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Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Velvel: This Beis Din this is a Setup.

From Velvel on:

Good evening all. 

So, now that CH Beis din is arriving in town we should all extend them a warm Sholom Aleichem. We can also welcome his representative, all the way from USA, the world renowned toien, Shmuel Fried. For those of you who haven’t heard of him, his reputation is that he’s simply the best, most aggressive toein out there. In fact, he’s so used to intimidating dayanim that on one occasion in Israel (where the Botei Din have more power) the dayanim locked him up for a day to calm him down. CH also has a UK law firm acting for him who have written threatening letters to people in an attempt to stop them presenting the evidence they have.

(Note: I seem to recall that one well informed commenter told us months ago that CH is bringing a toien from America – kudos sir)

So who’s on the other side of CH’s all star defence team? Who’s representing the victims? 

The 5 GD rabbonim were asked to join in the fun but only half-heartedly. The Union sent 4-5 third rate messengers and as soon as they heard the GD rabbonim wanted to make certain conditions (such as CH’s punishment if found guilty), the Union shrugged their shoulders and negotiations never got off the ground. A lawyer representing some of the victims was approached only today to see if he would make their case. Can you believe such a thing? CH’s team have been preparing for months but the Union (via R’DC) only approach the other side at the last minute. Even then, they wouldn’t fill him in on exactly how the proceedings are to work (e.g. such minor details like what standard of proof will be required, what lines CH has to have crossed to be found guilty, etc). 

So as of right now, there is an opaque process seemingly understood solely by CH and a few key Union players that has completely excluded everyone connected with the victims. Of course, the victims might just stroll in off the street but without any clue as to how this BD functions, don’t bet on it.

Ladies and gentlemen – this is a setup. This Beis Din has only one party because it is designed by and for this one party. By the time their 2 day session is over they will find him clean as a towel. 

Toien, Shmuel Fried - on the Right with the flat hat !!
He was involved in the "Mordecai Tendler Scandal"

Click link below to download his response to a B'D' 


  1. So zev feldman's son was arrested for harassing RGH and now we learn he refused to see evidence when he had the chance. Sounds like an honourable fellow....

  2. velvel should be next gaavad!!!!

  3. Chaim Shel Toivah29 January 2013 at 11:18

    As Velvel stated there are people out there with hardcore evidence who have been threatened with legal action; WE SAY; they SHOULD NOT be intimidated with empty legal threats! they, even those who Support the MAXimum WELLbeing of CH, should not try things on and push innocent people into the corner!

    But people with evidence in testimony and other hardcore evidence will not turn up to this inquiry until advised by their rabonim to do so. It is a joke as Velvel correctly pointed out, CH has been preparing this with his toein for 4 months now, and Reb DC has only called people for the last 2 days incl the solicitor for the victims. Reb DC is trying to be fair and wants the truth to prevail (as in a guilty verdict) but has not been given enough time by the UOHC and their inquiry panel.

    It is by no means called a Beis Din! it is an inquiry! our Beis Din consists of DCE DYA DMG DSS of the LBD - they are now OUR beis din. They are now OUR rabonim. Even for those who had the Kedassia in the past and would not have had LBD meat, now hold the LBD Dayonim in such a high esteem and put Kedassia as a unit to dust.

    Dont get me wrong, RPR RDC DSF DAD are still very choshuve as they appreciate the truth, but are too weak to make a public stance against CH.

    May we hear a just verdict soon...

  4. Thank you for all the kind words.

    I report things from the victims' side and can confidently state that none of the people who have been active on their side in this saga are participating in this sham.

    Nonetheless I don't expect the dayanim to sit in an empty room and am sure that CH has a dirty trick or two up his sleeve.....

    1. Velvel..

      The matter of fact is precisely as you say..

      The Dayonim are sitting now in an empty room with nothing what do do.

      Could any one offer to take them sight seeing. !!

      What a sad Joke .......

    2. Sightseeing Tours29 January 2013 at 12:35

      Stamford Hiller, I propose a photo op with Kylie in Madame Tussauds. Should cheer them up. But steer clear from the planitarium as there is terrible kfire over there.

    3. Hey, I’ll take them on a tour, I need parnosah, someone in this kehilla should make something out of this
      Any suggestions were I should take them ? Apart from the old bailey, or wood green crown court,

  5. I hear that the Dayanim from Israel are being paid £50K each by BF! Anyone else hear this too?

  6. Dear blog-owner:

    DO you have an email address?

  7. Sruli, velvels son in USA, had several run-ins with Shmiel Fried. Sounds like a personal attack. Don't be fooled. Fried has met his match in many Din Toras. If the other side needs some advice, try Spiegel. $50,000 guarantees win.
    All this is nonsense. Can s/o explain who is the plaintiff, the defendant, and the specific issue claimed that BD has the power and jurisdiction to preside ?
