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Monday, 7 January 2013

R’ Naftali Nussbaum “Stitched Up” by the Union

Lots of people have heard that one leg of the Union’s tripod, R’ Naftali Nussbaum, has not actually agreed to be a part of DF big Beis Din. Here’s the full story in nice easy bullet points so that even the last few believers in the credibility of the Union can make sense of it:

• R’ Naftali Nussbaum has never left EY and isn’t about to start now, especially for something as unpleasant as this

• So how was he dragged in to this, you ask? He told Union representatives that in principle he would be prepared to hear such a case which would of course have to be brought to his chambers in Jerusalem

• This has been manipulated by the Union so that now they’re trying to appoint a representative on his behalf to hear the case in London and relay the information to him so that he can Pasken from the comfort of his office in Jerusalem (hence R’ Dovid Cohn being informed that the BD would consist of 3 senior Dayanim + 2 ‘junior’ Rabbonim to assist the Israel-based Dayanim)

Of course this will never happen and any sensible person will see that Dayan Mipi Eid is a ridiculous invention designed to further complicate matters and help CH. In any event R’ Nussbaum is angry that his words have been taken out of context by these people and isn't too interested in any further involvement with the Union. 
The Union have once again made themselves a laughingstock – you couldn't make this up.


  1. Does anyone know if Rav Naftali Nussbaum related to rabbi Heshy Nussbaum?

  2. I believe Heshy Nussbaums family roots are from Belgium.
    I am not sure if this information can help you.
