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Saturday, 30 November 2013
Thursday, 28 November 2013
Judge orders foster care for 14 Lev Tahor children

About 200 members of a Jewish sect - The Lev Tahor group have moved from Quebec to Chatham, Ontario. The group is working at setting up their new homes.
Photograph by: Dave Chidley , Postmedia News
ST-JÉRÔME — A Quebec Court judge has ordered the removal of 14 children aged 2 months to 16 years from the ultra-Orthodox sect Lev Tahor, to be placed in foster homes.
Judge Pierre Hamel issued the ruling Wednesday night, ordering the children be removed from the community and placed in foster homes immediately, for at least 30 days. He ordered members of the Lev Tahor community to refrain from contacting the children in any way, except for their parents, whose contact will be supervised by youth protection officials. Among the children ordered removed are a 16-year-old girl and her 2-month-old baby.
Each child will be given a full examination by a doctor, and their psychological needs will be assessed. Youth protection officials have alleged extreme neglect and malnutrition, as well as isolation, and a refusal by sect members to adhere to the Quebec curriculum. They claim the children, who are home schooled, are unable to do basic math, and don't understand English or French.
There is a publication ban on evidence presented Wednesday in court.
On Tuesday, a committee in Israel's parliament, the Knesset, heard gruesome details about the conditions in the sect from several former members. The website Behadrey Haredim reported that the hearing was told that children were hit with iron bars, denied food and forced to take psychiatric pills. The committee also heard that the sect achieved compliance by inflicting constant pain, by forcing members to wear shoes smaller than their shoe size. Members also spoke of forced divorce and marriage from the age of 14, involving age gaps,
including a 15-year-old boy marrying a 40-year-old woman, and vice versa. The minimum legal age of marriage in Canada is 16.
Wednesday's ruling followed a petition from Quebec's youth protection officials for an emergency ruling by the court after about 200 of the 240 members of the sect moved from Ste-Agathe-des-Monts to Chatham, Ont., in the early hours of Nov. 18, just before a youth court hearing. The three families of the children involved were ordered to appear in court on Wednesday morning, but they defied that order.
Speaking from Chatham, Uriel Goldman, a director of Lev Tahor, said members would defy the order because the Quebec Court has no jurisdiction in this matter, since the order to appear was issued after the group members moved to Ontario.
"It's a legal argument and they don't have to go there," Goldman said. "When the court papers were filed, it was when these families were already residents of Ontario."
Another member of the sect told The Gazette Tuesday from Ste-Agathe the community members left Quebec because the province's home-schooling regulations are too strict. He denied that there was any neglect suffered by the children. He said the whole ordeal has been orchestrated by authorities in Israel who persecute the group, because it denounces the formation of the state of Israel.
"(The youth protection director) was under tremendous pressure to find something in our houses because he got hundreds of phone calls and faxes from those people who persecute us for nothing," he said.
Denis Baraby, the director of youth protection services for the Laurentians, said extricating the children from Ontario may be tricky, but it's something the agency deals with often.
"Ontario authorities can take this decision now and get an order from a court," Baraby said. "We think there is a high possibility they will return them here."
Baraby said several families from the Jewish community have come forward to offer their homes for the children. The children have specific needs, since most only speak Yiddish and Hebrew.
Twitter: JasonMagder
© Copyright (c) The Montreal Gazette
RELATED from WindsorStar
Jewish sect members told to return to Quebec after fleeing here during child protection probe (With video)
Quebec urging action from Ontario on Lev Tahor group that fled province
Jewish sect labelled radical, extreme, ‘utter neglect of children’ cited
Radical Jewish group settles in Chatham, Windsor (With Video)
RELATED from WindsorStar
Wednesday, 27 November 2013
Ruth Calderon of Yesh Atid lambastes yeshiva students who come to watch parliment sessions rather than study Torah
citizens who sit and watch the Knesset sessions while dressed in yeshiva
student’s cloths are a disgrace to Jewish values, as they are not engaged in
Torah study, Yesh Atid party MK Ruth Calderon said in a bewildering speech
During the closing comments of her speech at the Knesset podium,
Calderon seemed distressed as she demanded that the yeshiva students leave the
parliament building at once.
