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Friday, 30 August 2013

Sex abuse Victim of Square Speaks Out

A teenage sex abuse victim from the hasidic village of New Square in New York State has spoken out about his abuse – and about its coverup and shunning by New Square leaders.

The victim, who prefers to be identified only his by first name of Yossi, spoke out in the hope that doing so will encourage other victims of abuse to come forward, News 12 reported.

Yossi was abused by Rabbi Herschel Taubenfeld, a teacher in the Sqvere hasidic community, who sexually fondled him several times per week over a four month period.

Yossi reported the abuse to the senior rabbis of New Square and the special “vaad” (organization) those rabbis had just set up to privately deal with sex abuse cases. The vaad instructed Yossi him to see a therapist.

Two months later, after nothing had been done to stop Taubenfeld, Yossi reported the abuse to the Ramapo police. In response, his friends stopped talking to him. He was completely shunned.

Yossi says Taubenfeld was recorded admitting to the abuse.
Even so, Sqvere rabbinic leaders sent Taubenfeld to Israel, supposedly to get smicha (rabbinic ordination) but really to escape arrest. Despite having admitted to sexually abusing Yossi, while in Israel Taubenfeld received dayanut, a special higher level of rabbinic ordination, from Rabbi Shmuel HaLevi Wosner, the leading hasidic authority on Jewish law in the world.

Community leaders also offered Yossi $100,000 to drop the charges. Yossi refused the money.

One month after Yossi reported the abuse to police, Taubenfeld turned himself in. He was charged with 30  counts of forcible touching, endangering the welfare of a child and third-degree sex abuse. And then pleaded guilty.

But the sweetheart plea deal Taubenfeld was offered meant he would serve no time in prison. Instead, he was sentenced to six years probation.
The Rockland County D.A. Thomas Zugibe defended Taubenfeld's plea deal and the no-prison sentence as the only way to maintain control over Taubenfeld for six years.

Taubenfeld is still reportedly teaching at one of New Square’s largest yeshivas for young boys.

Thursday, 29 August 2013

Spot the Difference !!

חיים של חלוץ עצמות

הסכם ב'העדה החרדית': העבודות יימשכו בפיקוח


לאחר שנים ארוכות של עיכוב והפגנות סוערות בתקופה האחרונה, גאב"ד 'העדה החרדית' הגרי"ט וייס והראב"ד הגר"מ שטנרבוך, הסכימו למנות את הרב אליהו פוזן לפקח על העבודות ולהיות אחראי במקרה שימצא חשש לקברים • בפנים: המכתבים המלאים של הגאב"ד והראב"ד

הגאב"ד והראב"ד עם האדמו"ר מסאטמר - מהרז"ל מסאטמר מברך על ההסכם

פשרה במתחם גולובנציץ': לאחר שנים ארוכות של מאבקים, הפסד כספי של עשרות מיליוני שקלים לרוכשי הדירות והפגנות סוערות בחודשים האחרונים בעקבות העבודות במתחם גולובנציץ' בבית שמש, נראה כי אפשר לברך על המוגמר.
כעת, חתמו גאב"ד 'העדה החרדית' הגאון רבי טוביה וויס והראב"ד הגאון רבי משה שטרנבוך על הסכם פשרה, לפיו ימונה למתחם מפקח חדש, שיהיה אחראי על כל בעיות הקברים שיתגלו במקום.
כזכור, הסערה סביב הבניה במתחם גולובנציץ', איימה לפלג את 'העדה החרדית' בעקבות חילוקי הדעות בין הגאב"ד, שאסר את העבודות במתחם בשל החשש להימצאות קברים, לבין הראב"ד שהתיר את העבודות.
בשל פסיקת הראב"ד, כמו גם פסיקתם של גדולי ישראל, החלו בשבועות האחרונים העבודות במתחם, תחת אבטחה כבדה. כאשר מנגד, פעילי "אתרא קדישא" הגיעו להפגין נגד העבודות, מדי יום. עשרות מהם נעצרו על-ידי המשטרה.
בעקבות הסערה, פנה הרב אליהו פוזן, דיין בבית הדין של הגר"נ קרליץ, אל ראשי 'העדה החרדית' והציע פשרה, לפיה, הוא ימונה לאחראי מטעם כל הצדדים לפקח על הבנייה שתימשך במקום.
במידה ובמהלך העבודות ימצאו מערה שיהיה לגביה חשש כי נמצאים בתוכה קברים, הרי שיבנו מעליה כיפין ובכך תיפתר הבעיה ההלכתית. במידה ויבנו כיפין, הרי שהדבר לא יעכב את בניית הפרויקט ובנוסף לא תהיה תוספת יקרה לעלות הבנייה. כאשר תתעורר שאלה לגבי מערה או חלק משטח המתחם, יסכימו שני הצדדים שלא לחפור במקום.
הגאב"ד הגרי"ט וייס והראב"ד הגר"מ שטרנבוך, קיבלו את ההצעה והסכימו למנות את הרב פוזן לאחראי על העבודות במתחם ועל הפתרונות במידה וימצאו קברים או חשש לקברים. יצוין כי גם יו"ר 'אתרא קדישא' הרב דוד שמידל, הסכים לכך.
במכתב שכתב הגאב"ד בכתב ידו, ונחשף לראשונה ב"כיכר השבת", הוא כותב
"בס"ד יום ד' לס' נצו"י תשע"ג
שמחתי לשמוע שהרה"ג אליהו פוזן שליט"א מבני-ברק, נתמנה לפקח על השטח שבנו חברת גבעת ירושלים בראשות הרב אברהם סלונים וכידוע יש שם בעיות בענייני קברים, והרב ר' אליהו פוזן הנ"ל יופקד על בעיות של קברים שיעשה הכל כדין תורה הקדושה והשי"ת יעזור בסייעתא דשמיא שיעשה הכל כדת וכדין בלי מכשול, ושלום על ישראל.
בברכת כתיבה וחתימה טובה, יצחק טוביה וייס".
ראב"ד 'העדה החרדית', הגר"מ שטרנבוך, כותב גם הוא מכתב ובו הסמכתו למינוי הרב פוזן לפקח על הקברים במקום, תוך הוראה לצדדים להישמע להוראותיו.
וכך הוא כותב במכתבו, שנחשף כאן לראשונה: "אודות המתחם שברחוב גבעת ירושלים בבית שמש. ממנין הרב הגאון רבי אליהו פוזן שליט"א לפקח על חפירות במקום, ועל כל הצדדים שמה לציית להוראותיו".

