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Tuesday, 1 January 2013

North Hendon Adass voted today by 52 votes to 2 to amend the Shul constitution to remove the need to affiliate to the UOHC.

The EGM took place this morning, Tuesday 1st January 2013,with 56 full members present, along with many associate members for a total attendance of over 80 people. 

Full members of the North Hendon Adass voted today by 52 votes to 2 to amend the Shul constitution to remove the need to affiliate to the UOHC. 

They did not vote to leave the Union, that is a matter for a Board of Management decision, which may come shortly. But, notwithstanding a Board decision, the strength of feeling was overwhelming that a Kehilla of this type could not stand back and allow the inability of the UOHC to deal with the matter in hand to continue without a protest of this type. 

It may well be that the move and the subsequent Board decision may have little impact but it is vital that some sort of protest is made. As someone noted, it is like Nachshon ben Aminodov at the Yam Suf. With the threat of members leaving the Shul if no action was taken also on the agenda, this was a decision that had to be taken. If the Shul does resign from the UOHC, the Shul will be an independant Shul upholding the laws of the Shulchan Aruch as hitherto, as is required by the Constitution. If and when a new North West London communal organisation os formen, the Shul will decide to become alleigned to this organisation.

Link to - NHAYS EGM Resolution

Link to - NHAYS Constitution (Proposed amendments EGM 2013)


  1. I suppose you are getting your news from Mr Tickle.
    Be aware that he does not print pro RCH comments like my present one.
    kokosh said...
    innocent writes:

    '-9 Rabonim wanted him out based on assumptions, and "all" the rest said no! not without a proper Beis Din'

    9 Rabonim saw the evidence and made a decision.

    "all" the rest never saw the evidence.

    those who support RC are relying on all the rest who never saw the evidence.

    If you were served a peice of meat and 9 rabonim came and said we saw this was not shechted correctly and its treaif would you still eat it?
    If another 20 came and said we did not see how it was shechted so therefore its kosher would you still eat it?
    Why is this peice of 'meat' any different?
    My reply To kokosh
    For a start you are showing your am haarazus.
    Eid echod neeman b'isurim. But not for dinai n'foshos.
    Seeing 'evidence' in this case does not really mean that but hearing evidence. No woman could prove what she was saying was true. And as I have continuously stated here the woman involved from SH is known not to be truthful.
    I dont think its right for Mr Tickle to be one sided all the time. Even though he prints most of my posts but by no means all, where I am in support of RCH he fails to. This is most likely the case with others too.
    That is why the SH mob who know the woman personally still believe RCH to be innocent of all charges. She is a good actor and has convinced these 5 rabbis and velvel who acts for them. These rabbis have bene taken in before and by men like kolko so they are not infallible.

    From drai kop

  2. Thank you for publishing my post. This was published on IYTM and also a reply. I have written a reply to the reply. If it is not published I intend to publish it here.
    drai kop

  3. I would suggest to the members of the North Hendon Adas that they should consider purchasing a computer with a word processing program and a printer for their rabbi so that he may communicate in a current manner, or a typewriter for him to contribute in a mid-20th century style.
    By giving approval to kedassia, shatnez checking, and mikvaos, he is endorsing everything that is of importance to the members about UOHC. The average person will never have occasion to appear before the beth din. The maintenance of a semblance of a unified Adas, in which all Adas synagogues consider themselves part of one greater whole has been a myth for many years. The late Rabbis Schonfeld lived in Highgate so that he could walk to Adas synagogues in both North and Northwest London, but since his illness in 1964 that has not been continued. I don't think the late Rabbi J Dunner ever came for a Shabbos to Hendon or North hendon, or even Edgware or hampstead

    1. at least if it is written by hand we know that HE wrote it from beginning to end- something that cannot be taken for granted in this story!
      Rabbi Schonfeld continued going to northWest London for many years after he was ill...
