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Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Watch the C4 Dispatches Programme

Click link below to Channel 4 Dispatches Programme

London Haredim slam TV exposé on sexual abuse in community
Leadership claims Channel 4 documentary distorts rabbis’ response to allegations of misconduct against children
By Miriam Shaviv February 1, 2013, 12:29 am
LONDON — London’s Haredi leadership has hit back at a television program claiming that the community covers up child sex abuse, saying the show “has done nothing to assist, and may have damaged, the chances of bringing abusers to justice.”
The program, “Britain’s Hidden Child Abuse,” aired on Channel 4 on Wednesday and alleged that rabbis in the Orthodox community forbid or discourage alleged victims of pedophilia from going to the secular authorities. It showed secretly filmed footage of two Haredi rabbis approached for advice by a former member of the community, who alleged that he had been sexually abused as a child.
One, Ephraim Padwa, the head of the Union of Orthodox Hebrew Congregations, explicitly forbade him from going to the police. The other, religious judge Osher Westheim of the Manchester Beth Din, or religious court, said he was personally investigating allegations that a teacher at a local Jewish school was a pedophile, and claimed to have succeeded in getting some perpetrators to pay compensation to their victims — including, once, £5,000 ($7,900). He said that going to the authorities was permissible.
A spokesman for the Union of Orthodox Hebrew Congregations, an umbrella organization for Orthodox institutions in London, told The Times of Israel that the program’s credibility was undermined by its reliance on anonymous sources. These included a rabbi whose face was not shown, who claimed that a young family had been driven out of its community after reporting abuse to authorities, and two young men who claimed to have taken the law into their own hands by attacking alleged perpetrators after their complaints of abuse were ignored by the rabbis.
“Channel 4 chose to use an anonymous ‘rabbi,’ an unidentified group of thuggish vigilantes, a young man whose claims cannot be verified and two specific cases that Channel 4 knew full well to have been investigated thoroughly by the local authorities and dropped without action to imply that our community does not take its responsibilities seriously,” the spokesman said.
“Our community does not need Channel 4 to remind us of our duty and responsibility to protect our children. They are our future, and we do all we can to protect them from these unspeakable crimes.
“For a number of years, we have worked with the local authorities and, where appropriate, the police, and we have robust procedures in place within all our schools. Let us now hope that Channel 4′s attempt to defame us does not discourage victims from coming forward to seek the help and guidance of our Child Protection Services.”
Channel 4 did not respond to questions posed by The Times of Israel. However, its press office said the program was watched by nearly 750,000 viewers, an audience it described as “very positive for an investigation of such a sensitive nature airing at 10:30 p.m.”
About 40,000 of the UK’s approximately 280,000 Jews are Haredi. Unlike in New York, the issue of child sex abuse in the Orthodox world received little airing in London before Wednesday night, and it was unclear how the program would affect the community’s treatment of the problem. In the days before the show aired, the Union released a statement to affiliated rabbis and educators announcing the formation of a child protection committee composed of people with relevant training.
According to the document, written in Hebrew, the rabbis “recognize that there are certain times when it is correct and necessary to call the police,” and the committee “will consult with the rabbis to determine the proper course of action in each case.”
The initial response to the Channel 4 program has been difficult to gauge, but it seems to have been welcomed by both Jewish and non-Jewish commenters online, who reacted with horror to the allegation that sex crimes were covered up.
One expert on British Haredim, Yaakov Wise of the Centre for Jewish Studies at the University of Manchester, criticized the program for a lack of nuance, saying it did not sufficiently explore reasons the community is reluctant to report cases to the police, or the evolution of its attitudes about abuse and secular law enforcement.
“It did not get to the root of the real issue — the increasing alienation of the Haredi community in Britain,” he said.
When Wise worked for the borough council in London’s Stamford Hill district in the 1980s, he said, he was involved in several cases of child abuse. The rabbi who then headed the Union, Yosef Tzvi Dunner, instructed him to go immediately to the police.
Since then, he said, the community has grown more reluctant to involve the authorities.
“There has been a change in personalities and in the community,” he said. “Stamford Hill has become less attached to modernity, and more enclosed and alienated [from contemporary Britain].”
“The problem is that people seem to view the modern British police force in the same way they looked at the Tzarist police in the 19th century. They don’t trust them to be sensitive enough.”
He added, however, that while Padwa is “very influential,” there were diverse attitudes toward reporting sexual crimes in the Orthodox world, and the program presented an unfairly monolithic view.
Asked what the long-term impact of the program might be, he predicted there would be none.
“Most Haredim don’t have televisions and didn’t see it,” he said. “It will be a nine-day wonder.”