“The last thing I want to talk about is the daily blasphemy by the people
dressed as scholars, sitting here in the plenum, idle, without a book, hour
after hour,” Calderon said.
“It’s driving me crazy,” she replied to a bewildered MK Tamar
Rozin (Meretz), who voiced her disdain over Calderon’s unusual comments.
“It insults the attire of a scholar, it is a disgrace to the
value of Torah study, and I’m asking you to either bring books or to go study
and learn,” the Yesh Atid MK charged, raising her eyes at the ultra-Orthodox
In their seats above the Knesset plenum, the ultra-Orthodox
yeshiva students were visibly amused while Meretz and Labor MKs vocally
defended ultra-Orthodox community members’ right to attend Knesset discussions.
“Why does it interest you?” MK Ilan Gilon (Meretz) asked
Calderon did not back down, as she was being urged back to her
seat by fellow party members, and once again lashed out at the yeshiva student
“It’s a disgrace,” she said, shaking her hand at the observant
viewers. “I’m not cursing. Shame for the Torah! Take off those clothes!”
Yitzhak Vaknin (Shas) who lead the session, criticized Calderon,
but called on the Knesset Members to let the incident pass.
“Gentlemen, gentlemen, there is no doubt that what MK Ruth
Calderon said was out of order, no doubt,” he said. ”Sitting here and watching
are so many citizens, and this is their legitimate right.”
Calderon was lauded by many Israelis for a moving inaugural
address which included a call for the widespread study of
Jewish and Hebrew texts as the basis for a new Hebrew culture, but has since
attracted media attention mostly for her Facebook gaffes, not unlike other figures in her party.
Tuesday, 26 November 2013
StyleLikeU Uniforms: The Substance of Hasidic Style
Discover the connection between the style and lifestyle of Hasidic Jews in StyleLikeU's Uniform feature on the Hasidic community in Brooklyn.
Monday, 25 November 2013
Sunday, 24 November 2013
4 Men Under Arrest For Knockout Attack On Jewish Man In Borough Park
Police have arrested four men in connection with an assault in Brooklyn.
The suspects allegedly hit the victim without warning, similar to recent incidents related to the so-called "knockout game" in which mobs of young people randomly sucker-punch innocent people for fun.
Around 2:45 a.m. Friday, investigators said a 24-year-old Jewish man was surrounded by four men and punched in the face on 18th Avenue in Borough Park. NYPD officers were nearby in an unmarked police car, commissioner Ray Kelly said Friday afternoon.
The victim told investigators he heard one of the attackers say, "I'll do it to this guy," right before he was surrounded and punched, sources told CBS 2.
The suspects fled, but were quickly apprehended and taken into police custody, sources said. The victim identified the suspects, police said.
"I commend the excellent police work that we saw this morning," Assemblyman Dov Hikind said in a statement. "I am grateful that these four thugs are off the streets and am hopeful that they will be treated with the severity of the law. I urge continuing diligence in dealing with this issue."
Hate crime detectives were interviewing the four suspects — three Hispanic men and one Indian male — and the victim at the 66th Precinct, sources said.
The four men face assault charges, but those may be upgraded, CBS 2′s Don Champion reported.
The suspects range in age from 28 to 38, police said.
There have been seven so-called "knockout" or "polar bear" assaults in the Crown Heights and Midwood sections of Brooklyn since October, Kelly said Wednesday. The alternate name "polar bearing" comes from the fact that the victims are white.
Councilman David Greenfield said the attacks have targeted Jewish people, with victims ranging from a 12-year-old boy to a 78-year-old woman.
"These are anti-Semitic knockout attacks and it's not a game," said Councilman David Greenfield, who is calling on the men arrested early Friday morning to face gang assault charges.
"The message we want to send is very clear, it's not funny, it's not a game," Greenfield added. "'Knockout' is a serious attack, it's not a game. If you keep doing it you will get caught and you will get sent to prison for a very long time."
Brooklyn residents told CBS 2′s Champion that they were pleased to hear about the arrests.
"We've been talking about it a lot. People were very happy today in synagogue that it was taken care of," Ezra Brown said.
