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Monday 2 September 2013

נצחונו הגדול של משה אריה פרידמאן כולם נכנעו כל ילדיו התקבלו ביסודי התורה ובבית יעקב היום החלו הלימודים

אכלו דג מסריח ושילמו ביוקר ככה ולא אחרת קרה לקהילת 'מחזיקי הדת' ולחסידי בעלזא באנטוורפן, הם ניהלו מאבק אימים נגד קבלת ילדיו של משה אריה פרידמאן למוסדותיהם, הם הבטיחו כי יילכו עד הסוף ועד מסירות נפש, הם אף סיפרו כי יש להם הבטחה מהרבי שלהם כי הם ינצחו, ומעשית היום הובסו כל הקהילות החרדיות באנטוורפן, מפני שמשה אריה פרדימאן הצליח דרך בית המשפט להכניע אותם הם נאלצו להגיע עמו להסכמה והיום הגיעו ילדיו ליסודי התורה שם ילמדו הבנים, והבנות לבית יעקב כולם שייכים לקהילת מחזיקי הדת

לא אחזור כאן על ההיסטוריה אבל זאת אומר, בימינו אין זה עוד זמני העבר, וכשנלחמים מצליחים, וטעות היה מלכתחילה שלא לקבל את ילדיו, הסיפור הזה לכלך את כולם אף אחד לא יצא כאן נקי וחבל

אולי הסיפור הזה יהיה לקח לעתיד שלא משחקים עם נשמות של ילדים, גם אם יהיו טענות חזקות נגד משה אריה פרידמאן אבל הילדים לא צריכים לסבול

אני אישית שמח שהפרשה הזו הסתיימה, מפני שכל הסיבה שליוויתי את הפרשה הזו היתה רחמנות על הילדים, הם לא אשמים שנולדו במשפחה הזו


  1. I can see a knee!!!!!!!

  2. such a potz with such a beautiful family ein beis hamedrash bli chidush.

    why should the children suffer as long as they behave then they deserve good schooling like everyone else.

    1. Of course, you are quite correct. The children should not suffer and they are entitled to receive an education.

      The father of these children (I don't know about the mother, she could be an innocent victim too), has embraced a particularly fanatical and fundamental doctrine. His hatred of Zionism and the State of Israel permits him to openly and publicly embrace leaders of terrorist states that have funded & plotted numerous terrorist attacks around the world, causing untold numbers of deaths and misery to Jew & gentile alike. He demonstrates for and supports regimes which have sworn to destroy Israel and all its Jewish inhabitants.

      Irrespective of the indoctrination that his children are likely to have received in his "sacred" philosophy, it is beyond doubt that he and his children, will cause constant disruption and disputes on anything taught that may conflict with his philosophy. Does a school not have the right to deny access to such elements?

      Just for a moment, let's hypothesise.

      The father dresses in hassidic garb and is a paid up member of the shul he davvens at. Every evening after work he goes to a club and gets very drunk, picks up 3/4 ladies of the night and brings them home and openly indulges in partying with them all night long. Does the school have the right to reject his children for not conforming to the ethos?

      How about, a father who converts to Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Moonies, Scientology or any other religion. But he is not insisting that his family converts, they can continue to practice the Jewish faith. Each night he worships a different god, eats pork on the Day of Atonement, etc. Must a school accept his children?

      Where is the line at which point a school can decide to accept or reject an application? Or must a school accept every applicant regardless of its suitability? Does this now mean that all those parents who want to get their children into a particular school, can claim that the selection of children of families who attend a particular shul over other children, is denying their children an education? Or can the school refuse children and recommend that the parents should find a school more in keeping with their philosophies?

    2. To your two hypothetical situations:

      Yes in these situations too the kids should be allowed in school.

      Why should the kids suffer for the sins of their father? On the contrary, allowing them in school increases the chance of them ultimately rejecting their father's madness and becoming good Jews.

    3. So you are saying, in effect, that every school, must accept every single applicant, irrespective of sex, age, race, religion, sect, scholastic abilities, or any other gauge or guide. For any refusal to accept, is defacto a denial of an education.

      So, we end up with a system where School X, which has say 40 places to fill, accepting the first 40 applicants, and any child born after March doesn't stand a chance of getting into a good school, as they will have been filled before it's born. That is denying all children born after a certain date, the right to an education.

      Or am I missing something?

      Why should kids suffer for the sins of their father? Because that's life. And life is unfair. It's not my childrens' fault that I am poor and can't pay for a private education at Eton or Harrow. I don't hear any judges passing down judgements that Eton must accept my children as they are entitled to an education. If you can't pay then your innocent children do pay for your sins, they don't go to private schools. That's how things work in this world.

      People who want to send their children to an RC school, start attending church and getting baptisms or whatever, so that they are seen to be conforming to the ethos of the school so that their children should get a chance of getting in. If the school proves that the parents are insincere in their newfoud religious practices, those kids are not accepted.

      Jewish schools are the same. They cater for a specific section of the community and if the family (ie the parents) are deemed to be from the wrong demographic, they don't accept those children.

      What chance to you rate a kippa sruga wearing, Blue and White flag waving, hallel with a bracha on 5 iyar saying, family has of having their son accepted in Satmar cheder? Why Is the reverse situation different?