Victims: Please phone R' Cohn 020 8202 7838

Raboisie !!

The situation is now changing very quickly ...

The B'D' is now taking things Very Seriously 

Please anyone who has anything to say to them 

Should contact R' Dovid Cohn Immediately

(020 8202 7838)

He would ensure the safety to anyone involved.

They work from secret locations and helped by private investigators to ensure secrecy.

Rabbi Dovid Cohn - Rav of North Hendon Adath Yisroel Shul

Rabbi Cohn was born in London and was educated at the Menorah Primary School and at the Hasmonean Grammar School where he gained ‘A’ Levels in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. He then went on to Yeshivat Kol Torah where he studied for three years and where he came under the influence of Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Aurerbach zt”l. This contact was to last for many years, even after Rabbi Cohn left the Yeshiva, until the death of HaRav Shlomo Zalman in 1995. Rabbi Cohn then took up a place in Imperial College to study Computer Science where he gained a BSc Honours Degree. By this time Rabbi Cohn had already been very involved in the SEED programme and had given the GGBH (‘Munks’) Gemorah Shiur for teenagers on Shabbos afternoons.

Shortly after completing his finals, Rabbi Cohn married his wife Soro (née Roberts - a niece of Rabbi Roberts of the Hendon Adath). The Cohns took up residence in Yerushalayim in 1989 and Rabbi Cohn joined the Yeshivat Ma’alos Hatorah, to commence his studies for Semicha, under the Rosh Yeshivah Rabbi Shmuel Auerbach. Having commenced doing Semicha under Rabbi Ephraim Kirschenbaum, Rabbi Cohn joined his Kollel in 1992 where he commenced an intensive study of various sections of the Shulchan Aruch under Rav Kirschenbaum and later under Dayan Zvi Weber of Kiryat Kamenitz in Neve Ya’acov, and Rav Nissim Karelitz, Av Beis Din of Bene Berak. Rabbi Cohn has done Shimush under Rav Karelitz and also at the Rabbinical Council of Jerusalem. Rabbi Cohn has also gained experience in answering Sha’alos from various sources and in numerous subjects and he has also been actively involved in the Kehilas Ashkenaz in Har Nof.

In 2002: Following the retirement of Rabbi Cooper, Rabbi Dovid Cohn took up his appointment as the new Rav of the North Hendon Adath Yisroel Shul with Rabbi Cooper retaining the position of Emertius Rav. The Rav’s Induction took place in June 2002

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Raboisie !!

The situation is now changing very quickly ...

The B'D' is now taking things Very Seriously 

Please anyone who has anything to say to them 

Should contact R' Cohn Immediately

(020 8202 7838) 

He would ensure the safety to anyone involved.

Dispatches preview clip of the גאב"ד

Dispatches preview clip

R' David Cohn is the representative of B'D'

R' David Cohn is the representative of B'D'

מזל טוב !! we had over 100,000 views in two months !!

Velvel: This Beis Din this is a Setup.

From Velvel on:

Good evening all. 

So, now that CH Beis din is arriving in town we should all extend them a warm Sholom Aleichem. We can also welcome his representative, all the way from USA, the world renowned toien, Shmuel Fried. For those of you who haven’t heard of him, his reputation is that he’s simply the best, most aggressive toein out there. In fact, he’s so used to intimidating dayanim that on one occasion in Israel (where the Botei Din have more power) the dayanim locked him up for a day to calm him down. CH also has a UK law firm acting for him who have written threatening letters to people in an attempt to stop them presenting the evidence they have.

(Note: I seem to recall that one well informed commenter told us months ago that CH is bringing a toien from America – kudos sir)

So who’s on the other side of CH’s all star defence team? Who’s representing the victims? 

The 5 GD rabbonim were asked to join in the fun but only half-heartedly. The Union sent 4-5 third rate messengers and as soon as they heard the GD rabbonim wanted to make certain conditions (such as CH’s punishment if found guilty), the Union shrugged their shoulders and negotiations never got off the ground. A lawyer representing some of the victims was approached only today to see if he would make their case. Can you believe such a thing? CH’s team have been preparing for months but the Union (via R’DC) only approach the other side at the last minute. Even then, they wouldn’t fill him in on exactly how the proceedings are to work (e.g. such minor details like what standard of proof will be required, what lines CH has to have crossed to be found guilty, etc). 

