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Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Victims: Please phone R' Cohn 020 8202 7838

Raboisie !!

The situation is now changing very quickly ...

The B'D' is now taking things Very Seriously 

Please anyone who has anything to say to them 

Should contact R' Dovid Cohn Immediately

(020 8202 7838)

He would ensure the safety to anyone involved.

They work from secret locations and helped by private investigators to ensure secrecy.

Rabbi Dovid Cohn - Rav of North Hendon Adath Yisroel Shul

Rabbi Cohn was born in London and was educated at the Menorah Primary School and at the Hasmonean Grammar School where he gained ‘A’ Levels in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. He then went on to Yeshivat Kol Torah where he studied for three years and where he came under the influence of Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Aurerbach zt”l. This contact was to last for many years, even after Rabbi Cohn left the Yeshiva, until the death of HaRav Shlomo Zalman in 1995. Rabbi Cohn then took up a place in Imperial College to study Computer Science where he gained a BSc Honours Degree. By this time Rabbi Cohn had already been very involved in the SEED programme and had given the GGBH (‘Munks’) Gemorah Shiur for teenagers on Shabbos afternoons.

Shortly after completing his finals, Rabbi Cohn married his wife Soro (née Roberts - a niece of Rabbi Roberts of the Hendon Adath). The Cohns took up residence in Yerushalayim in 1989 and Rabbi Cohn joined the Yeshivat Ma’alos Hatorah, to commence his studies for Semicha, under the Rosh Yeshivah Rabbi Shmuel Auerbach. Having commenced doing Semicha under Rabbi Ephraim Kirschenbaum, Rabbi Cohn joined his Kollel in 1992 where he commenced an intensive study of various sections of the Shulchan Aruch under Rav Kirschenbaum and later under Dayan Zvi Weber of Kiryat Kamenitz in Neve Ya’acov, and Rav Nissim Karelitz, Av Beis Din of Bene Berak. Rabbi Cohn has done Shimush under Rav Karelitz and also at the Rabbinical Council of Jerusalem. Rabbi Cohn has also gained experience in answering Sha’alos from various sources and in numerous subjects and he has also been actively involved in the Kehilas Ashkenaz in Har Nof.

In 2002: Following the retirement of Rabbi Cooper, Rabbi Dovid Cohn took up his appointment as the new Rav of the North Hendon Adath Yisroel Shul with Rabbi Cooper retaining the position of Emertius Rav. The Rav’s Induction took place in June 2002


  1. Rabbi David Cohn is the grandson of Dayan Dr Grunfeld of London Beth Din and Dr Judith Grunfeld of the Beth Jacob and the Jewish Secondary Schools

  2. I can state with the benefit of inside information that the e-mail sent out from NHAYS is based on a misunderstanding of the situation. It now turns out, and this has been confirmed to me by Rav Cohn, that the "Beis Din Tzedek", although promoted by the UOHC, is going to act completely independently of the UOHC and they will not accept any outside influences, even from the Moroh De’asroh. Rabbi Frand, the President of the UOHC, did not even accept that there would be five Dayonim not the three that he had suggested. It was Rav Cohn who insisted on five, three of whom, at least, could speak English and it was Rav Cohn who was active in getting the whole thing set up. It is apparent that had it been left to the UOHC, nothing would have happened. Having established that the Dayonim are acting independently, it was decided that they should visit the various Rabbonim involved, including those who had signed the Gilluy Da'as. Hence the visits yesterday which continue today. This Beis Din now has the full backing of the Rabbonim who signed the Gilluy Da’as. As far as Rav Cohn is concerned, he is acting as an "honest broker" as well as being a point of contact for all information to come forward. He has already received numerous calls on the matter. The only thing lacking is wider publicity. I doubt if the Tribune would print the note from the Beis Din! Finally, Rav Cohn is acting independently from NHAYS whose members are as interested as the whole Kehilla to get closure on this whole sorry mess.

  3. UPDATE:
    Mr Shlomo Frand from USA joined the team to protect CH in the BD. He is joining Mr Shmiel Fried which is the main Toien.
    For your information, Mr Shlomo Frand is the son of OUR president Mr Dovid Frand of UOHC.

    1. Frand in Lakewood? He's buddies with Velvels Lakewood branch. Don't think he supports CH.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. New FrumFollies SATIRE post about Ephraim Padwa (UK) caught on tape telling a sex abuse victim not 2 go to police

  6. Frand in Lakewood is Avrohom Yeshaya Frand not Shloime Frand who lives in Boro Park.

  7. The current situation with Dispatches and the Chaim Halpern saga -- it's a shame we don't have 'spitting images' or Gilbert and Sullivan. It's getting so heavy and we need to lighten the atmosphere.

  8. Now that things are moving along nicely, it would be most unfair to deprive the tzibbur of an insight into what is going on. The beis din has been put together by three people. Avrohom Shloime Padwa, Eisner, and Rabbi Cohn. Whilst Eisner especially can be trusted about as much as one of Rav Padwa's protectees in Satmar cheder after school club, Rabbi Cohn has worked hard to overcome the legitimate skepticism towards this beis din and, at another marathon meeting at Dayan Ehrentreu's yesterday afternoon, the GD rabbonim were suitably reassured that this would not be the whitewash they feared and hence they agreed to participate in the proceedings.

    Unsurprisingly, Charlie Towelpern is now getting cold feet himself. After all, if anyone knows the truth, it is him. Although he always claimed to want a beis din, what he meant by that was that he wanted a beis din to constantly be in the process of being set up (and if possible to blame it falling through on others - hence all the comments from his cronies over the last couple of months trying to paint Reb Berel Knopfler as the one who was absolutely terrified of an impartial beis din, when, as his willing participation along with the other GD rabbonim demonstrates, the opposite is the case).

    Good luck Charlie never imagined that he would actually be faced with some serious dayonim who were interested in the truth, including a full account of what he was doing having highly inappropriate correspondences with multiple women (at the same time, noch). So now he is scrambling mightily, along with his hotshot toianim, to put a defense together. But there's only so many ways to justify bioh derech eivorim with women you are supposed to be counselling, so we are likely to be hearing some bona fide chiddushei halocho over the coming weeks. More Emmanuelle than Amshinov, if you get my gist.

    Anyway, the dayonim are off home now and will return in a couple of weeks for the hearings. The interlude should allow everyone to prepare their respective cases.

    Over and out.
