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Saturday 16 November 2013 is alive and kicking !!


Rejoice! Rejoice!

For the unprecedented denouncement by five rabbis of a former colleague not being 'fit and proper to act in any Rabbinic capacity'.

For the silence and shame of the victims

For the rabbi who acted more like a clown than a town rov

For the Rabbinate that allowed women to continue visiting an alleged molester despite first hand knowledge of the allegations

For our rotten and corrupt lay leaders, not a single one of whom has taken any responsibility

For the organisation that calls for the boycott of a local black tailor but remains silent on far worse allegations against a white-socked rabbi

For the numerous notices by the UOHC modesty squad but none for its barely publicised child ‘protection’ line

For the rabbi who is concerned with women kissing a Sefer Torah but covers up allegations of a rabbi doing far worse to women

For the rabbis summonsing the town to anti-internet offensives while doing nothing on allegations of lewd rabbinical emails and texts

For the rabbi who bans sharing a platform with reform but readily turns up for photo-ops with a rabbi under police investigation for alleged sexual crimes

For the intimidated witnesses and knobbled Beth Din

For a shul split in two with more than a majority forming a breakaway

For a community torn asunder by allegations of the most heinous nature

Rejoice! Celebrate! Jubilate! Lift your glasses in cheer. Hold up your hands to heaven. Raise your feet in dance. Let your kiddush drams overflow.

The prayers have worked, the Psalms have performed, the victims have been silenced, the police have backed off, the Beth Din is forgotten and life can resume. For victims 'the police is not the solution' but for the alleged perps the police is a fount of justice and the source of truth. Forget about Torah and tznius and all that nonsense for the masses, if the cops say no law was broken then the rabbi must be as innocent as his leg wear. And if there was consent then let him re-ascend the pulpit.

But for now the investigation is over, the suspect released without charge and the victims will just have to stew.



  1. Chaim is so naughty16 November 2013 at 22:19

    Check out Malach_Charlies on Twitter for a fascinating pic

  2. From what I have heard - no one wanted to actually testify against him. He has not been proven innocent.

  3. What happened to the 32 ladies that came to testify to Padwa's Beit Din? And the other lady with the tape that warned him to get out of town within a week?

    "confirm that all allegations have been fully investigated", all find and dandy, but what where the findings, the woman that came to testify was mum. Why, first thing that comes to mind is they gave her an offer she couldn't refuse. She well could have, but if she knows what's good for her, she zipped up. I could also see the ksus enayim that wen't along with it. The public has to pay for his pleasures. And that is how we brought up generations of molestees, turning into molesters as well. Loshan hora, messiro, prods, mamzerim Rachmono litslon. Of course with their self produced hechsherim. Time to throw in the towel. Torah is sold out, our children are sold out, our daughters are hefker along with wives. What's next? Kol kore's, destruction of Rosh Yeshiva's, Yeshivas, back in time to dor hamabul, dor haflogo, sodom and gomorrah. Please count us out.