כעת, עם ההגעה להסכם בין מנהיגי "העדה החרדית" נסללה הדרך להמשך העבודות במתחם, תחת פיקוח מסודר ומוסכם וללא ההפגנות האלימות שהפכו מנת חלקה של העיר בית שמש בתקופה האחרונה.
יצוין כי ההסכמה בין הגאב"ד והראב"ד וכן הסכמת 'אתרא קדישא' הינה רק לגבי העבודות של חברת 'גבעת ירושלים', במה שמכונה "מתחם סלונים". בעוד בפרויקט 'בנין שלם', הסמוך, העבודות מתבצעות כפי הוראת הראב"ד בפיקוחו של הרב אברהם נחמני, ושם מתכוונים להמשיך בעבודות בפיקוח הראב"ד.

פני הדור כפני הכלב


בן הרביעי מ'שומרי אמונים' יכהן כאדמו"ר במונסי
הבן הרביעי של האדמו"ר מ'שומרי אמונים', אשר שוחרר השנה מכלא מעשיהו, עוזב את הארץ לארצות הברית • יכהן כאדמו"ר בבית מדרש של החסידות, שיפתח במונסי

שנה חלפה מאז פטירתו של האדמו"ר משומרי אמונים זצ"ל, והבן הרביעי - הרב יעקב יצחק ראטה ששוחרר השנה מבית הכלא מעשיהו, עוזב היום את הארץ ועובר להתגורר בארה"ב. 

שלושת אחיו האדמו"רים מונו לכהן בבני-ברק, ירושלים ואשדוד. 

הרב יעקב יצחק שהתגורר ברחוב מהר"ל בבני ברק, נהג להתפלל לאחר שחרורו בבית מדרשו של אחיו האדמו"ר מבני ברק. בתקופה האחרונה עבר להתפלל בבית הכנסת קאסאן ברחוב חפץ חיים הסמוך לביתו, עקב קצר עם חצרו של אחיו. 

לאחר שחרורו דובר שיפתח חצר בבית שמש או בביתר עילית, אך בשבועות האחרונים נפלה ההחלטה כי יעבור לארה"ב. 

היום ינחת בניו-יורק עם משפחתו, שם יערכו לו חסידי אביו קבלת פנים. 

בתקופה הקרובה הוא צפוי לשמש כאדמו"ר בבית המדרש שומרי אמונים, שעתיד להיפתח במונסי.

More on:

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Serious Allegations Against Yeshiva University High School

A top Manhattan private school has admitted it failed to protect students from physical and sexual abuse.

But a lawyer for three-dozen alleged victims says Yeshiva University High School is still hiding the extent of wrongdoing, CBS 2's Tony Aiello reported Monday.

Yeshiva University promised to "meet or exceed" the openness of Penn State and other institutions that have hired outsiders to investigate abuse claims, but a lawyer suing the school says an investigative report released Monday falls far short of that promise.

Attorney Kevin Mulhearn slammed the report released by Yeshiva University.

"I think this is a whitewash. They're trying to establish with the community the fact they're being open and candid and this report indicates the opposite," Mulhearn said.