Brown added that people in the neighborhood are hoping to reclaim their sense of security.
"Up to now you could walk on a street at night and you're perfectly calm," he said. "Now you have to look behind your back."
On Thursday, a New York state legislator introduced a bill that would classify such attacks as a gang assault. Under the bill, attackers could face up to 25 years in prison and young people could also be charged as adults.
Police patrols have been stepped up in central Brooklyn in response to the incidents. The attacks are being investigated by the NYPD's Hate Crimes Task Force.
Kelly said several victims have not reported the incidents because no robbery is involved.
"I would like to urge anyone who has been victimized by this to come forward and let us know," said the police commissioner. "In order for us to respond, we have to have this information."
Saturday, 23 November 2013
Friday, 22 November 2013
How Many More ‘Pious’ Sex Abusers are There?

It seems we have an
epidemic on hand. Sex abuse seems to be more prevalent today than at any time
in history. Or is it…?
My guess is that it
is as prevalent today as it was in the past. It has always been an epidemic.
The difference today is that we know about it. The media is all over it and the
internet spreads the word widely and quickly. Everyone knows about it
instantly. And thank God for that.
I say ‘Thank
God’ even though it makes the Torah world look bad by being no different than
other communities that have these problems. But ‘knowledge is power’. Now that
we know more we can do more to prevent it and to help survivors better deal
with it.
Although we have a
long way to go, things have been slowly changing for the better as some
survivors have come forward to expose their abusers and testify against them in
court. And major Orthodox religious organizations like the RCA and the OU have
publicly supported reporting abuse to the police immediately. Even Agudah and
Lakewood support it in theory as long as you consult with a rabbi first. (That
this is woefully inadequate is beyond the scope of this post.) The only
religious groups who outright forbid it are major Chasidic enclaves like
Satmar, Ger, and Toldos Aharon.
As recently as the
late 1970s, it was widely believed that sex abuse in our world was extremely
rare. To the extent that it existed at all, it was thought to be the rarest of
aberrations. People like serial sex abuser Avreimal Mondrowitz were thought to
the exception that proved the rule. We believed that our religious values and
simple fear of Heaven would prevent all of us (with rare exception) from doing
But as we now see,
there is a new story of sex abuse almost every day. And it doesn’t matter a bit
how religious the abuser acts. It doesn’t matter if he is Jewish or not. I
believe that the percentage of abusers per every type of population base is the
same. I further believe that there is a lot more sexual abuse than is being
reported. Who knows how many untold stories there are?! Sex abuse is
under reported for many reasons - even though it would mean putting an abuser
behind bars. It takes a lot of courage for a survivor to come forward.
You would think that
the religious values of abusers would prevent religious people from doing it.
But that is clearly not the case. If an individual has an aberrant sexual
appetite and lacks the ability to control his impulses, he will seek to satisfy
his lust clandestinely all the time, even as he might feel guilty about it. He
thus become a predator. It doesn’t matter how pious he is. Nor does it matter
what Hashkafa he has. Or what denomination he belongs to. Or even what his
religion is. Or what stature he has in his community.
Which brings me
to Rabbi Yakov
Yitzchak Roth. I believe this is the first religious leader to have
served a 16 year sentence for ‘raping, sodomizing and sexually assaulting a
child relative…’
Who is Rabbi
Yitzchak Roth? He is the Chasidic Rebbe of Shomrei Emunim. Shomrei Emunim was
founded by Rabbi Roth’s father Rav Chaim Roth, son of Toldos Aharon founder Rav
Aharon Roth. Rabbi Yitzchok Yakov Roth is R' Chaim Roth’s son and one of the
current Rebbes of Shomrei Emunim. They are primarily located in Meah Sheraim
and Bnei Brak.
His conviction of
sexual abuse has now come to light because Rabbi Roth has applied for a visa to
come to New York. He lied on his visa application swearing that he had never
been arrested or convicted of a sex crime. He was arrested by the New York
police Special Victims Squad.
How does a man like
this retain any respect in his community? Even after spending 16 years in
prison. I guess the answer to that his followers do not believe it. They think
he was convicted of a crime he didn’t commit in a court which they do not
recognize as valid.
