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Friday 21 June 2013

The flying PIG became a בעל מופת

From the Stupid !! בחדרי חרדים 

שיחת היום בלונדון: משפחה חרדית שבנותיה התעכבו בשידוכים, קיבלה את ברכתו של רב שכונת גולדרס גרין, הגר"ח הלפרין - והבנות התארסו. 

אב המשפחה נכנס לפני כמה חודשים למעונו של הגר"ח הלפרין, ראש קהילת 'דברי חיים' בגולדרס גרין שבלונדון. הוא בכה בפניו על כך שבנותיו מבוגרות - וישועתן לא נראית באופק. 

בשיחה הביע האב חשש גם מכך שהפרשה שהתפרסמה נגד הרב הלפרין תזיק בעקיפין לבני הקהילה. 

הגר"ח ברך אותו, ואמר: "עד ראש השנה כל הבנות שלך יתארסו בעזרת השם". 

אמש (ד) חגגו בני המשפחה את שמחת הווארט של הבת השלישית והאחרונה, תוך שהם זוקפים את את השמחה לזכותו של הרב הלפרין. הערב מתקיימת בלונדון שמחת האירוסין, בה צפוי הרב הלפרין להשתתף


Talk of London: An orthodox family whose daughters weren't getting engaged, received the blessing of the Rabbi of the neighborhood of Golders Green, Rabbi Chaim Halperin - and the girls were engaged. 

The father came a few months ago to the residence of Rabbi Chaim Halperin, head of Congregation Divrei Chaim, in Golders Green, London. He cried to him that his daughters are getting older - and their salvation is not in sight. 

During the conversation the father also expressed concern that the affair against Rabbi Halperin which was published may cause indirect harm to the community. 

Reb Chaim blessed him, and said: "By Rosh Hashanah all your girls will get engaged with God's help." 

Yesterday (Wednesday) the family celebrated the engagement, of the third and last daughter, while they attribute the joy to Rabbi Halperin's credit. This evening the engagement takes place in London, and Rabbi Halperin is expected to attend.


  1. It is getting from bad to worse !!

    It looks like the Family Meirs like to be in the News

  2. Anonymouser Rebbe Shlita21 June 2013 at 06:43

    I could also have told him that with the Eibishte's help his daughters would become engaged. Maybe I should open up a Rebbe business. Only one problem. I don't live above a shul and neither do I "help" ladies.

  3. The Ohr Hachayim Hakodosh in Toldos brings a reason that Rivka was barren and Yitzchok and Rivka davened for 40 years: Just before she left her parents' home, lovon bentched her "Achoseinu... Heyi leAlfei Revovo" Yitzchok and Rivka needed to pray that Lovon's brocho should be transformed from "birkas oyso rosho" etc.

  4. hirshelthe gevrener21 June 2013 at 07:25

    bechadrei chareidm is an absolutely retarded site.Especially when it comes to news outside of Israel.Lately thry've also started to kiss up to the meshigenneh chabadskers and their publicity seeking garbage

  5. על תהיה ברכת הדיוט כלה בעיניך

  6. And yet again 'Pi Ho-oson' shows he cannot spell

    1. You don't get it - he changed קלה to כלה on purpose

    2. And his first word? How do you spell 'al'?

    3. The translation of על is on-top.... anyone knowledgeable with this saga doesn't need any clarification !!

  7. Just a thought21 June 2013 at 14:44

    I hope nobody's telling this girl that her engagement is a Moifes.

    I would be quite hurt.

  8. Chaim is one BIG moifes, massive balls!

    1. Anonymous, I don't know if you are the same Anonymous who constantly corrects my spelling, if you are, I can now return the compliment. Isn't the word for a promiscuous man a 'noief' not moifes???

  9. Anonymous, if every בעל קרי, at least the ones I've heard in NW London, were as fussy as you are about א's and ע's - they would be בעלי קריאה & not בעלי קריעה!

    I've already said that in the skool wat I was in, spellen wasnt a priorete.

    I never understood why throughout the end of Bereshis and all of Noach, the poosik always spells ןויאעכ with 7 mistakes - maybe you can explain me it?

    PS. I think the blogger misspelt the title of this article, didn't he miss out a 'vov' in the penultimate word?

  10. chaim is an animal23 June 2013 at 10:52

    Donkey's mouth - 'Baal keri' is indeed appropriate given the subject of this thread.

  11. time to move on24 June 2013 at 19:28

    i feel sorry for MBM, he is a cult member. He doesn't want to believe that his leader is guilty of any wrong doing, but who cares? You have your life we have our life. My biggest question to him is..... why does he feel the need to publicise this information? who cares, the whole of NW London minus a few weirdos is trying to move on from this. CH has no say or leadership in anything we do anymore. No one has to worry about shidduchim/Schools NOTHING. This man is history. To the few crazies that remain good luck to you all. we are all laughing at you and wish to have nothing to do with you, but we should NOT be making a big deal out of anything these people do. About CH being a talmiud Chacum etc and the brochos he gives, I once heard directly from CH years ago, his words, any simpleton can give a brocha, anyone can give segulos out, you just need to know how its done..... he obviously knows how to do it, doesn't take away from what the GD stated.....HE IS NOT FIT TO BE A ROV. Doesn't mean he can give a brocha.

  12. conspiracy theorist24 June 2013 at 19:31

    Maybe just maybe Mr Meyers, CH being the man you always turned to and I am sure was the contact you gave for shidduch information, was suddenly giving a glowing report about your daughters. Could be beforehand the reports back was not as glowing....#justsaying

    1. מי. שיודע בטיב קידושין יהא עסק עמהן . והמבין יבין .

  13. Victims In Action25 June 2013 at 11:51

    It going around a story on the Hill with one of the Heimish girl school (not going to name them at the moment) ..

    A victim of sexual abuse applied for a job and was accepted but when the school board found out that the women is a victim of abuse they retracted and told her she is not accepted, the family went to R' Yosef Padwa and to R' Feldman for help .... And yes you guess it ... they are not willing to help her in any way.

    So this is a warning to the girl school...


    The police could get involved and this could be a headache for the school..

    Reinstate her within a week ... if not there would be some action

    1. All talk no action.......
      If you want to do something do it now. why wait a week? Answer is: you will do nothing........

    2. Victims in action = all talk8 July 2013 at 17:16

      Your week is now up......not seen any action as of yet.

    3. This is SH don't forget. It's not action, that means a stubborn person, you need to write exshn.

  14. Who will be Mesader Kiddushin at this wedding?