A lawsuit accuses two former faculty members of physically and sexually abusing boys over a 20-year period — from the 1970s into the 1990s — at Yeshiva's high school in Washington Heights.

Yeshiva ordered an independent investigation, Aiello reported.

The report out Monday admits "multiple incidents of sexual and physical abuse took place," and found "multiple instances in which the school either failed to protect the safety of its students or did not respond to the allegations at all."

"It confirms that the school acted grossly inappropriately," Mulhearn said.

A statement from President Richard Joel calls the findings "a source of profound shame and sadness for our institution." He offered victims his "deepest and most heartfelt remorse."

Yeshiva's report is far less revealing than last year's "Freeh report" on the scandal at Penn State. Yeshiva admits it is withholding details as a legal tactic in the face of a lawsuit demanding millions for the victims.

"We're looking for the information that they promised to provide, but didn't. We're looking to get that through the litigation," Mulhearn said.

The two sides will square off in court in early September.

The report released Monday found that since 2001 Yeshiva has had excellent protections in place to safeguard students.

Sunday, 25 August 2013

Not Enough Progress By Rabbis, Leaders On Dealing With Sexual Abuse


The time for serious vigilance of child abuse in the Modern Orthodox Jewish community is long overdue. It is time that lay and religious communal leaders have zero tolerance for child abusers and cease to cover up, enable, or protect them.
In recent years, both in Israel and in America, our community has learned many painful lessons on this topic, and institutions that have owned up to mistakes made in the past and seek ways to create policies that would avoid repeating these mistakes have made some progress. But we have not done enough. The progress made has been insufficient.
The most severe consequence of sexual abuse of children (and of enabling abuse by protecting offenders) is suicide. Tragically this has occurred in the Orthodox Jewish community. That makes it a form of murder. It is time that parents learn to overcome the taboo of reporting abusers to the authorities. Therapists tell me that it is in the best mental health interest of their children to do so. Parents who don’t report abuse often say they are trying to protect their children by allowing the incident to quietly blow over, lest their children become publicly shamed or stigmatized. But in fact the opposite is true. Children are harmed much more when incidents are not reported and dealt with.
There can be no mercy for abusers. If they are not stopped they will abuse other people’s children. In a sense, a failure to report (or to enable) makes one an indirect accessory to future crimes. And far worse than those who fail to report are those communal leaders who use their authority (or their synagogues, schools, or organizations) in ways that either directly or indirectly promote further abuse. This is done by refusing to take abuse seriously and maintaining abusers in settings where they have continued access to children, such that further abuse will surely occur.
Abuse is also indirectly promoted by leaders who discourage or disparage parents or others who are doing the right thing by reporting abuse to the authorities. I offer here one example of each type of promotion of abuse, not from the past, but now – one in Israel and one in America.
The religious Zionist community in Israel established the Takanah Forum about a decade ago as a reaction to tragic incidents of sexual abuse that occurred in both boys' and girls' schools. A large panel of leading roshei yeshiva [rabbinic heads of yeshivas], male and female educators, rabbis, therapists, and jurists was formed to respond to complaints of sexual abuse not subject to the jurisdiction of the criminal legal system in Israel. Wherever possible, complainants are encouraged to go to the authorities.  
Their most famous and tragic case related to allegations that Rabbi Mordechai Elon, rosh yeshiva of Yeshivat HaKotel and charismatic rabbi to many young men and families, who was found guilty of inappropriate physical behavior with a number of boys/young men ( The charges were made public in February 2010, after Rabbi Elon refused to cease his educational activities and refused to stop meeting young men privately, as Takanah had urged him to do.  
The panel reviewing the Rabbi Elon case included such prominent figures as Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein, Rabbi Yaakov Ariel and Bar Ilan law professor Yedidia Stern.  
Since then, Rabbi Elon has refused to comply and has relocated to Migdal in the north where he has a Beit Midrash, and he still lectures around the country. Many of his followers remain staunch believers in him despite the prestigious ethical members of the Takanah panel and despite his conviction in court earlier this month on two charges of sexually assaulting a minor. He is due to be sentenced in October.
The Takanah Forum declared that the charges for which Rabbi Elon was tried pale before the allegations presented to the Forum which were not subject to criminal prosecution. But Rabbi Elon continues to claim innocence, teach and lecture, and lash out against the Takanah Forum, which he publicly called a kangaroo court. 
In defiance of Takanah's warnings, Rabbi Chaim Druckman, head of Yeshivot Bnei Akiva (YBA), the network of Bnei Akiva yeshivas in Israel, engaged Rabbi Elon to teach in his boys' yeshiva, Ohr Etzion, and rehired him after Rabbi Elon's conviction.  
Psychologist and others have observed that this case highlights the danger of charismatic figures, and a failure of the Israeli rabbinate. Followers caught in the allure of such individuals surrender their freedom of choice. We call groups like this a cult. Furthermore, besides the broader Takanah panel, most of the Israeli rabbinate has chosen to remain silent on this case. Rabbi Druckman has gone a step further by enabling Rabbi Elon to teach in a boys’ school, which could potentially have tragic consequences.
Rabbi Druckman did the same thing in the 1990s, allowing Rabbi Ze'ev Kopolovich, rosh yeshiva of YBA's flagship high school, Netiv Meir, to continue teaching there even after Rabbi Kopolovich had been alleged to have sexually assaulted 10 students. This went on until the rabbi was arrested and jailed.
YBA must insist that Rabbi Druckman retract the Rav Elon appointment. If he refuses, the organization must override his decision.
In the U.S., parents of a boy in Lakewood, NJ pressed charges of sexual molestation against Rabbi Yosef Kolko. Rabbi Yisrael Belsky, the Orthodox Union’s halachic authority for kashrut, publicly accused those parents of “mesirah,” the crime of turning a Jew over to secular authorities. As a result, the complainants were driven out of Lakewood. A few months ago Rabbi Kolko confessed to his crimes. Nevertheless, Rabbi Belsky continues to condemn the complainants as “mosrim.” His position is contrary to the OU's position and that of its rabbinic arm, the Rabbinical Council of America, that child abuse must be reported to the secular authorities.
The OU has refused to publicly rebuke or take any action against Rabbi Belsky. It is time that the OU publicly condemn his defiance of the rules of the RCA and the OU. Principles must trump kashrut revenues in a major Orthodox organization’s order of priorities. The existence of the Takanah Forum in Israel is refreshing. Nothing like it exists yet in the United States, though still our community has made some progress in recent years.
But the fact that communal leaders in these two cases are protecting and enabling abusers, or condemning legitimate accusers, underscores that our community still has a long way to go. And given the high stakes of life and death and mental health of our children, we can’t afford to wait.  Things will only change if our community loudly and articulately demands it.
Rabbi Heshie Billet, a former president of the Rabbinical Council of America, is spiritual leader of the Young Israel of Woodmere. 

