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Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Moshe M Taubenfeld Alleged Sex Offender in New Square

NEW SQUARE — A New Square educator accused of molesting a young boy repeatedly over five years is innocent, his lawyer said Monday while rejecting comparisons between this case and another in which the suspect’s brother abused a teenager.

“They’re two different individuals,” lawyer Gerard Damiani said after his client Moshe Taubenfeld appeared in Village Court on a felony charge that could land him in prison for up to seven years.

Taubenfeld, 55, made no comments during the brief hearing, during which the judge kept the defendant’s bail at $25,000 and confirmed that he had to turn over his passport and must stay away from the victim.

Media filmed the first part of the hearing, but were ordered to turn off cameras after his lawyer raised objections.

Taubenfeld, a father of 20, ducked the media and rushed out a side door afterward.
His lawyer said Taubenfeld is under a “pretty big strain.”

Taubenfeld was charged with second-degree course of sexual conduct against a child. The alleged abuse started Sept. 11, 2001, when the preteen boy, Laiby, said he came to the man seeking comfort after the terrorist attacks.

The abuse allegedly continued until the child turned 13 in 2006.

Laiby said he and his family reported the abuse about six years ago to community leaders, who discouraged him from going to police.

His experience was similar to those of other New Square abuse victims, including a young man, Yossi, who reported Taubenfeld’s brother, Herschel, to police in 2011.

In an investigative report earlier this month in The Journal News, Yossi and another accuser, Yehuda, described how the community has created a culture in which victims are discouraged from going to police and abusers are protected.
Herschel Taubenfeld pleaded guilty last year to one count of misdemeanor forcible touching, received six years probation and had to register as a sex offender.

While he avoided jail, advocates for Laiby say they’re pressing for maximum prison time for the brother.

One victims advocate, a Brooklyn man who identified himself only by his first name of Abraham, attended the hearing and said outside the courtroom that he’s hoping this latest case will set a precedent for New Square that sex abusers will be punished to the fullest extent of the law.

The case will eventually be moved to Rockland County court, which handles felony prosecutions.

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Dayan Y Y Lichenstein - CH fabricated Kulos in Hilchos Nidah

Below is an email received from 

Dear Sir,

Please find attached some teshuvas including a teshuva from R' Padwa ZTZ'L supporting R' Chaim Halperns psak.

I hope this attachment finds its way to the blog. 

See link below how they are having a go at  R' Y Y Lichenstein

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Schleshinger twins: BBC NorthWest News 14th January 2014

Van used in kidnapping of Menachem Stark has been found


Brooklyn Menachem Stark was kidnapped Jan. 2 and found dead the next day on Long Island.

The 2002 van with Pennsylvania plates was found in Brownsville, police sources say. Law enforcement now believes that the Brooklyn landlord was abducted and killed because of a debt owed to another businessman.
Police have found the Dodge Caravan used in the abduction and murder of Brooklyn landlord Menachem Stark, the Daily News has learned.
The 2002 van with Pennsylvania plates was found in Brownsville, apparently early Tuesday, law enforcement sources said.
Detectives seized the vehicle as a man got in and tried to drive off. The man was questioned but not charged.
Detectives now believe that Stark, who was abducted in Wiliamsburg on Jan. 2 and found dead the next day in Great Neck, L.I., was killed because of a debt owed to another businessman.
No one has been collared in the murder.
Sources said crime scene investigators are hoping to find forensic evidence in the vehicle, which appears to have been washed and cleaned.
Sources also said a cellphone found attached to the undercarriage of Stark's personal vehicle has been linked to same businessman who might be responsible for abducting Stark or hiring others to do so.
Detectives believe that the intent of the abduction was to scare Stark, 39, into paying off his debt.

Instead, during a fierce struggle, detectives believe, his abductors sat on him, suffocating him to death.

10 Year-Old Jewish Boy Rescued After Falling Into Manhole In Boro Park

Saturday, 11 January 2014

Rubin gets 4 months for trying to bribe Weberman victim to stop testimony


An ultra-Orthodox Jewish man who tried to bribe the teen victim that bravely testified against convicted child molester Nechemya Weberman was sentenced to jail time Friday morning.
Abraham Rubin, 50, who offered the young sex abuse victim and her then-boyfriend $500,000 to leave the country so the case against Weberman would be dropped, showed no emotion as he was sentenced to four months jail time at Brooklyn Supreme Court.
In addition to the jail term, Rubin was given five years probation.
The courtroom was packed with at least 30 members of the Satmar community, many of whom wept as Rubin read a statement prior to the sentencing.
“On or about one and a half years ago, I did something very terrible … I am deeply sorry by what I did,” Rubin read.
“I am an honest man. Please think of my wife, my kids, my wonderful grandchildren,” he begged Judge Danny Chun.
Rubin, of Williamsburg, pleaded guilty last August to a felony of bribing a witness and other related charges.
Defense attorney John Esposito declined comment following the sentencing.
Weberman, 55, was convicted in 2012 on all 59 counts of child sex abuse and is currently serving a 103-year sentence. The non-licensed counselor repeatedly sexually abused the now-19-year-old victim from when she was 12.
Previously, three Orthodox Jewish brothers pleaded guilty to coercion on a no-jail deal for attempting to intimidate the victim’s now-husband into dropping the case against Weberman.
Williamsburg – Courtroom was Packed with 30 Satmar Ppl & Cry as Rubin Beg Judge Mercy & Tehilim held in Shul. Photo:

Kiryas Joel – Satmar Yeshiva made Minyen Tehilim for Court of Avrumy Rubin he took Plea Deal of 6 Months Prison.