And I’m sure they
view those who reported him and testified against him Mosrim (informants).
Which they consider to be a capital offense. They do not believe that a man who
they see as holy; a man that is exemplary in his public behavior; a man that
they see as an icon the son of an icon and grandson of an icon to be holy.
I’m sure that his
every public act and his every publicly uttered word is pure Torah. I’m sure he
exudes extreme piety. I’m sure that he advises people on how to live holier
lives via Tznius and other religious practices that go beyond the letter of the
law. I’m sure that he is as Machmir on Shabbos and Kashrus as possible. I’m
sure that Chalav Akum or Chalav Stam has never touched his lips. I’m sure he
lives in modest dwellings and lives a modest lifestyle. And never speaks a word
of Lashon Hara.
With such an image
constantly displayed, how is it possible that he sodomized anyone?! The mere
thought is sacrilegious! But he was convicted of that in a court of law. It is
highly unlikely that he was innocent – even though I’ll bet he still denies it.
As we all know they all deny it.
The list seems
endless and as I said crosses all lines. From Catholic priests, to evangelical
preachers. Rabbis of all Jewish denominations including Orthodox Rabbis, Poskim
and Dayanim. It includes all Hashkafos: From Modern Orthodox Kiruv workers to
Chasidic Rebbes; from Religious Zionist Mechanchim, to Chabad; from Satmar to
Ger; from principals and teachers in Modern Orthodox schools to principals and
teachers in Charedi schools. It doesn’t matter what station in life they had.
And it doesn’t matter how exemplary their reputations were or how charismatic
they were.
I too used to think
that people like this were incapable of sexually abusing anyone. Their piety
spoke volumes to me. But unfortunately that image has been shattered to me so
many times that it no longer surprises me when I hear about it. Although I
admit that there is a part of me that still finds such stories incredible.
How many more people
in prominent religious positions are there out there, that are yet to be
exposed? And how many victims are there who have still not come forward? How
many are suffering in silence in all of these communities? How many more are
yet to be abused by these predators?
I can’t even imagine
the pain of suffering in silence. And I’m afraid to think about just how big
the numbers might be. And to make matters worse - is it any wonder that a
typical survivor goes OTD when trusted religious icons end up sexually abusing
them? It would not surprise me that the vast majority of young people who have
gone OTD have done so because they were sexually abused. And frankly, I don’t
think we are doing enough about it. We need to do more. But what?
Thursday, 21 November 2013
Yakov Yitzchak Roth of Shomrei Emunim Arrested in Borohgh Park

An ultra-Orthodox rabbi from Israel is being held in New York without bail for allegedly hiding his monstrous sex crime record in order to get a US visa and come to New York.
An ultra-Orthodox rabbi from Israel is being held in New York without bail for allegedly hiding his monstrous sex crime record in order to get a US visa and come to New York.
Yakov Yitzchak Roth — a “rebbe” in the Hasidic group Shomrei Emunim — was arrested Tuesday in Borough Park by cops with the NYPD Special Victim’s Squad.
He had flown here from Tel Aviv in late August after swearing in a visa application that he had never been arrested or convicted, according to the federal complaint against him.
In reality, just six months earlier he had finished serving a 16-year sentence on his 1997 conviction in the District Court of Tel Aviv for raping, sodomizing and sexually assaulting a child relative, the complaint said.
Roth’s attorney, Shulamis Peltz, declined to comment on the case, except to say, “The current allegations are just allegations and have not been proven.”
Roth, whose father, Rabbi Avraham Chaim Roth, led a small congregation of 200 followers in Jerusalem before his death in August, 2012, is due back in Brooklyn Federal Court for a bail hearing on Monday.
Wednesday, 20 November 2013
UOHC = שקרנים
Below is last year's notice from the UOCH after CH was arrested... We are still waiting to be notified when the Beis Din will reconvene

Baruch Lebovits Sex Abuse Case On Hold
A judge in Brooklyn agreed to delay a decision on a possible retrial of Baruch Levovits.
Critics of outgoing Brooklyn District Attorney Charles Hynes have complained he has not aggressively pursed sex abuse cases in the orthodox community.