Friday, 23 August 2013

דרמה בלונדון - כמעט מכות בין סאטמאר ל'תולדות אהרן' בגלל שבן האדמו"ר העיר כי אסור לדבר על ר' משה שטרנבוך - נגידי 'תולדות אהרן' יחרימו את סאטמאר

מאת לאנדאנער

תושבי לונדון מזועזעים נוכח הפגיעה החמורה בכבודו של מרן האדמו"ר מתו"א שליט"א כאשר בנו בכורו הגאון הצדיק ר' אהרן קאהן שליט"א (חתנו של האדמו"ר מקרעטשניף סיגעט) הגר במונסי ביקר במשך השבוע בלונדון לצורך מגביות לטובת מוסדות תו"א מאנסי והתפלל לתומו בבית המדרש סאטמאר (זאלויני) המקורבים לפלג הסיקריקים ולאתרא (שאינה) קדישא ופתאום שמע איך שאחד המתיימר להקרא מנכ"ל הת"ת של סאטמאר בלונדון (ש.צ.) מדבר בוז נגד מרן הראב"ד ואז הרה"צ ניגש איליו ומעוררו כי אין זה נאה לדבר כך מול כבוד הראב"ד כי הוא גדול בתורה וכו' אז התחיל המנכ"ל הנ"ל לקלל ואמר לו "זיי שטיל און גיי ארויס פון דא, דיין טאטע איז א קוק'ניק (הכוונה על הרה"ר אברהם יצחק קוק) ) וכמעט שהכה אותו מכות נמרצות וניצל בנס מתחת ידי המקלל ע"י כמה מאנשיו

יצויין כי הנגיד האגדי ר' חיים פסח ריינער ראה"ק תולדות אהרן בלונדון - ומי שהיה בעבר מגדולי תומכי המנכ"ל הנ"ל - העביר תיכף הודעה להנהלת הת"ת כי שוב לא יבואו איליו לצורך המגביות וכד' וכי לא יתן יותר אגורה למוסד הנ"ל עד שיזרקו את המנכ"ל ולפי השמועות שוקלים בהנהלה ברצינות לפטר את המנכ"ל

ימים ידברו
ויהי מלעיבים במלאכי אלוקים

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Abraham Rubin pleads guilty to bribe bid of $500K to victim of Weberman


