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Thursday 28 March 2013

Amazement in Antwerp: Police stopped matzos bakery

Police raided the bakeries of Peshwarsk, Belz, Satmar and Machanovka, and instructed: shut the ovens • Owner fined: The law prohibits the operation of furnaces in a public building, without a license

Bewilderment in the haredi community in Antwerp: Police raided the Matzah bakeries of Peshwarsk, Belz, Satmar and Machnovka, and ordered an immediate turn off of the ovens. The owners of all bakeries have also been fined for breaking the law.

The Antwerp law prohibits the operation of ovens to bake matzos in public buildings without a license. Hasidic matza bakeries which are located in the basements of buildings were raided by the police,

The police raid on bakeries, at the height of the Erev Pesach pressure, provoked anger and disbelief in the haredi community in Antwerp. An avrech residing in the city said that this is a dangerous precedent, and that "there was never such a thing."

People from Antwerp believe this is "Messira" - and the finger is again directed towards Moshe Aryeh Friedman. The community noted that the matzos for the kehilla have been baked and shortage will not be felt at Pesach. "The main problem will be on Erev Pesach, when people bake in 'chaburah'." 

1 comment:

  1. If they are breaking the law every year, why blame their problem on mesira? Isn't health and safety a good enough Halachic reason not to have furnaces in the basements of public buildings without a license?
