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Monday, 21 January 2013

Son of R'ZF (69) Arrested !!

The son of R' Z' Feldman Rov of 69,  one of the members of the esteemed Rabbinate and one of the signatories of the Kol Kore was arrested last week for allegedly making threatening and abusive phone calls to R' G' Hager in NW London !!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Whilst I am sure that many people are grateful to you for your blog and the information it provides, it surely behoves you to be accurate and clear. Your headline says "Son of R'ZF (69) Arrested" whilst the text says "The son R'ZF...." which leaves at least me none the wiser. Is it RZF that has been arrested or his son? And what is the relevance of "(69)" is it his age, his house number, his seat number in shul or what. But most importantly, who is "RZF". If he - or his son - has been arrested then surely there is a need to name the person, not let him hide behind initials that some, but probably few, can identify.

    1. if u dont know then ur clearly not a Londoner and this "scandal" has nothing to do with you. Go rubberneck some other scandal.

    2. Believe it or not, but London extends well beyond N16. Sadly, the scope of this tragedy and chillul Hashem grows by the day and despite the best efforts of many to sweep this under the carpet, it is developing an inertia of its own. That is why the sooner everything comes out into the open, the better.

      You have of course jumped to entirely the wrong conclusion, as I have lived in London for well over 50 years and daven at a Union-affiliated shul.

    Find your information there.

    1. Your link does not help at all, it doesn't answer any of the questions I posed. All it does is point to other articles and comments that say the same thing

    2. Read again.
      There is some extra there which you seem to have missed about dayanim breeding hooligans. There is also a new post about it with more detail

    3. I've read it and it says nothing. Zilch. Nada. But it seems you have one fan, a confused young boy with childish opinions.

    4. I have read the relevant parts of the blogs and nowhere in them is the name of either the arrested person or his father mentioned. Either you know it, in which case demonstrate that by stating it here, or say nothing if you cannot add to the debate.

    5. No don't mention it. Enough loshon horah has gone round already. And arrest does not mean conviction.

    6. Wash your eyes out or get yourself some decent spectacles, or learn to read English. Read both posts about it where it mentions his name and where he is rov and dayan. If you have any more questions ask them there.
      An arrest usually means there is some smoke and that usually entails fire. He wont be convicted thats for sure, his rich family will see to that.
      I dont call this loshon horah. I call this hooliganism. I dont believe the CC would go about doing what he did. Someone has to be made an example 'lmaan yishmu v'yiru'.

  4. Read the post again... it is all clear now !!

  5. Many thanks to the blogger for amending the original post so that everything is perfectly clear.

    As to some of the other comments, puerile and unhelpful as they were, the less said the better.

  6. Fair Cop says:

    Is Blogs a man or a woman? Some of his/her posts are quite close to the bone. Some are just a riot but there is something in all of them really. Nothing there on Union letter though. Hamodia took a bit of a bashing last night. I say "fair cop"!
