקב שמחת החתונה שהייתה צפוייה להערב הגיעו למקום, לאחר שעודכנו". 

שמעון אטינגר, חובש ב'הצלה גוש דן', מספר: "כשהגענו למקום מצאנו את הבחור, כבן 20, ללא רוח חיים. הוא נפטר כבר כמה שעות לפני כן, ולא היה עבור מה להתחיל בפעולות החייאה". 

בהתייעצות שקיים האדמו"ר מפאשווערסק עם הגר"ש וואזנר כיצד לנהוג, הורה הגר"ש לדחות את מועד החתונה עד לאחר 'השבעה'. 

המשטרה שיחררה את גופתו לקבורה, זאת לאחר שקצין שהגיע לזירה דרש לפנות את הגופה למכון לרפואה משפטית לבדיקה חיצונית. רכז המחלקה המשפטית של זק"א, מיכאל גוטוויין, ביטל את ההחלטה בתיאום עם ממ"ר דן אלברט אוחיון. 

טרגדיה בסטמפורד היל • אברך צעיר התמוטט ונפטר


שכונת סטמפורד היל בלונדון המומה • האברך שלמה יוסף ברגר ז"ל, חלה בדלקת ריאות שהסתבכה • הבוקר התמוטט פתאום בביתו ואיבד את הכרתו • הובהל לבית החולים ונפטר

טרגדיה קשה בלונדון: היום (ו') ערב שבת קודש פרשת שלח, נפטר הפתאומית האברך הרב יוסף שלמה ברגר ז"ל והוא בן 27 בפטירתו. 

לאחרונה חלה בדלקת ריאות שהסתבכה. הבוקר התמוטט לפתע בביתו ברחוב פורבורג ראד בשכונת סטמפורד היל, ואיבד את הכרתו. 

מתנדבי ההצלה הוזעקו וניסו ניסו לבצע בו פעולות החייאה ממושכות במשך יותר משעה לאחר מכן הוא פונה לבית החולים בהחייאה מלאה ובמצב קריטי, אך מצבו שוב הדרדר והוא השיב את נשמתו ליוצרה. 

המנוח ז"ל היה חסיד סאטמר ועסקן בקהילה החרדית בשכונת סטמפורד היל בלונדון, בנו של הרה"ח בנימין אליעזר ברגר מאנטוורפן שבבלגיה, יו"ר ארגון 'עזרת ישראל' לילדי תימן. 

נישא לבתו של הרה”ח רבי אליעזר לעוו מנכבדי וחשובי חסידי סאטמר בלונדון, הסבא הרה”ח רבי ישעיהו זאב לעוו הינו ראש הקהל של סאטמר בלונדון. 

הותיר אחריו שני ילדים יתומים רכים ואת רעייתו האלמנה. 

הלוויתו תצא היום מביתו בשעה 16:00, בדרכה לבית החיים בלונדון. 

תהא נשמתו צרורה בצרור החיים

Candle ban ends annual Aberystwyth holiday for hundreds of Orthdox Jews


Annual visitors say ban on prayer candles in university accommodation has forced them to seek an alternative holiday destination