Hynes agreed to let his successor Kenneth Thompson decide how to prosecute the case of Baruch Lebovits, which has divided the community.
Baruch Lebovits was hoping the child-sex charges would quietly go-away.
But Brooklyn prosecutors abruptly stepped-aside Tuesday morning and put the case on-hold at the request of the incoming district attorney.
"Based upon the serious allegations in the case, I request that no disposition be offered to the defendant, no guilty plea be allowed, [I]t is important that I have a full opportunity to review the Lebovits matter." Ken Thompson said.
Ken Thompson ran for Brooklyn DA claiming the office was corrupt, and insisting that incumbent DA Charles Hynes was not tough enough on ultra-orthodox pedophiles. Thompson's supporters applauded his decision.
"They were going to give him a three-year deal and they would have probably said that because he was already in jail a year and a year on house arrest, and because he only served two terms, before you know it he would have been on the streets!" said Rabbi Nuchem Rosenberg, a Brooklyn activist.
But Hynes has defended his office, claiming he's prosecuted a series of ultra-orthodox defendants in cases that are often difficult to prove.
Lebovits was one of them, but his conviction for molesting a young boy was overturned on appeal. Now the incoming DA will decide whether to offer him a deal or a new trial.
"We hope that everybody here will keep an open mind, and listen to the evidence, and let the case be decided on the basis of the facts and of the law and not of any political considerations," said Alan Dershowitz, Lebovits' attorney.
Tuesday, 19 November 2013
Saturday, 16 November 2013
Early dreidel spinning at chaimhalpernconspiracy blog
Have a look at the comments...
Have a look at the comments...
Scam exposed - Case reversed - RCH released of all allegations
Due to new evidence that recently surfaced, the MET has decided to prematurely drop the case against RCH.
Excerpt from police news-wire
... "Officers from Barnet's sexual offences, exploitation and child abuse command, who investigated the allegations, "confirm that all allegations have been fully investigated."...
Excerpt from police news-wire
... "Officers from Barnet's sexual offences, exploitation and child abuse command, who investigated the allegations, "confirm that all allegations have been fully investigated."... is alive and kicking !!
Rejoice! Rejoice!
For the
unprecedented denouncement by five rabbis of a former colleague not being 'fit
and proper to act in any Rabbinic capacity'.
For the
silence and shame of the victims
For the
rabbi who acted more like a clown than a town rov
For the
Rabbinate that allowed women to continue visiting an alleged molester despite
first hand knowledge of the allegations
For our
rotten and corrupt lay leaders, not a single one of whom has taken any
For the
organisation that calls for the boycott of a local black tailor but remains
silent on far worse allegations against a white-socked rabbi
For the
numerous notices by the UOHC modesty squad but none for its barely publicised
child ‘protection’ line
For the
rabbi who is concerned with women kissing a Sefer Torah but covers up
allegations of a rabbi doing far worse to women
For the
rabbis summonsing the town to anti-internet offensives while doing nothing on
allegations of lewd rabbinical emails and texts
For the
rabbi who bans sharing a platform with reform but readily turns up for
photo-ops with a rabbi under police investigation for alleged sexual crimes
For the
intimidated witnesses and knobbled Beth Din
For a shul
split in two with more than a majority forming a breakaway
For a
community torn asunder by allegations of the most heinous nature
Celebrate! Jubilate! Lift your glasses in cheer. Hold up your hands to
heaven. Raise your feet in dance. Let your kiddush drams overflow.
The prayers
have worked, the Psalms have performed, the victims have been silenced, the
police have backed off, the Beth Din is forgotten and life can resume. For
victims 'the police is not the solution' but for the alleged perps the police
is a fount of justice and the source of truth. Forget about Torah and tznius
and all that nonsense for the masses, if the cops say no law was broken then
the rabbi must be as innocent as his leg wear. And if there was consent then
let him re-ascend the pulpit.
But for now
the investigation is over, the suspect released without charge and the victims
will just have to stew.
This is what happens when there is no "Law and Order"
The Bnei Brak Shomrim has released a public letter telling parents that their children should not be outside without an adult escorting them.