An ultra-Orthodox Jewish man who tried to bribe a pretty young Brooklyn teen in a slimy attempt to get her to drop her sex abuse case against a once-prominent Hasidic counselor pleaded guilty today to bribing a witness in a deal that could let him off with no jail time.
Abraham Rubin, 49, admitted in Brooklyn Supreme Court that he spoke directly to the teen’s then-boyfriend – now husband – when he offered the bribe.
Brooklyn prosecutors charged that Rubin offered the couple $500,000 to leave the country so the case against Nechemya Weberman would be dropped.
Gregory P. Mango
Abraham Rubin leaves court after getting a plea deal for bribery. He tried to bribe the Rabbi Weberman victim with $500,000. Brooklyn Supreme Court, 320 Jay Street, Brooklyn, NY. (Gregory P. Mango)
Weberman was convicted last year on the strength of his victim’s multi-day testimony about the abuse and was sentenced to 103 years behind bars.
The victim’s husband said he accepts the deal but wishes Rubin would get some jail time.
“I think a person like him that protects molesters and tries to take him out of jail belongs in jail just like a molester,” the husband said.
“Rubin didn’t care about Weberman’s victims and he didn’t care about Weberman’s future victims.”
Prosecutors asked that Rubin get six months behind bars. But Judge Danny Chun said he will reserve his decision until the October 29 sentencing, when he could hit Rubin with up to six months – but could also give him a sentence of only probation.
Asked for comment, Rubin said only, “I don’t consider you my friend.”
Rubin isn’t the only defendant to admit to trying to influence the Weberman case.
Three Orthodox Jewish brothers pleaded guilty on coercion charges in June on a no-jail deal for trying to intimidate the victim’s husband into dropping the case.

Saturday, 17 August 2013

The משגעים on have more אותות ומופתים


אברך א' בשכונת גולדרס גרין הוצרך לישועה גדולה, ונכנס לבית הגאון הדור ר'"ח קניובסקי, והוציא לפניו את מר לבבו
הגר"ח יעץ לו שיחפש איזה רב או ת"ח שמבזין ומלעיבין לו, ואינו עונה. כי ברכה כזו בוודאי יואיל לך
האברך חישב בדעתו מי הוא זה אם לא הרה"ג ר' חיים הלפרין שליט"א, והלך אצלו וקיבל ברכתו
ובפחות משבועיים הי' לו ישועה מלא

רננו צדיקים בה' ולישרים נוה תהלה
כי יודע ה' משפט

Friday, 16 August 2013

Butcher suspected of sexually assaulting children

Border police arrested a 45-year-old kashrut supervisor at the airport earlier this week, on suspicion of child sex offenses committed in the south of the country. The suspect, whose name is under gag order, fled the country in 2001 and has lived in Brooklyn ever since. He was arrested shortly before he boarded a flight to the United States. 

The arrest took place after the young man complained that the suspect sexually harassed him 12 years ago. Since then, police received three more complaints from members of the Chabad community, who told of sexual offenses the suspect had allegedly committed against them during their childhoods. Police believe there are others who are afraid to file complaints.

The affair began in 2001, with complaints about suspected sex offenses committed by the suspect on children. Police arrested him, but he was released to house arrest and fled the country. One month later, his wife and children joined him. Even though he had run from the law, the suspect came to Israel several times over the years..

One of the complainants who spoke with Ynet said that the suspect was like family to him. "During the time he served as kashrut supervisor, he would distribute surplus fruit from the places he visited, so he was always surrounded by children who would take the fruit home," he said..

One of his victims who apparently has not yet filed a complaint, spoke of his deliberations. "We live in a very crowded neighborhood," he explained. "Some of us are afraid of our wives, who do not know anything and would be angry that we did not tell them. Some are afraid of the rabbis who probably would not want us to air the dirty laundry outside’ and some say that it has already been a very long time and the complaints would carry little weight today.”

The same victim told of “an instance in which the suspect went to one of the mothers and told her he wanted to bring her son closer to religion, he took him once a week to the mikve, took him to slaughter houses in the nearby towns, and every one of these times, he assaulted him sexually.
Attorney Mazal Gabai Shamir who is the suspect’s public defender had no comment.

משטרת לונדון לא הצליחה להוכיח כי שלשת העצורים בפרשת הלפרין הציעו שוחד או הפעילו כל לחץ על עדים - חקירת ר' חיים הלפרין נמשכת


מכה קשה ללוחמים בהרב חיים הלפרין בלונדון שהתלוננו במשטרה כי שלשה אנשים ביניהם אחיו הפעילו לחצים ואף איימו והיו גם מי שהציעו תשלום לשתי נשים שלא יעידו נגד הרב חים הלפרין. השלשה נעצרו בשעתו בקול רעש גדול, והמשטרה במשך תקופה ארוכה מאוד ניסתה בכל דרך שהיא להוכיח כי אכן כך פני הדברים ולא הצליחו

בית המשפט לא איפשר להגיש כתב אישום נגד השלשה מפני שלא היו הוכחות כלשהן פרט לרינונים וסיפורים שהגיעו מן הקהילה החרדית או יותר נכון מן המקוה נייעס שכך עשו השלשה - שמות החשודים היו גבריאל האסט אלכס שטראם והרב דוד הלפרין

