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Tuesday 30 July 2013

Harassment charges linked to Rabbi Chaim Halpern investigation dropped



Shlomo Feldman, 28, and Samuel Erlanger, 37, were set for trials as part of ongoing investigations into orthodox rabbi Chaim Halpern, 54, leader of Divrei Chaim Synagogue in Bridge Lane, Temple Fortune.

Mr Erlanger, of Powis Gardens, Golders Green, was due to appear for trial at Willesden Magistrates’ Court facing one charge of harassment without violence on July 11.

Mr Feldman, of Lynmouth Road, Stamford Hill, was due for a trial at the same court on Friday facing three charges of harassment without violence.

But both trials were abandoned after the complainants in both cases withdrew support for the prosecutions.

Rabbi Halpern was arrested and questioned in February on suspicion of sexual assault and perverting the course of justice. 

He is due to return to police in August.


  1. A fine example of civic duty! Call the police for help when you are being harassed, let them and the prosecution services spend thousands of pounds, of our money, and refuse to cooperate with them, forcing them to drop the charges, and encouraging other idiots to offend, in the belief that the Rabbonim will not permit the victims to press charges.

    I hope the police charge the alleged victims with wasting police time and public resources, and throw the keys away.

    1. You may be unaware but the victim was himself a senior Rav. The police traced the calls and arrested the culprits. As they are both of previous good character, the court probably would not 'throw the keys away'.

    2. The key-throwing-away was directed at the "victim" who did not cooperate with the prosecution.

      If it is indeed a senior Rav, in my lowly opinion, that is far worse. It is an abuse of the system, and a waste of public funds (a question of gezel arises), and sends the wrong signals out to alleged perpetrators and to their copycats.

      בושה וחרפה

  2. Feldman is a rosho ben rosho. His father has never found a rapist he didn't support (as long as they wear white socks on shabbos), and the son clearly picked up his attitudes from the despicable way the father behaved in the Chaim Hamenuvel parsha (blind support of the perpetrator, and refusal to hear or see any of the evidence against him). The pair will get what's coming to them, if not in this world then the next.

  3. Golders Greener31 July 2013 at 08:26

    This is good news for Porky and bad tidings for the rest of us in GG

  4. אויפקלערינג31 July 2013 at 12:25

    די מעשה גייט אזוי

    פעלדמאן האט גערופען רב האגער צענדליגע מאהל און ער האט אים געסטראשעט איהם און זיין ווייב, רב האגער האט דאס געמוזט אפשטעלן איז ער גיגאנגען צו די פאליציי אז איינער סטראשעט אים... האט די פאליציי נאכגעגאנגען די טעלעפון לינע און געכאפט אז עס איז פעלדמאן.. און זיי האבן זיך גענעמן צו זיינע ביינער.... פארשטייט זיך רב האגער איז נישט אינרעסירט איינציזעצן פעלדמאן

    פעלדמאן זעהט שוין איין היינט אז ער האט זיך שטארק בא'נער'שט אין ער ער גלייבט שוין היינט די מעשות פון חייםקע חזיר

  5. אויפקלערינג31 July 2013 at 12:32

    ערלאנגער איז סתם א שוטה וואס לויפט נאך חיים'ע חזיר בלינדער הייט

    ער האט גערופן מר טיקעל הונדערטע מאל אמאל אינמיטען די נאכט, און אים גערודפט די יארן

    מר טיקעל איז אויכט נישט אינרעסירט איינציזעצען ערלאנגער, איהם אינרעסירט נישט די גאנצע מעשה פון חייםקע און עס גייט אים אן ווי די פאריעריגע שניי

    ער האט פשוט גיהאט א בלאג און ער איז אריין געשלעפט גיווארן אין די מעשה, ער איז נישט אינטרעסירט מתקן צו זיין די וועלט און ער גייט זוך נישט מוסר נפש זיין אויף דעם

  6. און פונקט די זעלבע מעשה האט פאסירט מיט רב קנופלער און זיין רעביצען

  7. Lock up Victims???? NUTS ????31 July 2013 at 13:16

    To say that victims who are intimidated or harrased and don't press charges are bad is unbelievable.

    To say they need locking up is more like Midas stoim and than normality. The suggester who insists that a victim rav or not who does not have the courage needs life in prison must be crazy.

    victims victims VICTIMS !!!

