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Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Facts about our Gaavad of the UOHC

From: "Hot off the press" at

CH, shouldn't you be grateful to […]? Wasn't it him who erased your computer hard-drive soon after sukkos? A job well done! Phew! Are you also delighted to have the ongoing help of […]? Is it true that you retained him some months ago to represent you and advise you? Interesting that you would think that you require the representation of a top criminal barrister if the accusations against you have no foundation, and there is no police investigation. Hmmm.

[…], as a man connected to the legal profession, you surely know that if an event or events have occurred from which it can reasonably be expected that a police investigation will follow; performing an act which is intended to pervert the course of public justice is a criminal offense. I do believe erasing CH's computer hard-drive falls into that category. Perhaps ask the head of chambers where you work. Oh, I forgot, he might know about this already. Or does he? Oh, no! He won't be very happy if you didn't tell him.

[…], were you not originally suggested as the person to whom alleged victims of CH should go so that you could help them prepare their affidavits? And since that time have you been retained by CH? Would that not represent a blatant conflict of interest? What would the Law Society have to say? Hmmm.

Oh, one last thing for CH – are you really certain, but I mean REALLY certain, that the person who might have erased your hard-drive didn't actually keep a copy of the hard drive on the quiet?? Just as insurance in case things go pear shaped?? I mean, YOU know what you had on there. Hmmm.
Some interesting facts about REP, the esteemed(!) Gaavad of the UOHC:

1. Over the many months since REP was informed of CH's proclivities he has not met one of CH's many victim, nor has he asked to meet any. Just in case that didn't sink in the first time – HE HAS NOT MET ONE VICTIM, NOR ASKED TO MEET ANY!!!!

2. REP has admitted openly that he has never seriously reviewed the evidence he has been given about CH, nor even looked it over. Isn't it wonderful to know that the rabbinic head of the UOHC refuses to take the time to review evidence that reveals how one of his senior rabbis has been systematically abusing married women for more than 15 years? Isn't it wonderful to know that the rabbinic head of the UOHC refuses to take the time to review evidence that threatens the very existence of his organisation?

3. On 6 Kislev/20 November, the day after CH signed his resignation letter, and as the reality of his disgraceful behaviour was just sinking in across the community, REP, who had – as we know - been informed of CH's repulsive activities two and a half months earlier, came to visit DCE to plead with him that CH should be allowed to continue to attend UOHC beis din meetings as “an observer”!!
4. Over the past several weeks, as it has become evident that REP is the main cause for CH's ability to continue as a rabbi in the community, despite the widely accepted view that he is a disgrace to the rabbinate, REP has become the primary focus for the forthcoming TV documentary about the way the chareidi community deals with abuse. A number of secret recordings have been obtained, and evidence has been gathered from people within UOHC who are happy to see him vilified but who are reluctant to openly cooperate with the authorities. Two more things about this. Firstly, a police file has also been opened on REP, and the police are actively collating information and evidence that can be used against REP if (when?) he is arrested. Secondly, a public relations firm has been instructed by the UOHC to prepare a response to the torrent of allegations against REP and the UOHC that they now realise will form a significant part of the documentary. I leave it to the distinguished team of commenters on this blog to respond fulsomely to this particular piece of information, but suffice to say I fear that the PR firm have been given an impossible task.

5. It is now widely believed that the external beis din will not convene at all, or may only convene in a way that will result in its verdict being dismissed as irrelevant. How is it therefore possible that REP has supported the idea of an investigative beis din that will have limited if any legitimacy, if he is the source of the complaint that the authors and signatories of the gilui daas convened and issued their decision illegitimately? The answer is simple. REP has no issue with the gilui daas, except that it was issued by rabbis not belonging to his organisation. At every stage of this saga he has been 100 paces behind the action, and made very little effort to take control. When the rug was finally pulled out from under his feet it ignited in him an anger that hardened his heart, like Pharaoh, and despite the transparent futility of his attempt to seize the initiative by convening a beis din, he has pursued this course of action, to the detriment of the London kehilla, in the vain belief that by doing this he will rescue his shattered reputation, and somehow regain the dignity and integrity he has lost over the past few months. The Halpern family should also take note that REP has told people that he doesn't actually care what the beis din decides – he is of the view that CH is probably guilty, so that can only mean that he is ready for them to find him guilty – but he is pushing ahead with the beis din idea for the sake of the “kehilla” and in order to stick it to the authors of the gilui daas.

One final note: REP is one of the two sources of oxygen keeping CH active and allowing him to believe that he has a future in the rabbinate and as a leader. It is a source of oxygen that must be cut off. The other source of oxygen is the group of baalebatim still supporting CH and davening in his den of iniquity. A number of them have reasons to support him that are not the ones they are telling people. As time continues to unfold I may be forced to reveal these reasons, as embarrassing as they are, simply to demonstrate that the support CH has from his remaining shul members is far from straightforward loyalty.

More to follow . . . . . . . . .


  1. see comment on tickle with new information about mendelsohn coming for the bes din in 2 weeks

  2. This blog is full of fascinating new information. Have any of your writers considered a job as a sleeping tablet?
