Trapped school pupils rescued from beach after using phones as beacons via @MailOnline— ChaimHalpern Scandal (@CHalpernScandal) June 7, 2016
Helicopter footage from last night's rescue of 36 people from Dover Cliffs after getting lost on coastal walk— Shomrim - London (@Shomrim) June 7, 2016
Message from South East Coastguard Commander after large operation rescuing group of children off @Port_of_Dover— Shomrim - London (@Shomrim) June 7, 2016
ווי איז די אחריות פון די משגיחים צי נעמען בחורים אויף אזא סכנות'דיגע פלאץ... מעטאר דאס נישט פארשוייגן