שאלנו היום את אחד הפעילים נגד הלפרין איך הוא מסביר את זה, והוא אמר כי אין לו ספק כי השלשה עשו את מה שהם חשודים, אבל הבעיה היא העדות, אף אחד בגלוי לא יעיד במשטרה או בבית המשפט מפני שזה סופו בקהילה החרדית על מסירה לא ימחלו

על שאלתי מדוע זה לקח כל כך הרבה זמן, הוא אומר כי המשטרה בכל זאת לחצה ולחצה קיוותה כי בסופו של דבר יהיה לפחות עד רציני אחד אבל לא הצליחה ונאלצה להרים ידיים

מכאן עברנו לשאול ומה קורה עם הרב הלפרין, כאן המשטרה לא תוותר כל כך מהר מפני שמדובר במעשים ממש אם כי הם מתקשים בלהוכיח אין להם עדיין עדויות מי שיסכימו להתייצב ולהעיד נגדו ולכן זה נמשך למרות שהמשטרה יודעת כל פרט במה הוא חשוד ומה שקורה בקהילה החרדית בשנה האחרונה בפרשה הזו, אבל לא מצליחה לפרק את הטאבו שלא מעידים במשטרה ובבית המשפט רק בבית דין

זו הסיבה מדוע המשטרה בלונדון היתה מאוד רוצה שהדין תורה הידוע שאמור היה להתקיים שיתקיים זה היה מקל עליה, אחר הדין תורה הם היו מצווים להעביר להם את הפרטים וקל היה להאשים את הלפרין אם היה מורשע. אבל בשל המעצרים בוטל הדין תורה ומשטרת לונדון ממשיכה בחקירתה את ר' חיים הלפרין בתקוה כי הזמן יעשה את שלו אולי מי מן הנשים תשבר ותחליט כי היא מעידה

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Jewish candles dispute has cost town over £100,000


A Welsh holiday town has lost out on over £100,000 from Jewish tourists, who have gone elsewhere after a health and safety ban on lit candles, it was claimed.

For 20 years, more than a thousand Hasidic Jews have taken their summer break in the seaside resort of Aberystwyth, where they rented student village accommodation for two weeks.
But Aberystwyth University said this year that lit candles were banned in the houses on health and safety grounds following “more than one incident” involving the group.
As lighting candles is part of the weekly Shabbat tradition in the Jewish religion, most of the holidaymakers are now taking their break at other destinations with university accommodation.
Myer Rothfeld, a senior member of the Hasidic community, told the Cambrian News: “The people of this area are very respectful and we hold them in great esteem and love coming here.
“We’ve tried everything possible to get round it, offering to supply our own fire insurance, to use lanterns or even to put the candles on sand, but they keep saying ‘no’.
“It’s once a week for two hours and we’ve had one incident in 20 years, while the fire service are called out hundreds of times each year to halls for incidents or false alarms.
“The university and the town will have lost out on over £100,000 from us not being able to come now.”
The university has said that the use of candles and naked flames in all its residences is prohibited, a rule that is set out in the terms and conditions all visitors must sign and abide to during their stay.
A spokesman said: “The university maintains its position that we would be delighted to welcome the Orthodox Jewish community to Aberystwyth for their holiday visit.
“Alternative options continue to be considered by both parties in a productive and positive manner.”

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

CH Bail extended 6 weeks - The other 3 men Released !!

Chaim Halpern, who is under police investigation over alleged sexual assault and perverting the course of justice, was today bailed again to return in six weeks.

Three other men, who were arrested on suspicion of perverting the course of justice in connection with Halpern’s arrest, were released without charge

The four men were arrested by Barnet police in February.


Police have dropped their investigation into an Orthodox man arrested on suspicion of perverting the course of justice.
Gary Ost, 26, was one of four men questioned by police earlier this year as part of an investigation into Rabbi Chaim Halpern.
Mr Ost temporarily stood down from his role as chief executive of community security group Shomrim during the investigation.
He said he "vehemently denied" the allegations against him and had fully co-operated with police.
Mr Ost has not yet commented on the police decision to drop their investigation.
Rabbi Halpern, who heads the Divrei Chaim Synagogue in Golders Green, north west London, was questioned in connection with alleged sexual assault and perverting the course of justice.
Following the arrests in February, Rabbi Halpern's solicitor said he "categorically denies any allegation of wrongdoing".
Police confirmed that its Sapphire Unit, which investigates sexual offences, would take no further action against a 26-year-old man who had previously been arrested.
A 55-year-old man remains on bail as part of the investigation after being arrested on suspicion of sexual assault and perverting the course of justice.
The investigations into two other men, aged 62 and 64, have also been dropped.