So as of right now, there is an opaque process seemingly understood solely by CH and a few key Union players that has completely excluded everyone connected with the victims. Of course, the victims might just stroll in off the street but without any clue as to how this BD functions, don’t bet on it.

Ladies and gentlemen – this is a setup. This Beis Din has only one party because it is designed by and for this one party. By the time their 2 day session is over they will find him clean as a towel. 

Toien, Shmuel Fried - on the Right with the flat hat !!
He was involved in the "Mordecai Tendler Scandal"

Click link below to download his response to a B'D' 

Monday, 28 January 2013

London Jewish Scandal Goes National


This Wednesday night, Britain's Channel 4 News will screen a documentary "Britain's Hidden Child Abuse", which will spotlight alleged cover-ups of child abuse in England's Jewish community.

According to information which hit the Jewish media this weekend, the documentary will feature Rabbi Ephraim Padwa, rabbinical head of the Stamford Hill-based Union of Orthodox Hebrew Congregations.

Rabbi Padwa was caught on a hidden camera telling a man who alleged he was abused as a child that he should not report the allegation to the police.

According to the Jewish Chronicle:

Rabbi Padwa says no, and is asked why. “It’s mesirah”, he responds — a term which means betraying a Jew to the non-Jewish authorities.

“But this is a very serious issue,” the interviewer says.

“Yes, but not police,” Rabbi Padwa answers.

A spokesman for Channel 4 said that the investigation had uncovered “19 different alleged cases of child sex abuse across the UK. Yet not one was reported to the police because alleged victims feared reprisals from within the community”.

This upcoming national-level scandal will be the latest in a series of child abuse scandals to rock the UK and the USA.

Popular UK culture star Jimmy Savile, now deceased, has been exposed as a serial predator, allegedly molesting literally hundreds of children. Savile used his pied-piper media role to target and molest children, including those appearing on his long running series "Jim'll Fix It". It appears that executives at the BBC were aware of what was going on, and hushed up the allegations.

In the USA, Rabbi Nechemia Weberman was sentenced last week to a massive 103 years in jail for 51 counts of sexually abusing a girl he was supposed to be counselling.

In the Weberman case, no less shocking than the crime itself, was the outrageous attempts by members of Weberman's Satmar community to bribe the victim ($500,000 to shut up), intimidate her and her family and to white-wash the perpetrator.

And in another British scandal, closely related to the Rabbi Padwa story, Rabbi Chaim Helpern, also a senior figure in Union of Orthodox Hebrew Congregations, was the subject of allegations by 30 of Rabbi Helpern's female 'counseling' clients, that Halpern had sexually abused them.

Unfortunately, there is little new in these news stories.

I know the same stories from here in Beit Shemesh, which in 2010 boasted Israel's lowest child abuse reporting statistics.

Making Beit Shemesh either paradise for kids, or the center of a cover-up culture.

Unfortunately, there are no indications that the child's paradise theory holds up.

In Israel, every adult is a mandatory reporter of suspicions of child abuse. Failure to report such suspicions carry a three to six month prison sentence.

However, some communities in Bet Shemesh systematically avoid reporting child abuse allegations to the "secular" authorities, as required by law.

Such legal requirements are countered by some community leaders and members with accusations that victims who report are guilty of "moser", "loshen Hora", "motsei shem rah" and "chilul Hashem". 

Those victims who do come forward, can be subjected to intimidation and bribery, much like in Williamsburg, to withdraw their reports.
Parents therefore can face a devastating dilemma of conflicting loyalties - to their children or to their community.

Perhaps not surprisingly, many of the kids who are violated, and then re-abused by their rejecting community, dump their religious lifestyle and become "youth at risk". According to experts who work with ex-religious youth at risk in the Jewish community, between 80-90% were the victims of sex abuse as children.

The good news is that since Magen was established in Beit Shemesh in 2010, reporting levels of child abuse allegations has increased. In just one year (2011) the reporting statistics increased by an unprecedented 40%!

Beit Shemesh is a safer community for kids than it was just two years ago.

So, when the Jewish communities in England and the USA are seeking models for responsibly and effectively addressing child abuse allegations, they should look no further than Magen, here in Beit Shemesh.

