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Friday 23 August 2013

דרמה בלונדון - כמעט מכות בין סאטמאר ל'תולדות אהרן' בגלל שבן האדמו"ר העיר כי אסור לדבר על ר' משה שטרנבוך - נגידי 'תולדות אהרן' יחרימו את סאטמאר

מאת לאנדאנער

תושבי לונדון מזועזעים נוכח הפגיעה החמורה בכבודו של מרן האדמו"ר מתו"א שליט"א כאשר בנו בכורו הגאון הצדיק ר' אהרן קאהן שליט"א (חתנו של האדמו"ר מקרעטשניף סיגעט) הגר במונסי ביקר במשך השבוע בלונדון לצורך מגביות לטובת מוסדות תו"א מאנסי והתפלל לתומו בבית המדרש סאטמאר (זאלויני) המקורבים לפלג הסיקריקים ולאתרא (שאינה) קדישא ופתאום שמע איך שאחד המתיימר להקרא מנכ"ל הת"ת של סאטמאר בלונדון (ש.צ.) מדבר בוז נגד מרן הראב"ד ואז הרה"צ ניגש איליו ומעוררו כי אין זה נאה לדבר כך מול כבוד הראב"ד כי הוא גדול בתורה וכו' אז התחיל המנכ"ל הנ"ל לקלל ואמר לו "זיי שטיל און גיי ארויס פון דא, דיין טאטע איז א קוק'ניק (הכוונה על הרה"ר אברהם יצחק קוק) ) וכמעט שהכה אותו מכות נמרצות וניצל בנס מתחת ידי המקלל ע"י כמה מאנשיו

יצויין כי הנגיד האגדי ר' חיים פסח ריינער ראה"ק תולדות אהרן בלונדון - ומי שהיה בעבר מגדולי תומכי המנכ"ל הנ"ל - העביר תיכף הודעה להנהלת הת"ת כי שוב לא יבואו איליו לצורך המגביות וכד' וכי לא יתן יותר אגורה למוסד הנ"ל עד שיזרקו את המנכ"ל ולפי השמועות שוקלים בהנהלה ברצינות לפטר את המנכ"ל

ימים ידברו
ויהי מלעיבים במלאכי אלוקים


  1. Another case of unabashed gangsters manipulating the halacha, for their own political means and financial gain.

    Even if the "bones" discovered turn out to be human - which the experts say is very unlikely - their age predates not only any judaic presence in the area, - so it is not possible to be a Jewish burial site - the bones predate Judaism altogether.

    Rav Sternbuch therefore paskened that it is ok to continue digging there.

    Of course someone didn't receive his kickback or lost out in some other fashion, and got the EC to pasken that it was a Jewish cemetery, and stopped the digging.

  2. I may have misunderstood the case, but what surprised me is that it appears the two British Rabbonim who head Eda Haredit contradicted each other, with Rav Sternbuch saying they can dig and Rav Tuvia Weiss saying they must not dig. I hope I misunderstood!

    1. You did not misunderand. You got it spot on. Rav Sternbuch, the Ravad of the Eida, paskened that it is not a Jewish burial site; and digging is permitted. Rav Weiss, the Gavad of the Eida, paskened it is a Jewish burial site and any digging is prohibited. This has led to violent demonstrations in Beit Shemesh and Yerushalayim, with certain Satmar elements in the safety and comfort of NY decrying Rav Sternbuch in the most derogatory terms, and by the sound of things, the violence - not restricted to verbal abuse - has spilled onto the streets of London.

      I'm sure that it's all לשם שמים of course.

    2. Chasidim today is not jewdasim, its a cult.
      MIKVAH,shtriemel, long pious, and talking about there rebbe and that the other rebbe is a shiegetz.

    3. I wonder how long it took to compose that?

      Chasidism, remains unchanged. It is the "chasidim" of today who are disingenuous. This is not restricted to chasidim, the misnagdim are equally insincere. Particularly in Eretz Yisroel, people are brought up in a certain way, and continue those practices indefinitely, in a robotic fashion, without any understanding or belief in what they say or do.

      The philosophy of chasidic leaders for the past 70 years has been - in general terms - that we may not change from the ways of our predecessors in any way. This worked in the shtetl, and even in the first decades following the destruction of E. European Jewry and their exodus to the USA and Israel. 70 years later, and no longer living in the closed shtetl but in vast secular urbanisations, the old ways were insufficient to combat the new challenges.

      For a Rebbe, Rosh yeshiva or parent to simply say to a child "don't look" or "don't listen" will at best pique the child's interest. Ultimately the child will look, listen and go much further.

      Furthermore, the morals and standards of the secular society are much more lax than they were a century ago, both societies have enjoyed greater relative wealth - making everything fancy more affordable - and, the advances in technology have made everything easier to see, read, learn and obtain.

      The teachers - or leaders - failed to understand this until it was too late, and continue to be blind to certain aspects still today, resulting in genarations growing up with an inappropriate education. They were taught the severity of shaving or cutting their peyos, wearing coloured shirts and even sending SMS messages. They weren't taught the love of G-d, His Torah and mitzvahs. That is done by rote, but entirely insincerely.

      There are other elements which factor into this subject, but the main failings are as above.

      The unfortunate result is generations of yidden who place an emphasis on the trivialities of Yiddishkeit and ignore the tenets. And most of what they do - whilst they may even believe they are being most sincere - is done in ignorance and insincerity.

  3. Litvish Gedolim publicise their support for Rav M Sternbuch and criticise his protesters.

  4. Amazingly the halachic goalposts have moved and RTW has changed his halachic decree to coincide with the opinion of RMS. Without casting any aspersions, isn't it wonderful how 2 yidden can agree.