הרב פאדווא אצל הרבי מבעלזא

חשד בנתניה: בן 50 הוכה ואושפז כי הביט באישה חרדית


מבט באישה. זה כל מה שהייתה צריכה חבורת חרדים בנתניה, לפי החשד, כדי לחטוף אדם ולהכותו עד כדי אובדן הכרה. עדי ראייה לאירוע תיארו מעשה לינץ'. חשודים עדיין לא נעצרו והקורבן, הרצל משיח, מאושפז מזה שלושה שבועות כשהוא מורדם ומונשם

קרוב לשלושה שבועות שהרצל משיח, בן 50 מנתניה, מורדם ומונשם במחלקת טיפול נמרץ של בית החולים בילינסון בפתח תקווה. זה קרה ברחוב ויצמן שבנתניה במוצאי שבת, סמוך לשעה 23:00. על פי אחת העדויות, הוא עמד בתחנת ההסעה בשכונת קריית צאנז שבעיר כשחבורת חרדים שעברה במקום הבחינה בו מביט באישה חרדית בהיריון - דבר שהספיק לה כדי לתקוף אותו.
האלמונים הגיעו עד לפתח ביתו של משיח, כפתו את ידיו והכניסו אותו לתוך מכונית שחורה שהמתינה להם ונמלטו מהמקום - בזמן שהוא זועק לעזרה. הפחד מאותה חבורה גרם לעדי ראייה לאירוע לסרב לחשוף את פניהם. "לקחו אותו לקריית צאנז", סיפר אחד מהם, אך הוסיף כי לא הספיק לרשום את מספר הרכב. "הם היו לבושים כחרדים".
על פי החשד, הם המשיכו להכותו שוב ושוב עד שאיבד את הכרתו. לאחר מכן, השליכו אותו מהמכונית. מאוחר יותר הוא נמצא על ידי שוטרים כשהוא מתבוסס בדמו ובמצב אנוש.
פרקליטו של משיח, עו"ד אמיר כץ, קרא: "מפכ"ל המשטרה חייב להורות לאנשים תחתיו לעצור את העניין הזה ולהביא את האנשים הללו לדין".
מאז המקרה, בני משפחתו של הרצל לא משים ממיטתו ומחכים לנס שיציל את יקירם. מנגד, טרם נעצר חשוד במעשהממשטרת ישראל נמסר בתגובה: "בתיק בוצעו מספר רב של פעולות חקירה ואנו משתמשים בכל האמצעים העומדים לרשותנו על מנת לאתר את המעורבים במעשה ולהעמידם לדין


Three Weeks after being beaten by a local “modesty squad”, authorities have released the identity of the 50 year old chareidi man, who remains unconscious and on a respirator in the intensive care unit of a Petach Tikva hospital.
According to reports on Israeli news site Ch. 2 mako, 50 year old Hertzel Moshiach had been waiting for a bus on Rechov Weitzman in the Kiryat Sanz section of Netanya, next to Laniado Hospital, at approximately 11 PM Motzei Shabbos . 

As previously reported on T.O.T. News, Moshiach was beaten after a group of chareidim allegedly observed him looking at a pregnant chareidi woman who was also waiting at the bus stop.

In a video taken at Moshiach’s bedside Moshiach’s sister, Esther Shem Tov, recounted that neighbors alerted her to the attack.
“They said, ‘Esther, run, they are killing your brother.  We don’t know if he is alive or dead but they are beating him with deathly blows’.”

“How a healthy person is going, not hurting anyone, never does anything wrong to anyone ever and the tznius squad decides to attack him, for what?  Because he looked at a pregnant woman?” added another sister, Racheli Tzabari.  

Monday, 12 August 2013

Jewish Man Shoots and Kills Son, Himself in Manchester, New Hampshire, U.S.A.

MANCHESTER, N.H. —A man shot and killed his son before taking his own life at the YWCA in Manchester on Sunday morning, police said.

Dead: Muni Sayvon shot and killed his 9-year-old son Joshua Sunday during a supervised parental visit at a YWCA in Manchester, New Hampshire

According to the attorney general's office, Muni Savyon, 54, killed his 9-year-old son, Joshua Savyon, during a one-hour supervised visit. Authorities said Savyon shot his son several times.

A counselor was in the room with Savyon and his son at the time of the shooting, but managed to escape the room unharmed. Savyon originally arrived for the visit at 9:30 a.m.

Savyon is originally from Israel and had recently mourned his brother's death for 30 days while in that country, said Rabbi Levi Krinsky. He has been divorced twice, and one of his ex wives is the mother of his son, Joshua.

Savyon was known to the local community through his political activity. He unsuccessfully ran three times for state representative as a Republican, including a special-election loss in Feb. 2012. He was also active in Libertarian activities and events.

Authorities originally responded to the YWCA at 10:11 a.m. for reports of a shooting. Officers and SWAT teams later surrounded the building with guns drawn. Victory Park was evacuated and several streets were closed in the area during the police response.