Sunday, 27 January 2013

Dispatches - Britain's Hidden Child Abuse

Link to the Channel 4 TV programme:



Britain's Hidden Child Abuse

First broadcast: Wednesday 30 January, 10.30pm on Channel 4
A victim of child sex abuse in one of Britain's religious communities goes undercover to expose the way his community has for decades been dealing with paedophilia.
In a year-long investigation, other victims of child abuse from this closed community express their anger about the lack of justice caused by their leaders' misguided approach to dealing with the issue.
In some cases those brave enough to complain to the police about their abusers have even been harassed, spat at and ostracised by other community members.
This Channel 4 Dispatches special report also reveals that an alleged child abuser was allowed to continue working with children, despite complaints from his victim.
And other victims, frustrated by their inability to bring child abusers to justice, tell Dispatches they've threatened and attacked those they believe to be paedophiles.

Saturday, 26 January 2013

Statement from the Union of ?

Statement from the Union of ?

Parents and educational establishments in our community dedicate themselves to educate pure souls and to bring them up and to protect them in holiness and purity, and thank G-d are very successful in this. The safety of our sweet children and protecting them from every harm and abuse is of course necessary.

And for that reason, it is our duty to consider every claim of abuse as a very serious thing, and we need to inform how to properly deal with this and to make fences in order to prevent such possibilities and to give proper assistance to everyone who has been abused.

The Union has a special committee to deal with cases of abuse amongst our children. The members of the committee are rabbis, educators and members of the community who have been properly trained in how to deal with this. The rabbinate recognises that there are certain times when it is correct and necessary to call the social services and police. The committee will consult with the rabbis to determine the proper course of action in each case.

The committee will try to use the advice and help of experts to help families or children who have suffered from abuse.

Unfortunately a programme has been made that is about to be broadcast on television about the abuse of children in our community, which claims that even after the actions of abusers are known, they have the possibility of continuing in their acts. The committee for child protection and determining the correct way to protect our children in our community will help please G-d to silence the claims of the questioners that the Union does not fulfill its obligation in this matter.

In every case that comes before one of the rabbis, educators or principals of one of the institutions, where there is fear for a child's safety, you are requested to refer the matter to the committee, which will deal with it in consultation with the beth din and according to the law of the land.

The number of the committee is below.

[Ephraim Padwa]

UOHC child protection line: 020 - 3322- 8384

Friday, 25 January 2013

UK Haredi chief caught telling alleged victim not to tell police about abuse

Channel 4′s hidden camera records Rabbi Ephraim Padwa advising accuser not to seek help from the authorities