Orthodox Jews on holiday in Aberystwyth

Orthodox Jews on holiday in Aberystwyth
Keith Morris
Hundreds of Orthodox Jews who have visited Aberystwyth each summer for almost two decades say they will be forced to go elsewhere because of new health and safety regulations.
It comes after Aberystwyth University – which provides their accommodation – said the holidaymakers are no longer allowed to light candles on a Friday night to usher in Shabbat.
The community which rents around 120 vacant student houses at Pentre Jane Morgan said lighting candles was part of their religion.
Members of London and Manchester’s Jewish communities said they were “very disappointed and upset” at a decision from the University and they will be forced to look elsewhere for accommodation.
But Aberystwyth University said it was refusing to allow candles in the houses on health and safety grounds.
Jewish families visit the seaside town for two weeks in July or August, using a yellow and white striped tent as a makeshift synagogue.
But last year they were told they would only be allowed to stay at Pentre Jane Morgan in 2013 if they agreed not to light candles.
The Orthodox Jews have stayed for the past few years at Aberystwyth University's student village
The Orthodox Jews have stayed for the past few years at Aberystwyth University's student village
Keith Morris
The university said its decision was based purely on health and safety grounds.
“The use of candles/naked flames in all university residences is prohibited,” the university said in a statement.
“This is clearly set out in the terms and conditions which visiting groups are required to sign and abide by during their stay.
“Unfortunately, last year there was more than one incident involving lit candles with this visiting group.
“During negotiations regarding a proposed visit this year the university was asked to remove the parts of the terms and conditions which referred to flames being lit in accommodation and a suggestion was made by the group that covered flames might be more acceptable to the university.
“In reaching its decision not to allow candles to be lit in rooms the university has taken legal and health and safety advice and been in dialogue with the fire service. It has also undertaken its own risk assessment based on the local context and previous incidents.”
The university said it would be ‘delighted’ to host the group as long as it agreed to the amended terms and conditions.
It comes weeks after Aberystwyth suffered a  fire which destroyed a section of roof at the National Library of Wales.
Fire chiefs said the blaze was started accidentally by a blowtorch.
Investigators at Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service said a propane-powered device used by workers set fire to wood behind some external cladding on a flat roof last month.
Two workers had been carrying out repairs at the library in Aberystwyth when the blaze started on April 26.
As well as fire damage caused to an area used as office space and for new acquisitions, water damage is also said to have affected five floors of the building.
Pieces of an historic collection damaged in the fire have been taken to Oxford by salvage experts – though it is thought  no “significant treasures” had been affected by the blaze.
A spokeswoman for the organisers of the Jewish group said they had found alternative destination outside Wales this summer, but added the group preferred Aberystwyth.
“We have found another place to stay this year, but it’s not as nice as Aberystwyth.
“Lighting candles on a Friday evening is part of our religion and being asked not to light them is like asking us not to breathe.
“We are ready to be safe – it’s in our interests to be safe.”
Last August the community was hit by a tragedy when Rabbi Dov Berish Englander, 47, of Stamford Hill, north London, drowned in the sea off Aberystwyth while on holiday in the town.
In November an inquest recorded a verdict of accidental death.

Thursday, 30 May 2013

Girl ‘so naive she didn’t know she was raped’


Menachem Mendel Levy - Alleged Sex Offender

By Anna Sheinman, May 30, 2013

A naive young girl who did not know what the word “rape” meant because of her sheltered religious upbringing was sexually abused by the “monster of her living nightmare”, a court heard this week.

At a retrial following an initial hearing in October, the now-adult woman claimed she was repeatedly sexually assaulted and raped by Menachem Mendel Levy, 41, when she was aged between 14 and 21.

Mr Levy has pleaded not guilty.

Mr David Markham, prosecuting, said the girl had described, “two men called Mendy Levy”. On one level, he was a family friend, who helped her with her homework. On another, he was a monster.

He said the girl, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was naïve and did not understand what was happening to her.

“She lacked the knowledge, vocabulary and worldliness of girls outside her community,” he added. “This is not a case of a woman scorned.”

He described the abuse as “a nuanced and subtle overpowering of a child by an adult”.
Mr Levy, a married father of six, claimed the sexual contact was part of an extramarital affair and took place when the girl was over the age of 16.

He said: “It was obvious she was consenting because of what she was doing.” He added: “She wanted it, she encouraged it.”

The retrial was ordered after the original jury failed to reach a verdict. Since the first trial, the young woman has claimed there were earlier sexual assaults when she was as young as 13.

Tania Griffiths, defending, said that by changing her testimony, the alleged victim had been “caught red-handed in a lie”, having previously said that an indecent assault when she 14 was a “one off”.

Summing up, Judge James Patrick told the jury: “A person who has undergone sexual assault or rape has experienced trauma — everyone has their own way of reacting.”

For full report on this case see link below

Todros Grynhaus denied in rare Law of Return ruling


By Jonathan Kalmus, May 30, 2013

A suspected British paedophile has become one of only a tiny number of people in Israel’s history not to be granted citizenship under the Law of Return.

Todros Grynhaus, from Salford, fled to Israel on a false passport shortly after pleading not guilty in court to seven counts of sexual assault on three children.