"I can tell you that there is no public safety threat at this time," Chief David Mara of the Manchester Police Department told News 9.

Beyond the two fatalities, no other injuries were reported.

Jerusalem - Association: Calls To Rape Hotlines Up After Rabbi Elon Conviction

Jerusalem - The Association of Rape Crisis Centers in Israel reported a significant increase Thursday in the number of calls to its hotlines for religious men and women, following the Wednesday conviction of Rabbi Mordechai Elon for indecent assault by force against a minor.
The association also stated this week that it wished to strengthen victims of sexual assault who chose to speak out about the events.

Orit Sulitzeanu, the association’s director-general, said in a statement that the court ruling was of “immense importance in breaking the silence surrounding the phenomenon of sexual assault in the religious community.”

“We know that the sense of guilt and shame that accompanies sexual abuse victims prevents women and men affected [from seeking] help or to complain,” she added. “We hope that all victims feel better thanks to this court decision and that people will understand that justice always ends up coming to light.”
The association added that each year, over 900 men and boys who suffered from sexual abuse turned to the centers’ hotlines for men.

Bnois Jerusalem Fined £6,000 For Using Private Residence As Classrooms


  • Bnois Jerusalem School used home without planning permission for 5 years
  • Neighbours in Stamford Hill, north London, complained about noise
  • Owner of house - Amhurst Park Holdings Limited - was fined £6,000

A Jewish faith school flouted planning rules by using a terraced house as a 'cramped' classroom for 120 students, a court heard today.

Bnois Jerusalem Girls' School in north London sparked noise complaints from neighbours after using the property for five years after running out of room next door.

The three-storey house in Amhurst Park, Stamford Hill, was only licensed for use as a private residence.
But from 2008 the school for Orthodox Jews carried on lessons in cramped and inappropriate conditions after a business offered to them rent free, Snaresbrook Crown Court heard.

Row: Bnois Jerusalem Girls School was using the three-storey house on the left for five years without planning permission after it ran out of room in its schoolhouse on the right
Row: Bnois Jerusalem Girls School was using the three-storey house on the left 
for five years without planning permission after it ran out of room in its schoolhouse on the right

The firm that owns the building - Amhurst Park Holdings Limited - was fined £6,000 after bosses admitted breaches of planning notices served by Hackney Council in 2011. 

The company had allowed the school to use the property rent-free.

Judge Stephen Dawson QC said: 'The school is one that teaches young Orthodox Jewish girls and it is associated with this complaint.

'It has more pupils than it can hold and it has spilled over into the house next door.

'The upper two floors do not have planning permission to be a school and the complaints go back a long way to 2006.

'To be fair to the defendants, the enforcement notice does only go back to 2011 while informal negotiations went on between the council and Amhurst Park Holdings.

    'These premises have a long history but it looks as if a person named Hershal Grumhut came from Vienna many years ago and developed the school and acquired more property in order to help with the development of the community.

    'They are not complying with the rules however and though planning can be a nuisance if we did not have planning rules we would have mayhem.
    'Whatever the merits of any planning situation are we should all stick to the rules.

    'I am told it is going to stop and though I can see the reason for breaching the enforcement notice all schools must make compromises.
    'I am sympathetic to the fact this is a school and not profiteering going on here.'

    Case: Bnois Jerusalem Girls School sparked noise complaints from neighbours after using the property to educate up to 120 students, Snaresbrook Crown Court, pictured, heard
    Case: Bnois Jerusalem Girls School sparked noise complaints from neighbours 
    after using a terraced house to educate up to 120 students, Snaresbrook Crown Court, pictured, heard

    In addition to the financial penalty, Amhurst Park Holdings will have £2,725 in court costs.

    The voluntary-aided school caters for girls between the ages of 3-16 and caters to up to 628 pupils.
    Ellis Sareen, prosecuting, said: 'At one time the first floor was used as a surgery and so was justifiably used as a school as they have permission for that.

    'As for the upper two floors they have only ever had permission to be used as residences.
    'There have been complaints since 2006 and when council officers visited they looked at it from the outside and saw it was being used and upon entering the premises, saw it was being used as a school.

    'An application for planning permission was sought after but was defective and was never considered on its merits.
    'The decision was made on August 5, 2011, for an enforcement notice requiring the defendant company to cease the use of floors one and two and the rear garden as a school.

    'An appeal to planning inspectors was lodged saying that they had been using it for ten years and that the council was wrong not to grant them planning permission.
    'Both appeals failed.

    'The premises was so cramped it caused more noise than would be usual and on July 12, 2012, a visit from the council found nothing had changed.'

    Amhurst Park Holdings Ltd director Akiva Grumhut pleaded guilty on behalf of the company to three counts of failing to comply with an enforcement notice.