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Monday, 7 January 2013

Satmar Axis to Defend Pervert Rabbis !!

Is There a London-New York Satmar Axis to Defend Pervert Rabbis?

The anonymous blogger If You Tickle Us first revealed the sexual misconduct of Rabbi Chaim Halpern. He has chronicled the twists and turns of  London politicking as some rabbis denounced him and others resisted pressure to censure him and expel him from their organizations and declare him unfit to be a rabbi. Miriam Shaviv, the excellent journalist, formerly with the London Jewish Chronicle and now with the Times of Israel has occasionally summarized developments, as in her post of December 25, 2012. She too credits If You Tickle Us as the primary source for new developments in this case.
This morning at approximately 7:30 am EST @IfYouTickleUs Tweeted, “Whether Weberman in US or Halpern in UK, it appears the only issue that unites Satmar warring factions is support for pervs.” So it seems that both the Aroni and Zaali factions in London are throwing their weight around to protect Halpern.
In Williamsburg, the word is out that Weberman is having trouble raising his million dollars for an appeal. The locals are losing their appetite for defending Weberman whose misdeeds are widely known. Besides, why throw good money after bad when you can instead throw him under the bus. Naturally, Weberman’s supporters persist. While a sucker maybe be born every day, all of the grown ones have been chastised by the disastrous trial and the well has run dry. This leads me to wonder if the Satmar folks are schnorring in London. Halpern has a lot of reasons to organize the fundraising in return for Satmar muscle on his behalf.
This is all speculation. I could be wrong. Satmar may have just developed an instinctive affection and protective attitude to their perverts that transcends fratricidal factional fighting and international borders.
Readers, what do you think?


  1. Why are you such a bored perverted soul who spends every waking minute wallowing in filthy gossip and rumours? Try picking up the Sefer Shmiras Haloshon or the english book Gaurd Your Tounge,written by the holy Chofetz Chaim and you will soon shut up (hopefuly).

    1. Learn to write English before commenting. What are you doing here instead of learning Guard Your Tongue.