    That's all that matters,

    Abusers and their supporters have no place in our community or any other,


    1. By not following it through to the end, they encourage the alleged wrongdoers to feel victorious and to carry on abusing people, and encourage other fools to copy them. It also leaves the police and legal services in this country feeling used and abused themselves, and creates a big chilul HaShem. Finally, Any money spent by the authorities in what now turns out to be a wild goose chase, as there was never any intention to pursue them through the courts, is גניבה, they should have told the police from the very start: Thanks for getting them off my back, but I will not press charges.

      Their behaviour is disgraceful.

    2. Victims always come first1 August 2013 at 00:16

      Disgraceful is too harsh a word, in fact if it were bad there. Would be legal penalties. In fact the legal system allows for victims to back down in the face of intimidation.

      We must respect this. In fact we must understand and support victims. Any notion that victims should be imprisoned for dropping charges makes me think that you are mentally unstable! Sorry, but that's what I think.

      Don't speak on behalf of the police. The justice system is accepted by the police and they work with it daily with no problems.

    3. If the victims backed down because of intimidation it would indeed be understandable. The article leaves me with the impression that the complainants withdrew their support not because of intimidation but on quasi-religious grounds. That IS disgraceful.

  8. Pi HaOson, shut up. You haven't got a clue.

    The victims in this case withdrew very early on in order not to be oiver on the issur d'oraisa off being a Moiser.
    The police decided stupidly to continue with it but when it came clear to the prosecution that the victims won't testify, they had to drop it.
    The police should have dropped it immediately when the victims withdrew their complaints.

    1. Tzaddik in peltz1 August 2013 at 11:11

      "...issur d'oraisa of being a Moiser"

      Please direct me to the relevant issur.

    2. אויפקלערונג1 August 2013 at 12:56

      די גאנצע איסור איז חילול השם

      די רבנים וואס לאזן נישטד די געטראפענע ווייבלעך גיין
      צו די פאליציי זענען די גרעסטע מחלל שם שמים...זיי די פאליציי זאגן אז זיי האבן נישט קיין שום קאפיריאציע פון רבנים אפילו פון גאלדערס גרין.... וואס דאס איז א חילול השם איום ונורא און די היינטיגע וועלט...פון די קורכע האבן זיי גיהאט מער קאפיריציע

      נישט נאר דאס.... די פאליציי פון גאלדערס גרין טענה'ען אז זיי האבן אויכט נישט קיין קאפיראציע אפילו פון די פאליציי פון סטעמפורד היל ווייל זיי זענען פאר'סמ'ט פון די גרויסע קנאקערס

      רבותי מיר שפילן זוך דא מיט פייער


    3. Bilbul, you seem to be a little m'bullbel. The issur doraissa of mesiroh is a figment of your vivid and easily manipulated imagination. There isn't even a issur d'rabbonon of Mesiroh - and contrary to what his excellency REP said quite publicly, there is no issur of Mezireh either.

      If, the alleged victims did, as you claim, withdraw because -in their erroneous belief - of mesiroh, can you, as you seem to be so in tune with their thoughts, beliefs and reasonings, explain at which point did this mesiroh kick into play. Was it before they reported the incidents to the police, impossible - for that in itself is an act of mesiroh, was it when the police interviewed them and they gave over (mesiroh) the information, or was it only after the police did their dirty work for them, found the perpetrators, arrested them, used up valuable time and resources - not paid for by those scrounging off the state, but paid for by me - then suddenly: "Sorry constable I couldn't possibly proceed with pressing charges. It's against my religion. I just needed you to get them to stop. Tara"?

      Wake up and start living in the real world. Stop being a blind oaf who swallows all the rubbish he is fed. Just because a Rov says I can do this but I can't do that, does not make it right. Every body can bend the rules to suit themselves and claim to be totally rightous. It doesn't mean that they are.

  9. Pi haosen,
    Frankly you've got your facts wrong.
    It was a criminal case that the police were leading, not a civil case from any of the victims that were harrassed.

    1. I didn't say it was civil. But even in criminal cases if the "victims" don't press charges, the police lose much weight from their case and invariably drop the case, as they did in this case. They were forced to drop it not because of overwhelming evidence that the accused were innocent, but because the victims withdrew co-operation.

