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Monday, 21 January 2013

The New B'D' is Disintegrating !!

There are unconfirmed rumors that Harav Suriel Rsoenberg has backed out of the Beis Din due to being fed-up with the Halpern's dictating what and when the B'D' should be set-up and also because of tremendous pressure from the Golderes Green Rabonim not to challenge their decision.

Harav Suriel was the original and first Dayan on the Beis Din, as such he was the backbone of the entire panel.

Also one of the Dayanim, Rav Naftuli Nuesbaum, explicitly said he will not come to London, the Union is still actively looking for a replacement.

Well, not necessarily a replacement, because on the Psak it will still be under his name, but something like a Vice Dayan on behalf of him. 

One of the Dayanim that were in talks about coming in his place, recently gave the 'no' answer, so we're back to square one, looking for a Beis Din..

If all true, something major will follow shortly, as either the Union throws out BMDC, or that RPR and RYMG etc, leave the union.


  1. If Dayan Ehrentreu, Dayan Lichtenstein, Dayan Gelley, Dayan Abraham, Rav Hager the Sadigerer Rebbe, Rav Weingarten, Rav Cohn and Rav Knopfler have all signed on that the evidence is credible, it would be INcredible for the Union to reject all these learned rabbis and set up a foreign beis din. Announcing that BHDC is no longer a member of the Union seems the only credible way out.

  2. Some years back Pardes House Boys School, under the auspices of Rabbis Halpern -- but not Chaim -- appointed a new headmaster from outside London. He settled into NW London and his new job when a female colleague from his previous school accused him of sexual harassment. Pardes did a 'full investigation' and declared the man 100% innocent, BUT his job was terminated because Pardes school could not have a headmaster who had had such allegations made against him!!! I don't recall any Beth Din being convened or making any ruling based on evidence at all.

  3. Story is wrong. He was accused of one night stand type affairs. This is after he "voluntarily" left an earlier position due to allegations. Unfortunately, new allegations surfaced in NW so he lost his chezkas Kashrus. A more correct story involves a male (chassidishe stamford hill) Rebbe at the Primary school who was accused of an affair (and later married) a member of the English staff.
    Besides, who can forgot Dr. Drew?
