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Friday 18 July 2014

Charlie's best friend is resigning


  1. Tireless dedication to his mates more like.
    A man who has brought the kehillah to its lowest point over.
    Bye Bye were a lousy Rav

  2. Tireless dedication. What a joke. A couple of shiurim a week doesnt exactly wear you out. Virtually no one asked shailos and he didnt engage with the kehilllo, only the privileged few. What a shame as he had so much potential being nw londons best orator and on a one to one he was caring funny and of course a great talmid chochom. But 2.5 generations have gone through the shul without a manhig. Happy retirement Rabbi P, but I for one wont miss you.

  3. Chaim Aharon Tzvi20 July 2014 at 14:30

    If they take an anti-eruv radical they may as well shut the shul down now.

  4. Disappointing - not surprising, yet still disappointing - with the exception of Chabad, who can't pass on an opportunity to get people to lay teffillin, the charedim didn't bother to attend yesterday's pro - Israel rally.

    Whichever background you come from, where is your show of appreciation for the country that fought for you and your family. That fought for you to gain free and unencumbered access to pray at the Kotel. That fought for you to be able to travel from Bnei Braq to Jerusalem. That built roads and an infrastructure to enable you to visit the graves on the Mt of Olives or any of the hundreds of cemeteries you love to frequent. The country that granted refuge to so many war survivors and refugees from hostile countries!

    Then again, these people do not show their appreciation for anything or to anyone. Not even to the One they are purported to be "charedi" off.

  5. So ''Pi Ha'ason'' is a Zionist!

  6. My personal inclinations are irrelevant. At a time when your fellow brethren are in distress, worldwide public opinion leans towards calling them the aggressor and murderers, and black hatted, frack garbed, beard and peyos wearing NK fascists frequent these rallies to promote terror. The very least you must do is to attend and give support to your brothers.

    Quite apart from the opportunity to make a kiddush HaShem, and to give the Jews who live there some moral support and encouragement, if you have ever benefitted from the State - and I just listed a few short examples - you have a duty of "Hakarat Hatov".

    Hence my comments.

    Of course some self centered egomaniac is going to read it and come out with your conclusion,. But any genuine person, would either argue against me or accept what I wrote.

  7. 'Pi Has'ason';
    I'm not trying to sound patronising (in a spiritual sense), but what occurred tonight in Hendon Addas has a far bigger effect than rallying in the West End outside the Israeli Embassy.

    Unfortunately, as can be seen from this conflict, our enemies hardly need any propaganda - the world will ALWAYS hate us and be blind to the truth. However many rallies and Mark Regev's we have - illogically Israel will always be hated and scorned by the rest of the world...

  8. Anonymous - not that I disagree with cthe importance of what happened in HA last night (was an excellent turnout, a big chizzuk, and also was happy to see the good Halpern (RD) in attendance). But that doesn't excuse us from doing our best on the other front either. The Charedim in EY didn't say "what's the point if demonstrations and spokespeople?" when it came to the giyus and neither should we when it comes to Gaza. It is not true that the whole world hates us: many in America support us fully and there are decent people of goodwill everywhere that we must try our hardest to explain our position to.

  9. When Lot was captured I'm sure that Avrohom davenned. But the torah tells us that he went to war.

    When Yakov heard that Eisav was coming, hi davenned and prepared for battle.

    When Dina was taken, Shimon and Levi went to war.

    Kibbush Eretz Yisroel was achieved by battle. Dovid Hamelech waged many battles.

    Of course we need to davven, say tehilim, fast, repent and give charity. But we must also fight. And there are many battles. Showing support, as Sunday's rally did, gives the people of Israel much chizzuk, and helps win the battle of public opinion.

    In the early 40s so many incarcerated Jews were moser nefesh, to try to let the outside world know what is really happening in the camps.

    would you suggest that in those times Anglo Jewry would suffice with having one half hour session of public tehilim in Hendon Adass and then drive home to lie in their air conditioned beds?

  10. It's about time that he left, I have been waiting close to 50 years for this great news!

  11. Close to 40 applications for the job. Should be an interesting selection process.
