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Wednesday, 29 August 2018

Manchester: 14 year old boy committed suicide after been thrown out of Cheider !

Salford Manchester: Last Erev Shabbos A 14 year old boy committed suicide after been thrown out of Cheider.

The Rabbonim & Kehillo have told everyone to keep quiet about the school's part, and just talk about the drugs that the boy took after being thrown out of school. They want no upheaval in town, and blame it on the poor kid!

The school is famous for throwing out any kid who are not scholisticley brilliant, Other schools do the same and we have dozens of kids roaming the local park at night with drugs etc.,

What did the rabbonim do? Ban anyone from going to the park. !! 

They are frightened that the police will uncover the truth, and cause problems for the 2 members of staff who dismiss kids,

There is so much hypocrisy in Manchester that it is clearly visible. One rosh hakollel is famous for being a distributor!

One person who tried to break the line, had his house firebombed, !!!!