By MIRIAM SHAVIV January 24, 2013, 10:46 pm 1

A Channel 4 documentary scheduled to air Wednesday comes at a particularly sensitive time for London's Haredi community. 
LONDON — The leader of Britain’s Haredi community has been caught on video advising an alleged victim of sexual abuse not to report the claim to police.
Rabbi Ephraim Padwa, head of the Union of Orthodox Hebrew Congregations, was recorded by a community member using a hidden camera as part of a Channel 4 documentary on Haredi child abuse.
In a scene that will air Wednesday, the insider, who hails from the Haredi London neighborhood of Stamford Hill, tells Padwa, “Someone who you may know of . . . sexually abused me when I was younger, when I was a child,” and asks how to proceed.
After Padwa responds, “We are dealing with this,” the insider asks whether he should go to the police.
“Oh no,” Padwa answers, explaining that doing so would constitute “mesirah,” or turning a Jew over to secular authorities. He adds in Yiddish, “People mustn’t tell tales.”
The Channel 4 program, a special edition of the “Dispatches” current affairs series, will highlight 19 alleged cases of child sexual abuse in Haredi communities across the UK, none of which have been reported to police because of feared reprisals from within the Haredi world.
When the insider in the Padwa segment – who originally made allegations in 2005 — asks whether the rabbi can be certain the alleged abuser isn’t harming others, Padwa retorts, “The police also cannot assure. The police is not the solution.”
He appears to sidestep a question about how to deal with authorities if they learn about the alleged abuse independently, repeating twice, “Let’s hope it wouldn’t happen.”
He then reiterates, “You shouldn’t do anything that can lead to the police.”
Asked to comment by The Times of Israel, a spokesman for Padwa questioned the credibility of Channel 4’s undercover insider, saying the allegations had already been investigated and dismissed as “malicious” by social services in the borough of Hackney. They were investigated again in 2007.
Padwa’s on-camera advice about avoiding the police was made, the spokesman said, with that in mind.
Minutes of a March 2005 meeting run by social services, seen exclusively by The Times of Israel, show that an unnamed man made accusations to the Police Child Protection Team against a former teacher at a Haredi school. He claimed to be acting out of concern that his nephew, who attended the school, “could be subject to the same abuse.”
When the teacher learned of the complaint, it was alleged that he offered the former student money “to shut the young person up,” the document reports.
The teacher denied the account, claiming the financial discussion was in fact attempted extortion by the accuser. Social services accepted his version of events, declining to take further action.
A letter from the school confirms that the accuser is the same man who appears in the TV program.
A representative of Channel 4 blasted attacks on the insider’s credibility. “We are appalled by an attempt to discredit a young person because he has made an allegation of sexual abuse about a member of his community,” a spokesman said.
Wednesday’s documentary, “Britain’s Hidden Child Abuse,” comes at a particularly sensitive time for London’s Haredi community, which is embroiled in an ongoing scandal over a former religious judge for the Union of Orthodox Hebrew Congregations, Rabbi Chaim Halpern. He has been accused of sexual misconduct involving about 30 women who came to him for counseling.
As head of the Union, Padwa has been under pressure to act more decisively against Halpern, and many blame him for mishandling the affair, which has yet to be resolved after bursting into the public domain in October.
While cases of child sexual abuse in the community occasionally go to the authorities, Britain’s Haredim lag far behind their American counterparts in dealing with the issue. The series of high-profile prosecutions seen in New York in recent years has not been replicated in the UK.
Fear of reprisals from within the Haredi community “made it difficult for people to speak to us,” a Channel 4 spokesman said of the documentary. “But of those who did, many said the community wants to deal with any problems internally, even when it comes to something as serious as alleged child sex abuse.
“Within the community, people often turn to the rabbis for advice and help. Our investigation discovered that ‘advice’ sometimes amounts to an outright ban on reporting alleged child abuse to the authorities.”
The investigation began, the spokesman added, after Channel 4 heard about parents who felt powerless to act against an alleged pedophile hired at a Haredi school.
The show is expected to include testimony from an anonymous rabbi about the need for police involvement in child abuse cases.
Sources said the Union will issue a statement to rabbis and educators on Thursday evening or Friday, in Hebrew, that will announce the establishment of a committee to deal with allegations of abuse. It is expected to include experts trained in child protection.
While the statement will not call on families suspecting abuse to alert secular authorities, it will note that the committee recognizes circumstances in which it is appropriate to contact social services or the police. The committee will address allegations in partnership with the community’s beth din, or religious court, and in accordance with secular law.
Channel 4 producers contacted advocates and alleged victims for next week’s program with help from Ben Hirsch, a spokesperson for Survivors for Justice, a New York-based advocacy group for victims of sexual abuse in the Orthodox community. He said the tone of the program would determine how it is received by British Haredim.
“We helped the producers understand how the problem was exposed in the US,” he said, “and how this might compare to what is now unfolding in the UK. While it’s impossible to know what the final product will look like, my experience working with the team over close to two years is that they are professional, very sincere, very well-informed on the issue and very careful with their facts.”

Beth Din for Chaim Halpern due to convene


By Simon Rocker, January 24, 2013

Rabbi Chaim Halpern
A man from Hackney was arrested last Thursday over allegations of harassing one of the rabbis who has opposed Golders Green rabbi, Chaim Halpern.
Barnet police said that the 28-year-old has been bailed to return to a north London police station in March.
Rabbi Halpern, leader of the Divrei Chaim Synagogue, has been at the centre of a controversy that has raged across London’s Charedi community over the past three months.
The row follows allegations that he sexually abused women in marriage counselling sessions.
Although Rabbi Halpern has repeatedly protested his innocence, a number of north-west London rabbis have said he is unfit to serve in a rabbinical office.
Meanwhile, a special Beth Din, convened by the Union of Orthodox Hebrew Congregations to look into the Halpern case, is expected to convene in London on Tuesday.
At least one of its three presiding judges from abroad, Rabbi Naftoli Nussbaum from Israel, is not due to attend himself but will instead send a deputy to hear evidence.
The Union has so far declined to clarify what remit the Beth Din has, its modus operandi or the length of the hearing.