The former teacher was arrested in Jerusalem in February but appealed against his deportation under the Law of Return.

This week Israeli interior minister Gideon Sa’ar made the rare decision to deny citizenship under an exemption that bars anyone who may endanger public welfare.

Famously two other men have faced exclusion from Israel under the exemption. Meyer Lansky, an American mobster who was deported in 1970 to the US for tax evasion, and Victor Vancier, the American activist who is banned from Israel for allegiance to the late Rabbi Meir Kahane and his Kach party which was outlawed in Israel in 1994.

Lawyers acting for the 48-year-old Mr Grynhaus said they intended to fight the minister’s decision in Israel’s supreme court.

The UK Home Office said it would not confirm if it is making an extradition application for Mr Grynhaus.

ברסלב תשע"ג - פירות החינוך הקלוקל

לכבוד ר׳ חיים.
כתושב שכונת ׳סטמפורד היל׳ אשר בלונדון, 
החלטתי לעלות על הכתב מציאות עגומה שקורה כאן בשכונתינו.
בשנים האחרונות התרבו מספר היהודים החרדים שמגיעים למדינות אירופה ובראשה העיר לונדון.
איד מהקבוצות הבולטות שמגיעות ללונדון הם ׳חסידי(?) ברסלב,
מדובר בעשרות אם לא מאות של בחורים צעירים (הווי אומר-החל מגילאי 13! וכלה באברכים שרק עכשיו התחתנו) שגודשים את העיר מידי יום ביומו.
בעיקרון לא היה בזה בעיה, אם לא המציאות העגומה שהם גורמים כאן לתושבים.
החבר׳ה שמגיעים לכאן זה בחורים משועממים שלא יודעים צורת אות וזה לא גוזמא,
ברחו מהישיבות/מההורים, ובאים לעשות כסף, -כסף קל, קל מאוד.
את כל השיעמום שלהם הם מכלים כאן בבתי הכנסיות,
ומאחר שבכל בתי הכנסת בשכונה העיפו אותם והזהירו אותם לבל יהינו להכנס שוב, המקום היחיד אליהם הם יכולים להכנס זה כמובן חב״ד ששם לא מסלקים אף אחד, 
אבל מה לעשות, שהתנא בםרקי אבות כבר אומר אומר שכשאין מה לעשות, אז השיעמום מביא לידי בטלה והבטלה מביאה לידי כו׳ וד״ל.
הם שברו הרסו והשאירו בלגן, 
וכשהרב במקום (מדובר על יהודי עם זקן לבן ארוך שרק זה מספיק) ביקש מהם להירגע, הוא נתקל באטימות מוחלטת,
הם עושים ככל העולה על רוחם, ואפילו אינם מתביישים לפתוח מספר כסאות ולישון עליהם, כך באמצע היום.
למותר לציין שאינם לומדים ואפילו לא פותחים ספר, ואולי גרוע מזה כשאחד מהקבוצה שאל את אחד הלומדים במקום-מה פרשת השבוע?.....
פשוט בורות איומה!!!!
היכן ההורים/רבנים של כל הצעירים האלו,
אין להם בושה גם לזייף המלצות ומכתבים על מנת להתרים כסף!!!
אחרי זה מה הפלא שאותם צעירים מגיעים לסמים וכו׳?.....(מה שאין ויכוח על זה-דבר הנראה לעין)
חיים היקר אם אתה הוגן תעלה את העניין הזה בדחיפות,
זה עניין שלא סובל דיחוי
מדובר בחבר׳ה שלא מקשיבים לאף אחד בעולם (העיקר כל היום לקרקר סביב ברלנד ממרוקו)ואולי זה מה שיעזור להפטר מהתופעה האיומה הזאת.
אם זה ימשיך, נחשוף את התופעה על כל ממדיה, כולל תמונות מזוויעות וסרטי ווידיאו שמראים מה כל החבר׳ה האלה עושים מלבד לאסוף כסף.
מתי הקהילה/הרבנים כאן יוקיעו את התופעה?

אברך בשכונה שנמאס לו מהעניין.

