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Friday 30 August 2013

Sex abuse Victim of Square Speaks Out

A teenage sex abuse victim from the hasidic village of New Square in New York State has spoken out about his abuse – and about its coverup and shunning by New Square leaders.

The victim, who prefers to be identified only his by first name of Yossi, spoke out in the hope that doing so will encourage other victims of abuse to come forward, News 12 reported.

Yossi was abused by Rabbi Herschel Taubenfeld, a teacher in the Sqvere hasidic community, who sexually fondled him several times per week over a four month period.

Yossi reported the abuse to the senior rabbis of New Square and the special “vaad” (organization) those rabbis had just set up to privately deal with sex abuse cases. The vaad instructed Yossi him to see a therapist.

Two months later, after nothing had been done to stop Taubenfeld, Yossi reported the abuse to the Ramapo police. In response, his friends stopped talking to him. He was completely shunned.

Yossi says Taubenfeld was recorded admitting to the abuse.
Even so, Sqvere rabbinic leaders sent Taubenfeld to Israel, supposedly to get smicha (rabbinic ordination) but really to escape arrest. Despite having admitted to sexually abusing Yossi, while in Israel Taubenfeld received dayanut, a special higher level of rabbinic ordination, from Rabbi Shmuel HaLevi Wosner, the leading hasidic authority on Jewish law in the world.

Community leaders also offered Yossi $100,000 to drop the charges. Yossi refused the money.

One month after Yossi reported the abuse to police, Taubenfeld turned himself in. He was charged with 30  counts of forcible touching, endangering the welfare of a child and third-degree sex abuse. And then pleaded guilty.

But the sweetheart plea deal Taubenfeld was offered meant he would serve no time in prison. Instead, he was sentenced to six years probation.
The Rockland County D.A. Thomas Zugibe defended Taubenfeld's plea deal and the no-prison sentence as the only way to maintain control over Taubenfeld for six years.

Taubenfeld is still reportedly teaching at one of New Square’s largest yeshivas for young boys.


  1. I think that mr yanky k..... is also becoming a rabbi now

  2. Shouldn't the court ruling have included that he's banned from contacts with minors? Probation should be only part of the ruling.Is Square not guilty of negligence by putting him back into the classroom?

    1. I pray that your questions are rhetorical.

      What I have great difficulty in comprehending is, let us momentarily set aside the civil laws which have been breached, the allegations against this "rabbi" are serious contraventions of the Jewish code of law. How can any rabbinical or religious community condone such behaviour and ignore the depravations occurring within their community? Even if there is no sympathy for the victim?

      These are the communities where, although permitted and required by halacha, an unbearded mourner is not permitted to lead a weekday service, nor can an unmarried man lead the sabbath services, etc., because of a lack of sufficient spiritual attainment. Yet abusing a fellow human being either physically or verbally abused, which is forbidden biblically, let alone abusing a defenceless minor, and the perpetrator is sent off to attain further ordination.

      You can't fit a square peg in a round hole. I think square, and other similar communities, need to stop worrying about fitting pegs into holes. First and foremost they need to start being honest with G-d and mankind.

      I must withhold my name and address as I can't cope with house fires at the present.

  3. Yossi - full respect - well done for all your efforts - you are a true inspiration and leader - you stand up for what you believe in and you try and help those who were treated the same way as you.

    ""V'chol me sheoskim btzorchai tzibur b'emunah, Hakadosh Baruch Hu Yishalaim Sechoram.... And for all those who are involved in the needs of the community, Hashem will pay their reward."

    Your courage to speak out and help the community is a clear example of this.