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Statement from the London Beth Din

Child Abuse in the Community: 

We have learned that a television program is to be broadcast next week which seeks to portray some elements in the Jewish community as not dealing appropriately with serious crimes against children. 

For the sake of clarity, the London Beth Din is re-stating its position on how we address this matter.

We have an obligation to safeguard the children of our community and we have to accept that, even within our own communities, there are those who steal the innocence of our children through criminal activity.

We are acutely aware that sexual abuse can, (apart from being inherently abhorrent), destroy lives and cause a breakdown in relationships. At its worst it can be the cause of suicide, death from drug overdose and mental illness.

It is therefore essential that when abuse has occurred, the police must be informed without delay. Local communities should not attempt to deal with the situation internally. Delays in reporting abuse can cause vital evidence to be lost, allowing the abusers to continue violating our children. We must all ensure that the children of our communities will be protected by reporting abuse to the authorities wherever it takes place.

As you have previously been informed, the United Synagogue’s Child Protection Officer is David Frei. Should you encounter or be informed about any situations which raise concerns, please refer to him in the first instance for advice.

Rabbi Dr J Shindler
Office of the Chief Rabbi

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Orthodox counselor gets 103 years in sex abusecase

NEW YORK -- A respected religious counselor in New York City’s ultra-orthodox Jewish community was sentenced Tuesday to 103 years in prison for molesting a girl who came to him with questions about her faith.
Nechemya Weberman was convicted in December of 59 counts, including sustained sexual abuse of a child, endangering the welfare of a child and sexual abuse.
The trial put a spotlight on the ultra-orthodox community in Brooklyn and its strict rules that govern clothing, social customs and interaction with the outside world. Both Weberman, 54, and the girl belonged to the Satmar Hasidic sect.
The girl and her family have been harassed and ostracized, reflecting long-held beliefs that any conflict must be dealt with from within. During the trial, men were arrested on charges they tried to bribe the girl and her now-husband to drop the case. Others were accused of snapping photos of her on the witness stand and posting them online.
The accuser, now 18, testified that Weberman abused her repeatedly behind his locked office door from the time she was 12 until she was 15.
Her school had ordered her to see Weberman because she had been asking questions about her religion and was dressing immodestly in violation of the sect’s customs, and she needed to be helped back on the right path. Weberman wasn’t a licensed counselor but spent decades working with couples and families in his community.
There was no physical evidence of abuse.
The defense argued that the girl was angry that Weberman had told her parents she had a boyfriend at age 15, forbidden in her community. Attorney Stacey Richman said the case boiled down to a simple “he said, she said,” and the girl was a petulant, calculating liar.
“The only evidence in this case of sexual abuse is the word of (the girl),” Richman told jurors. “She’s making things up in front of you as they occur.”
But the jury took just hours in December to convict Weberman on all counts.
Brooklyn is home to the largest community of ultra-orthodox Jews outside Israel, more than 250,000, and the Satmar sect is one faction clustered mostly in the Williamsburg neighborhood. The group has its own ambulances, volunteer police and rabbinical courts, and they are discouraged from going to secular authorities.
Brooklyn District Attorney Charles Hynes said he hoped the case would persuade other victims to come forward. Hynes has been accused of overlooking crimes in the community because he was too cozy with powerful rabbis, a charge he vehemently denies.
The Associated Press typically doesn't identify people who say they are the victims of sexual assault.

Monday, 21 January 2013

The New B'D' is Disintegrating !!

There are unconfirmed rumors that Harav Suriel Rsoenberg has backed out of the Beis Din due to being fed-up with the Halpern's dictating what and when the B'D' should be set-up and also because of tremendous pressure from the Golderes Green Rabonim not to challenge their decision.

Harav Suriel was the original and first Dayan on the Beis Din, as such he was the backbone of the entire panel.

Also one of the Dayanim, Rav Naftuli Nuesbaum, explicitly said he will not come to London, the Union is still actively looking for a replacement.

Well, not necessarily a replacement, because on the Psak it will still be under his name, but something like a Vice Dayan on behalf of him. 

One of the Dayanim that were in talks about coming in his place, recently gave the 'no' answer, so we're back to square one, looking for a Beis Din..

If all true, something major will follow shortly, as either the Union throws out BMDC, or that RPR and RYMG etc, leave the union.