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Sunday 8 December 2013

JC: Stamford Hill's Missing Boys


  1. keddassia police service9 December 2013 at 09:53

    Most golders greeners anyway carry in the eiruv and eat Belz oif mehadrim cost shop meat!

    50% of reb chunas even eat beis din meat! Just look at them in all the resturants on golders green road.

    Even better is the stamfordhillers who appear in golders on Thursday nights to buy shwarma from white house, they then proceed to hide in their car with steamed up windows to eat the "treif" food!

  2. I am not sure this is a bad thing.

    Maybe if they had one academic subject a day they had to take seriously, it might just teach them to properly utilise their yeshiva years, instead of treating it as 5 year sentence.

    Interestingly enough, it's not only the yeshivos. I know of one (at least) cheder which has stopped teaching secular subjects to their top class (12-13 years) as the boys/parents are just not interested.

    1. At least one boys school stops Chol with Year 8 because the parents can't affort to pay salaries to Chol staff. At present one school stops officially after Year 6, gain because there's no money to pay teachers. Obviously some parents organise private lessons to keep their boys up to level in English and maths. Even some state aided Jewish schools -- e.g. Pardes House are well below standard. At Pardes zero percent achieved level 5 on Year 6 SATs, although many did achieve Level 4, the minimum, pass grade.
