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Thursday 4 July 2013

Rulings From Rav Moshe Feinstein Zt”l

Rulings From Rav Moshe Feinstein Zt”l

A Review of the Rishumei Aharon
By Rabbi Yair Hoffman
"One time, a religious Jew entered the Beis Midrash to speak with Rav Moshe.  He began to relate how his son is sitting in jail on account of dealing drugs.  This father requested that Rav Moshe write a letter to the judge on behalf of his son to have mercy upon him.  Rav Moshe turned to him and said, “Your son makes people ill and damages them; Let him sit in jail.”  Even though the father pleaded and persisted, he refused to budge.  He added that his actions were against the laws of the state and he cannot simply do whatever he wants (p.22)."

"It is permitted to call the police on a thief who is Jewish, and there is no halachic issue of Mesirah.  For it is impossible to allow the state to become completely lawless (p. 91)"

For full Review of the Rishumei Aharon Click here


  1. I don’t know why you bother to publish rulings of Reb Moishe, Reb Eliyashive
    Emessa talmiday chachomim as no-one even today’s Rabbonim don’t give a damn
    Of what they said.

    From my own personal experience the hallocho of mesira only depends on who you are and your financial stature.

    I am in court next week to have a drunk driver convicted whilst driving, I saw a car driving on the A41 driving all over the road, and the driver had turned in to parson st heading towards Brent st, my first thought was the safety of my community members so I cut him off, went up to the vehicle, upon opening his door the smell of alcohol was overbearing, I then switched off his engine took the keys out and called the police.

    Once the police arrived the man was 3 times over the limit and had been band from driving on a previous occasion

    My point is, this man was a danger to you, your child, your family member, should it have made a difference to me that he was not Jewish, or Jewish ? He was a danger to you

    So if a Jew is a danger to the children of the community, do we shut up because he is Jewish ? He is still a danger

    1. Well said. But, there's always a but, hypothetically speaking, if the driver was a rov the son of a rov (see how far fetched this is, no self respecting rov drives himself), both sitting on the same bench - and the senior was also the president of a particular organisation, not only would you be branded a moiser, generations of tzadikkim going back to the Zeideh Terach would be awakened from their eternal slumber to castigate your cursed soul.

      Anyway the driver would only need to inform the magistrates that he had a heter from Holytriniteh Rebbe to drink and drive as long as he held the glass of schnapps with a towel wrapped around his hand, and he would receive an apology from the court for wasting his time. Just to ensure that the magistrates played along, the 3 wise men would approach all witnesses and remind them that it never really happened, it was after you stopped his car that you forced him to drink, that's why he had such a high blood alcohol level. His brother woukd kidnap his boss to ensure that he would find 3 kangaroos to hear the case, ......... do I need to spell it out any more?

      It's clearly brought down in sefer ha'lo tov heyos hodom levadoy on daf samech ommud hey, that there are 2 types of Rabbonim; RAH positive and a BUY positive, one is positively evil and the other can be bought if you reach the right price. And isn't there a mishna in ovos - usnoh es horabbonus? Perhaps some kind soul could translate it for me.