Police Reopen Cold Case Murder Investigation of Slain Jewish Teen Chaim Weiss

The father of a Long Island teen murdered more than 25 years ago pleaded for the public's help Tuesday in solving the cold case, as Nassau police announced new efforts to find the killer.

"With the help of God, I hope Nassau police can conclude this investigation," said Anton Weiss, father of slain rabbinical student, Chaim Weiss.

Weiss, 15, was found stabbed multiple times in his dorm room on East Beech Street in Long Beach on Nov. 1, 1986. No one has been arrested in connection with the murder.

After a review of the nearly three-decade-old case, Nassau police decided to reopen the investigation. Nassau Crime Stoppers has increased the reward for information leading to an arrest from $5,000 to $25,000.

"There's somebody out there that knows a secret. I'm looking for that person to give me that secret," said Detective Lt. John Azzata, commander of the Nassau police homicide squad.

Tips have already begun to flow to investigators, police said. Investigators are looking to interview any student, faculty member or employee connected to the Torah High School, which Weiss was attending.

Weiss' father urged his son's former classmates, now adults and parents, to help bring the killer to justice.

"I am appealing to you in the strongest way," Anton Weiss said.

"I ask you, I urge you to please contact the police department."

One problem police face in the hunt for Weiss' killer is the reluctance of members of the Orthodox Jewish community to speak directly to local authorities, according to Rabbi Shmuel Goldin of the Rabbinical Council of America.

Goldin urged community members to cast that tradition aside, insisting that it is the "obligation" of everyone to help solve the Weiss case.

"The Mesivta of Long Beach applauds the perseverance of the Nassau Police department," said a statement from Weiss' school.

"We encourage all who have relevant information that could prove useful to the investigation to extend their full support."

Investigators are unclear if someone connected to the Long Beach yeshiva was involved in the murder.

There was no sign of forced entry in Weiss' room, but there were clues, police said, which indicate the killer was familiar with Orthodox Jewish traditions.

Among those clues was a window left open to "allow the victim's soul to escape," according to Det. Lt. Azzata.

Sunday, 26 May 2013

ifyoutickleus is back.... Guest post by “Moish”

From: http://www.ifyoutickleus

Apologies in advance to readers who must by now have tired of the 'painful saga', but an article in this week's JC underscores an aspect of the ensuing fallout that has yet to be fully appreciated. It demonstrates the seismic shifts taking place in frum London, if not the UK, effected in large measure by this very saga.

For the first time in living memory, a spokesman for the United Synagogue (and not merely individual dayonim acting in their capacity as 'NW London rabbonim') has gone on record criticizing the UOHC. The significance of this cannot be overestimated, especially as the criticism relates not to the UOHC's financial probity, general accountability or its (lack of) democratic mandate but on issues of chupa and kidushin. The US lecturing the Stamford Hill establishment on yiddishkeit may not be quite like North Korea lecturing the USA on human rights but in the Adath’s eyes it must come scarily close.

The story of Orthodoxy, if not Judaism, in the UK, as well as the world over, during the last few decades has been to a large extent the seemingly inexorable ascendancy of the Charedim. Their growing numbers have been accompanied by an increasing confidence not only in expressing their views, but in policing the limits of acceptable rabbinic thought and behaviour amongst those to their left. UOHC rabbonim alongside their stable mates up north have been frenetically ferreting out the slightest whiff of heresy in their backsliding 'mainstream' counterparts. Whippers-in like good old Joe have made it their job of propping up the rear (where many of their heads are firmly ensconced) from his perch in Anglo Orthodoxy's organ and through the presidiums and presidencies that have fallen his way.

Whether it was the near-career-ending furore over the mischievous leaking of the Chief Rabbi's letter to the late R. Padwa over Hugo Gryn's memorial service or the auto-da-fe that ensued over the Chief's 'Dignity of Difference', God's self-proclaimed inquisitors were always on the case. In halachic matters too, from the brouhaha over the NW London eruv to the excoriation of Dayan Lopian for his overly liberal approach to yom tov sheni, any overt deviation from the Stamford Hill cum Bnei Brak line was swiftly and harshly condemned and without the adjudication of an ad hoc Beis Din.
Although this condemnation did not always lead to a retraction on the part of the offending party, the bearded bearers of 'Torah True' principles became the force to be reckoned with on Judaic matters. This self perception of the 'Adath' rabbonim was widely in accordance with how they were viewed by the Jewish public at large: uncompromising adherents to unchanging principles.

