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Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Splendid Tshuve from R' Bentsion Yakov Wosner

From Mr Tickle:

Click here To download a clear pdf file


  1. You may call this a splendid tshuva. But he is wrong on all counts.
    Drai kop

    1. Because you are a Drai Kop, it dos not mean that you are right !!

    2. I am right because this Wosner has no idea how to learn or his other rabbonim. They were in the monsey meat scandal as well.
      The din is a woman is not believed as a witness.
      The r'mo says that there is a 'takana' that she is believed.
      Since this takana goes against the din the rule is 'hovu dlo lhosif aloh'. I hope you know what that means. Wosner doesnt.
      So there are three cases mentioned when this takana applies. And therefore all the poskim (apart from the great Wosner remember he is not his father)say it is limited and confined to exactly these three cases. Will elaborate slowly further if you have understood so far. Why this case is not one of the three.
      Drai kop

    3. Because you are a Drai Kop, it dos not mean that you are right !!

  2. I see you fail to understand what I have written and can only parrot your earlier post.
    Anyway maybe you have other viewers with more sense.
    The three cases mentioned are, seating in the ezras noshim, womens clothes, and if she watched a fight or msirah.
    In those cases the woman is believed.
    What do you consider our case is. Which of the three. Answers on a ...
    Will then carry on.
    Drai kop