“We have become aware of a number of terrible incidents in which the “holiness and purity of the Jewish people was compromised,” the letter says – a veiled reference to child sexual abuse.
“Bad people are hanging around our community, including some who refer to themselves as members of the community and these people are targeting children, the letter says.
Bnei Brak Shomrim Issue Public Letter Warning Of Multiple Cases Of Child Sex Abuse
The Bnei Brak Shomrim has released a public letter telling parents that their children should not be outside without an adult escorting them.
“We have become aware of a number of terrible incidents in which the “holiness and purity of the Jewish people was compromised,” the letter says – a veiled reference to child sexual abuse.
“Bad people are hanging around our community, including some who refer to themselves as members of the community and these people are targeting children, the letter says.
Friday, 15 November 2013
Police PressBurau confirms: "no charges being brought against him"
A police investigation into alleged sex abuse of women by prominent Golders
Green rabbi, Chaim Halpern, has been dropped.
The Metropolitan Police said today that a file passed to the Crown
Prosecution Service "regarding allegations of sexual assault has resulted
in no charges being brought against a 54-year-old man".
It said that officers from Barnet's sexual offences, exploitation and child
abuse command, who investigated the allegations, "confirm that all
allegations have been fully investigated".
Rabbi Halpern, who is the head of the Divrei Chaim synagogue, was arrested
in February but had denied any wrongdoing.
The Union of Orthodox Hebrew Congregations will have to decide whether to
reconvene a special Beth Din, which was suspended during the police inquiries,
to examine his conduct.
Police added: "Anyone who believes they have been a victim of crime
should report this to police".
Thursday, 14 November 2013
Police drop Helpern case as the women refused to testify - בחדרי חרדים
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הרב חיים הלפרין
בכך הושם סוף לפרשה שחצתה את לונדון בפרט ואירופה החרדית בכלל. התיק נסגר ככל הנראה בשל סירובן וחששן של הנשים המדוברות לשתף פעולה עם חקירת המשטרה ולהעיד נגד הרב הלפרין. כזכור, לפני שלושה חודשים נסגרו תיקי החקירה נגד הרב דוד הלפרין - רב קהילה בשכונת הנדן, ושני העסקנים, גבריאל אסט - ראש ארגון 'השומרים' בגולדרס גרין, ואלכסנדר שטרום, מאחר וככל הנראה לא הושגו ראיות שהוכיחו כי הם שיבשו הליכי חקירה בפרשה. | |
Berland Appears to be Settling in Zimbabwe
After leaving
Morocco last week following a seven-month stay in that country,
Eliezer Berland has relocated to Zimbabwe. After departing from Morocco the
Rabbi was in South Africa and now Zimbabwe. It appears this was his
destination, at least for the immediate future.
A private
home has been rented for Berland in Zimbabwe. It is not know just how many
chassidim accompany him at this time.
Berland fled
Israel to avoid arrest, and if he returns to Israel he will be placed in
דאגה בלונדון: האב"ד רבי אפרים פאדווא התמוטט
דאגה בלונדון: הגאון רבי אפרים פאדווא, רב ואב"ד קהילות החרדים בלונדון, התמוטט במהלך חתונת נכדת האדמו"ר מטריסק, ופונה לבית החולים שם מתייצב מצבו (חרדים, בעולם)
הגאון רבי אפרים פאדווא (צילום: א בליק)
הגאון רבי אפרים פאדווא, רב ואב"ד קהילות החרדים בלונדון, השתתף אמש (רביעי) בשמחת נישואי נכדת האדמו"ר מטריסק.
במהלך השמחה, לאחר שאיחל מזל טוב למחותנים ובעודו יושב בשולחן הכבוד חש לפתע הרב פאדווא ברע ואיבד את הכרתו למספר שניות.
הרב פונה ע"י הגבאים לרכבו כשהוא צועד בכוחות עצמו, אולם לאחר שגילו כי מצב הכרתו עדיין מעורפל וכי לא חל שיפור ממשי במצבו הבריאותי הזעיקו מקורביו את כוחות ההצלה.
הרב טופל ע"י צוות רפואי ופונה באמבולנס להמשך טיפול בבית החולים.