And it is here where the tectonic shifts are taking place. Without repeating the sordid allegations of 'the curious incident of the rov in the night-time' with which readers of this blog will be well versed, it can safely be said that the reputation of the UOHC rabbinic leadership has taken a pounding. It will take a long time if ever before anyone outside their insular citadels will look to them for guidance or authority on anything, never mind issues pertaining to the status of women, sanctity, marriage or education. In the immortal words of Rav Padwa, "the solution doesn't lie with the police," and it definitely does not lie with the self-appointed UOHC religious and modesty cops.
It is no coincidence that the UOHC has chosen to keep its counsel while mainstream Anglo Orthodoxy has been undergoing a mini-revolution of its own. From the appointment of a 'yoetzet halacha' in Kinloss to the election of women onto the boards of Federation shuls and as presidents of several United Synagogues; from the expansion in the number of women's megilla readings to increased contact with rabbinic personalities from New York's Yeshiva University, a not-so-subtle snub of Charedi norms has been gaining traction while the guardian angels have been looking less than beatific.

Of course this has not all come about as a result of the UOHC's recent failures and the LBD is still firmly ensconced in black-hat territory. What has changed, however, is the deterrent factor the UOHC and its allies once represented. Whereas in the past, R. Sacks felt the need to offer an abasing response when he was called to account by the late Rav Padwa, a similar demand from the current UOHC Head (were it not to be retracted on the same day) would likely be greeted with a mixture of scorn and bemusement.

Rather than cowering in fear as they may once have done when facing an attack from their exposed right flank, mainstream Orthodox leaders would more likely be on the floor in fits of laughter. It will be a long time indeed before the rabbis of the United Synagogue are prepared to take lessons from their Charedi counterparts on what should be considered a 'deviation' from our sacred mesorah.

And it is not just external forces that are weakening the UOHC. It may be imploding internally too as their predominance on their home turf is being eroded and they concentrate their efforts on modesty squads and the like. While In the past hell would erupt at the change of hechsher of a mere yoghurt supplier, nary a peep has been heard from Kedassia officialdom in response to the tanks of a rival butcher shop parked firmly on their lawn. Since the ba'alei machshirim are a Stamford Hill Rov with the backing of a large kehilo and an ex-Stamford Hiller in out-of-reach Edgware, there is every reason to believe that the eyes and direction of the newbies are firmly set east. Were Belz to establish its own meat in Stamford Hill Satmar would have no option but to follow suit. The absence of the revenue provided by a profitable meat production would mark the practical end of the UOHC.

It would be a mistake to attribute the decline in the Union’s ‘footprint’ solely to recent events. If Rav Padwa's inaugratory address on a decapitated calf didn't raise doubts on the leadership quality of the victor at the funeral coup d'état, then by the time of his incoherent discourse on nobody-quite-knows-what at the Siyum Hashas, he had richly earned his nickname as the 'Moro D'saster'. This latest saga has however metamorphasised the headless calf into a headless chicken and shown the emperor to have no bekitshe and barely a loin cloth. And for this they have a certain resident of Bridge Lane to thank.

Minister to rule on alleged sex offender Grynhaus’s deportation


A British man is waiting for Israel’s interior minister to decide whether he will be deported to face trial for sex offences in the UK.

Todros Grynhaus, 48, from Salford, fled to Israel on a false passport shortly after he pleaded not guilty to seven counts of the historic sexual or indecent assault of three children.

He was arrested in Jerusalem in February but has appealed against his deportation under Israel’s Law of Return.

This week, a Jerusalem judge gave interior minister Gideon Sa’ar until Sunday to decide whether concerns about public safety are strong enough to deny him Israeli citizenship. The ministry confirmed the decision would be made within “a few days”.

Mr Grynhaus would have to be released if his appeal for citizenship were granted. 