  10. It all boils down to Chaim Halp touching up MARRIED WOMEN, Shame on u chaim

  11. Its all about to explode!

  12. its all just jealousy2 August 2013 at 10:40


  13. I am surprised that on a moderated blog you accept the previous posters language. Please delete the offending four letter word. If you dont know what it is. THEN SHAME ON YOU.

  14. It is a matter of time B4 the case against CH will also get dropped for the same reason, & then as the story dwindles he will make a comeback, this time it will be worse he will have a free hand (pun intended)..
    Mark this post, you will see it happen.

    1. Whether CH is charged or not, even if a Bas Kol proclaimed his innocence, the damage has been done. Ked-ASS-ia has been almost entirely discarded in NW London as being totally inconsequential and has lost any authority it had.

      On an individual basis, CH will have a permanent blot on his record, even if proven innocent and makes somewhat of a comeback, there will be a very large section of the community that will not accept his authority. Any organisation that will take him back, will lose a large number of its backers, financial and otherwise.

      His father, is too old to help him and has himself lost much local resoect and his youngest brother, whatever vestibule of respect he may have had before these events, he certainly has none now.

    2. even if a Bas Kol proclaimed his innocence of kvetching the Bas Melochim!

    3. CH will be charged unlike Feldman and Erlanger there are plenty people out there who will make sure this happens.

    4. Anonymous. Kindly supply a list of these people who will make sure this happens. Thellist will be very long if you can provide as many as one name.

      As things stand, there are 2 possible victims who are prepared to come forward; under certain conditions. The first victim requires someone else to join, so as not to be the only one to testify.

      That sounds fair, and as there is a second victim prepared to speak up, all we need is to comply with that persons, simple, condition and we're in business.

      All that is needed is for an acceptable local rov to sign a letter stating that the person is permitted to testify in this case, according to halacha, and is not a moiser.

      Small problem is, none of the chicken livered local rabbis have agreed to sign.

      Simple calculus, no testimony - no trial, no trial - no charges, no charges - no point in renewing the bail requests....... .

  15. That would be sooooo exiting if he got charged.

  16. Why don't the Rabbonim give her (or him?) the letter? After all this time posturing that the alleged perpetrator is unfit for purpose. It was Rabbonim who initially brought the police into the harassment issue. If that wasn't mesira, why isn't testifying equally not mesira? And if it's not, why won't the rabbis sign?

    There has unfortunately been chillul upon chillul, and nobody seems the least concerned about kvod Shomayim. Firstly, when the story went out into the public domain. 2. The arrest of a Rov for abuse and 3 choshuv members of the kehilla for distorting the course of justice. 3. The arrest of 2 further yidden for harassment. 4. The lack of cooperation by the victims, witnesses and Rabbonim. (There were numerous other examples of chilul H', but my point here is to encourage debate and perhaps a positive result will ensue). 

    Does anyone believe that the police, CPS & the judiciary think "how admirable are the Jews. They suspect some sexual and other abuse, they don't wish to make a massive fuss about it, so they ignore the laws of the land - the same land that offered them refuge from nazi and communist persecutions - and deal with it in a tried and failed way of sweeping it under the carpet.

    Unfortunately for them, there is so much dirt under the carpet, that they have tripped over it. We made arrests and were loudly hailed as the saviours of society. We then continue to pursue these cases to bring the perps to justice, but they wish to stand by their traditions of non cooperation. It's ok for us to be called in when someone is bothering them, but after we've spent hours of police time and thousands of taxpayers money, their G-d doesn't let them testify.

     It was okay when some youths broke into their synagogue, they rushed information to us. It's okay when a neighbour builds an extension which may leave them with a lesser view of his garden - although when he built his own extension that was not a consideration - to rush to the authorities and go to court to put a stop to it. But when an officer of the law gets beaten up, there is a community wide amnesia. Or in cases like the current batch, the Torah doesn't permit it."

    This is a shame and a disgrace. Soon we start begging H' for forgiveness, whilst we continue to trample over His name. We are duty bound to cooperate, and each one of us must impress upon the local Rabbonim to carry out their duty and responsibility to help the victims, help future victims, help the kehilla and help put a stop to this chilul H'.

    Let's seek truth and make a Kiddush H'.

    לעולם יהא אדם ירא שמים....ודובר אמת