לדברי הרופאים בשעות אלו חל שיפור במצבו, הרב מתאושש ומחלים כשבני משפחתו מביעים את תקוותם כי עד שבת ישוחרר הגר"א פאדווא לביתו.
Wednesday, 13 November 2013
The Crown is still running after Todros Grynhaus

The Crown Court | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
at Manchester | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Daily List for Monday 11 November 2013 at Courts of Justice, Crown Square,M/CR | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Court 14 | - sitting at 10:30 am | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
For Mention | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
T20121134 | GRYNHAUS Todros | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
06FF0603212 |
Tuesday, 12 November 2013
Boro Park – Tzedaka Collector Arrested After Allegedly Fondling Borough Park Woman
Brooklyn, NY - Just two days after a Borough Park woman was sexually assaulted in her own home by a tzedaka collector, police have arrested a suspect in the case, after being tipped off by Shomrim.
“One of our members spotted a person of interest who might fit the description of the man we were looking for,” Mutty Katz of Shomrim told T.O.T “We contacted the person who filed the police report and contacted 911.”
Both police and Shomrim canvassed the area for several hours on Friday afternoon.
“The police came down and the witness identified the man,” said Katz. “It was the way he was described that allowed us to identify him as a person of interest: the kind of hat he was wearing, his beard and the way he was walking. The witness gave us the missing pieces of the puzzle and we got him.”
Police sources confirmed, that a 59 year old Brooklyn man was arrested at 2:34 this afternoon on 59th Street between 10th and 11th Avenues and charged with forcible touching in the incident which took place on November 8th.
Assemblyman Dov Hikind told T.O.T that the collector had reportedly asked the victim, who is in her 20’s, for permission to use the bathroom when he came to her door on Friday and once again issued a strong advisory to the public.
“We are a community of givers and we don’t want anyone to change that but you have to be careful,” said Hikind. “Don’t ever let anyone into your house if you don’t know them.”
Hikind had high words of praise for Shomrim.
“Shomrim are indispensible, magnificent and they are one of the most effective means of law enforcement in the city of New York as they work with the police department,” observed Hikind. “They are superstars.”
Bnei Brak - Yeshiva teacher arrested for sexual abuse of minor students

A teacher at a Bnei Brak yeshiva was arrested Sunday night on suspicion of sexually assaulting several of his underage students over the past few months, Tel Aviv police said Monday.
The man, a 43-year-old Ashdod native, is suspected of sexually assaulting several of the pre-teen and teenage boys while he was teaching at the yeshiva.
The man's arrests comes only a couple days after he was expelled by the school, and follows a number of complaints police received from welfare authorities about the teacher.
The suspect reportedly linked himself to some of the crimes, but the investigation is still ongoing, police said Monday.
Monday, 11 November 2013
Sunday, 10 November 2013
2 Arrested in Alleged Sex Assault On Jewish Boy at Boro Park Barbershop
A young Hassidic teenager was the victim, police say, of sexual assault in Brooklyn at a barbershop.
Two men are now under arrest, including the owner of the barbershop,They let Eyewitness News inside but no would talk at the Boro Park Barbershop in Brooklyn, Eyewitness News walked in looking for the shop's owner, 77-year-old Carlos Quinto and another barber 32-year-old Javier Villarini.
A YouTube video shows both men bring arrested Thursday and charged with sexually abusing a 16-year-old boy, They are serious allegations the only barber left working in the shop tonight would not address.
The abuse allegedly happened in September, Police say Villarini lured the 16-year-old Jewish boy into the barbershop with the promise of letting him watch pornography on his cellphone, Police say at some point, Villarini and Carlos Quinto took turns touching the teen inappropriately, The abuse went unreported for so long because investigators say the boy's parents were reluctant to call the police, but eventually they were convinced it was the right thing to do.
Carlos Quinto was arraigned Thursday and released with no bail set despite the seriousness of the charges, Javier Villarini was arraigned Friday and his bail was set at $5,000 over $2,500, Meanwhile, detectives believe there could be more teens out there that had similar abusive experience at the barbershop.
Detectives are specifically asking the Jewish community in this area for any information that may be related to their investigation.
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