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Tuesday, 8 January 2013

UPDATE: New חושן משפט B'D' crumbling !!

DF prematurely issued the announcement in an attempt to prevent Rav Roberts from joining Rav Hager in condemning the UOHC, a move which was imminent. And the fact is that when Rav Nussbaum heard that DF had publicly announced his name he absolutely hit the roof, as he had not agreed for his name to be publicised, nor even to join the 'beis din', particularly because of the fact that he is not willing to come to London, nor - as a rosh beis din of no less than 3 botei din, and a full time rosh yeshiva - does he have the time to devote to this controversial, convoluted case.

So now, in a complete panic, and in total desperation, DF have had to come up with some concocted solution and pretend that this is what you meant along. What do you idiots take us for? Maybe this type of primitive cunning works in SH Mikvah politics. It certainly - Nebbech - worked on 30+ victims of CH. But it does not wash with us.

So, to be clear, it is not as if we in NWL were particularly impressed with your beis din when you announced it, nor were we in the slightest bit interested in what that beis din was going decide. We have had our local rabbonim give us clear and unambiguous guidance some weeks ago. BH we have leaders and leadership, something which seems to be missing in the UOHC. But if DF now expect us to accept his ridiculous proposal for a beis din, with dayonim that meet on skype !!, if they can fit it in between engagements, and who hear evidence from some inexperienced Avreichim enjoying a jolly in London at ...... 's expense, you have got another thing coming.

You probably think that the Rabbonim in NWL who know the truth about CH and the evil he has perpetrated are now going to sit back and wait for your pathetic kangaroo court to come up with an idiotic compromise Psak that enables you to stay good with the Halperns. Well, you can forget it. You guys just upped the ante, and you'd better brace yourselves for the reaction.

What a bunch of liars and cheats and incompetent chumps the UOHC are. Is this the 'beis din' you promised - with a Dayan in Israel who will hear third hand evidence from some third rate Shliach ? Are you serious ??  Do you expect us to take you seriously? On the basis of such shabby proceedings this Dayan is going to append his name to the most contentious Psak that will have ever been issued with respect to Charedi Jewry in London? Have you all lost your marbles?? Evidently.

UOHC . A   !! 'Ba Koach'  !!  ? Are you having a laugh?

Do they really think this acceptable?  We're talking about a case where everything rests on the credibility of the witnesses/victims

All the Dayonim named on DF’s letter have now denied to various people that they have made any kind of formal arrangements to participate in a Union sponsored inquiry into the CH affair, or Halperngate, as it is now being called. All had been approached informally over the past couple of weeks (as were dozens of other more circumspect Rabbonim) and to varying degrees each had agreed to participate, each with their own conditions, none of which have, to date, been met. Every one of the 3 Dayonim were horrified that an announcement had been made by the Union, and none of them had been consulted about the announcement in advance.

If this wasn't a pathetic farce already, it is fast becoming one.

And it's frankly remarkable that they are working so hard in press ganging Dayonim into serving in their beis din, yet have not bothered to exchange a single word with any of the victims. Are they going to simply put up a sign saying that anyone who has a claim against CH is commanded by gedolei yisroel to turn up at this beis din? Or perhaps a bit of arm twisting to the NW rabbonim will do it.

Two of the Rabbonum who signed the GD are fuming this morning. Where is the kovod hatorah out of the UOHC?

Below is a conversation someone overheard the Second in Command משה'לע  talking......

אונזער שונאים לויפן אלע ארום און פראבירן אפמאכן "אנזער ב"ד", די שלאק זאל זיי אלע טרעפן, ערענטרוי דער מנוול טעלעפונירט די גאנצע וועלט און קיינער הערט אים נישט צו, די מזיק קנאפלער איז גיווען אין ארץ ישראל אבער ב"ה עס זעהט אויס אז אונזער צד איז שטערקער פון דו אלע שונאים צוזאמען, פדווה פארשטייט זייער גוט וואס דארף דא אויסקומען, און ער ארבייט טאג און נאכט פאר אונז, און נאך א וואך צוויי, וועט די גאנצע זאך זיין פערטיג, און ערענטרוי און קנאפלער און די סדיגורע פורים שפילער, און די רשע האגער, און Tickle אדער שמיקעל, וועלן מוזן אלע אוועק לויפן פון גאלדערס גרין, און קיינמאל נישט קומען צוריק, אוך האב גיהערט אז ר' חיים קיניווסקי חתמ'ט אונטער יעדע בריוו מען שטעלט און זיין הענט, קיינער נעמט אים נישט און חשבון, אפילו אין בני ברק מאכן זיי חוזק פון אלע זיינע קול קורא'ס

כדתיא איז צעפרידן אז די שקצים און נארטה הענדען זענען ארויס פון די קהילה, מיר דארפן נישט  אזעלכע מענטשן,  נארט הענדען איז באוויסט צו זיין א פארדרייטע פלאץ

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