However, his lawyer has said that he expects the British Home Office to request an immediate re-arrest to return the former teacher to the UK under its bilateral extradition agreement with Israel.

Friday, 24 May 2013

Rabbi Chaim Halpern conducting a wedding a ‘serious error’, says United Synagogue


By Simon Rocker, May 24, 2013

The United Synagogue has strongly criticised the Union of Orthodox Hebrew Congregations for allowing Rabbi Chaim Halpern, who is under police investigation over alleged sexual abuse of women, to officiate at a wedding.

Rabbi Halpern, the leader of the Divrei Chaim community, took part in a ceremony under the UOHC’s auspices on Wednesday afternoon at Finchley United Synagogue, which houses the Kinloss banqueting suite.

In a statement, a spokesman for the US said that it considered the UOHC’s approval of Rabbi Halpern’s participation as “wrong and a serious error of judgment”.

Rabbi Halpern, who has denied any wrongdoing in connection with counselling sessions for women, has been bailed to return to a police station in July.

A special Beth Din set up by the UOHC to look into the allegations against him has been suspended pending police inquiries.

No one was available from the UOHC to comment.

The US said that its synagogues were hired out for dozens of weddings each year under the Union’s auspices.

“The United Synagogue is not involved in the authorisation or solemnisation of such marriages and relies on the UOHC to ensure that a suitable person officiates,” a US spokesman said.

“The former head of the London Beth Din and two current dayanim in their capacity as north-west London rabbonim have already publicly made their views very clear concerning Rabbi Halpern.

“Rabbi Halpern’s own governing body, the UOHC, has seen fit to initiate a high-profile investigation that has not yet been concluded. In addition to which, he is under police investigation.

“We therefore consider his authorisation by the UOHC to officiate at this marriage wrong and a serious error of judgment.”

New urgent notice from the Vaad Lema'an Toihar Chazeirim!

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

SHAMEFUL = The Kodosh at the Chuppah being Mesader Kedushen !!

R' Elchonon Halpern Shlita and the Belzer Rabbi Shlita under the Chuppah

Teacher Accused of Groping Students at Jewish School

SEATTLE WA - A former private school teacher has pleaded not guilty to charges of molesting two of his students.

Police said the victims were first- and second-graders at a private Jewish school in Seattle's Columbia City neighborhood. 

The teacher, Jordan Murray, who was addressed as "rabbi," pleaded not guilty to four counts of child molestation. 

Murray, 32, has been a first- and second-grade teacher at Torah Day School the past two school years. 

His students called him rabbi as an honorary title, but the president of the small, private K-8 school said Murray has had no formal rabbinical training.

Late last month, one of his first-grade students told her family that Murray had put her on his lap while sitting behind his desk and groped her several times. 

Another student, a 7-year-old, reported that he groped her while she stood behind his desk as he was checking her work.

Police said a receptionist at the school has had several children in Murray's class approach her complaining of stomach aches and anxiety about attending his class. He was fired after the allegations came to light.

Murray ignored reporters' questions as he walked out of court.

Murray is free on bail, but the judge ordered him to have no contact with any children other than his own, and that must be supervised by their mother. Murray has three children. They live in Minnesota with his wife.

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Second man set for harassment trial linked to Chaim Halpern investigation

A second man charged with harassment in relation to police investigations into a Temple Fortune rabbi will stand trial in July.

Shlomo Feldman, 28, will appear at Willesden Magistrates’ Court for trial on July 26 as part of ongoing investigations into orthodox rabbi Chaim Halpern, 54, leader of Divrei Chaim Synagogue in Bridge Lane, Temple Fortune.
Mr Feldman, of Lynmouth Road, Stamford Hill, denied three charges of harassment without violence at Hendon Magistrates’ Court yesterday.
He was bailed on the condition he does not contact any witnesses in the case.
Another man, Samuel Erlanger, 37, of Powis Gardens, Golders Green, denied one charge of harassment without violence earlier this month in relation to the investigation into Rabbi Halpern and will appear for trial at Willesden Magistrates’ Court on July 11.
Rabbi Halpern was arrested and questioned in February on suspicion of sexual assault and perverting the course of justice. He is due to return to police in July.

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