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Beth Din is expected to resume its inquiries shortly


By Simon Rocker,
January 9, 2014

A special Beth Din set up to examine complaints against Golders Green rabbi Chaim Halpern is expected to resume its inquiries shortly.

The rabbinic court, which was convened by the Union of Orthodox Hebrew Congregations (UOHC), the main umbrella for strictly Orthodox communities in London, suspended operations after Rabbi Halpern was arrested last February by police investigating alleged sexual abuse of women.

But in December, police said that no charges would be brought after they had “fully investigated” the matter.

The Beth Din, consisting of two rabbis from Israel and one from the United States, began its hearing a year ago.

Rabbi David Cohn, of the North Hendon Adath Yisroel Synagogue in London, who has helped the Beth Din collect evidence, said this week that the rabbis are “expected back soon. I am working hard to make sure it happens.”

He added: “We have had a message from the police to say they have no objection.”

Rabbi Halpern, who is considered one of the most influential strictly Orthodox rabbis in London, is the head of the UOHC-affiliated Divrei Chaim community and the son of the president of the UOHC, Rabbi Elchonon Halpern.

Chaim Halpern resigned his seat on the Union’s rabbinate following the emergence of complaints about his counselling sessions for women but has insisted that he was “innocent of all allegations”.

NYPD Released New Surveillance of the Kidnappers of Menachem Shtark waiting outside his Office

A surveillance video released by the NYPD Wednesday night and published online shows a man police now believe is a suspect in the abduction of Williamsburg businessman Menachem Stark. 

The guy, putting on a black mask, is seen walking near the victim’s Brooklyn office about six hours before the projected kidnapping.

The video shows a man exiting a white van and walking to the corner of Broadway and Rutledge Street in Williamsburg. A reverse angle view from a different camera showed the suspect walking back to the vehicle and re-entering. “It shows the perp,” a law enforcement official said about the new video, according to Newsday.

Observing the footage, Williamsburg community leader Isaac Abraham pinpointed to the black double-parked car as a possible part of the abduction. Speaking to YWN, Abraham noted that the footage shows at the same time that the suspect got out from the white car, the black car started backing up. This could possibly lead to the speculation that the black car might have served as a cover up for the parked white dodge minivan, since the black car had a parking space right in front on the minivan.

Also noticeable: At minute 01:37, the video shows a Hasidic guy crossing the street in front of the black car and looks right into the car.

Which might lead to the conclusion, that the Police Department might not only be looking for the driver of the white car passing the LIE, but also for the black car that could well have been the actual backup vehicle that drove all the way to Great Neck before burning the victim and throwing his corpse in the dumpster.

The Stark family and the NYPD increased Wednesday the reward to anyone providing information that will lead to the arrest and conviction of the killer to $72,000

(Jacob Kornbluh – YWN)

Sunday, 5 January 2014

Campaign against the New York Post

Anger at New York Post's - outrages report on Menachem Stark

Slain slumlord found in trash has enemies list a mile long

The millionaire Hasidic slumlord found burned and suffocated in a Nassau County dumpster — his body still smoldering from the waist down — had so many enemies that investigators say they almost don’t know where to start looking.
“Any number of people wanted to kill this guy,” one law-enforcement source said of Menachem “Max” Stark, 39, describing the father of eight as embroiled in several “shady” real-estate transactions and being up to his tuchus in debt.
“He owed a lot of people money,” said another source.
Full report

Heartbreaking moments at the Funeral of Menachem Stark

Saturday, 4 January 2014

ברוך דיין האמת - Abducted Menacham Stark's body found on Long Island

Stark, 39, was taken from his outside his office on Thursday evening, bound with duct tape and thrown into a Dodge Caravan. Authorities now say a badly burned body they discovered on Long Island is the missing man.

Menacham Stark was kidnapped outside his office in Williamsburg on Thursday. Authorities fear a man's body found on Long Island could be Stark but are awaiting autopsy results to confirm.

The Brooklyn landlord who was kidnapped near his office late Thursday was found in a dumpster at a Long Island gas station, authorities said Saturday.
The body of Menacham Stark was found in the trash container at the Getty gas station in Great Neck just before 4 p.m. Friday, according to Nassau County cops.